#include "ExplodingAsset.h" #include "DestroyableComponent.h" #include "GameMessages.h" #include "MissionComponent.h" #include "SkillComponent.h" #include "eMissionTaskType.h" //TODO: this has to be updated so that you only get killed if you're in a certain radius. //And so that all entities in a certain radius are killed, not just the attacker. void ExplodingAsset::OnStartup(Entity* self) { self->SetProximityRadius(20.0f, "outRadius"); self->SetVar(u"playersNearChest", 0); self->SetProximityRadius(10.0f, "crateHitters"); } void ExplodingAsset::OnHit(Entity* self, Entity* attacker) { std::vector entities; entities.push_back(attacker); if (!self->GetBoolean(u"bIsHit")) { for (Entity* en : entities) { if (en->GetObjectID() == attacker->GetObjectID()) { if (Vector3::DistanceSquared(en->GetPosition(), self->GetPosition()) > 10 * 10) continue; auto* destroyable = en->GetComponent(); if (destroyable == nullptr) { continue; } destroyable->Smash(attacker->GetObjectID()); } } } attacker = attacker->GetOwner(); self->SetBoolean(u"bIsHit", true); self->SetOwnerOverride(attacker->GetObjectID()); GameMessages::SendPlayEmbeddedEffectOnAllClientsNearObject(self, u"camshake", self->GetObjectID(), 16); auto* skillComponent = self->GetComponent(); if (skillComponent != nullptr) { skillComponent->CalculateBehavior(147, 4721, LWOOBJID_EMPTY, true); } const auto missionID = self->GetVar(u"missionID"); auto achievementIDs = self->GetVar(u"achieveID"); // Progress all scripted missions related to this asset auto* missionComponent = attacker->GetComponent(); if (missionComponent != nullptr) { if (missionID != 0) { missionComponent->ForceProgressValue(missionID, static_cast(eMissionTaskType::SCRIPT), self->GetLOT(), false); } if (!achievementIDs.empty()) { for (const auto& achievementID : GeneralUtils::SplitString(achievementIDs, u'_')) { missionComponent->ForceProgressValue(std::stoi(GeneralUtils::UTF16ToWTF8(achievementID)), static_cast(eMissionTaskType::SCRIPT), self->GetLOT()); } } } self->ScheduleKillAfterUpdate(); } void ExplodingAsset::OnProximityUpdate(Entity* self, Entity* entering, std::string name, std::string status) { /* if msg.objId:BelongsToFaction{factionID = 1}.bIsInFaction then if (msg.status == "ENTER") then self:PlayAnimation{ animationID = "bounce" } self:PlayFXEffect{ name = "bouncin", effectType = "anim" } self:SetVar("playersNearChest", (self:GetVar("playersNearChest") + 1 )) elseif (msg.status == "LEAVE") then self:SetVar("playersNearChest", (self:GetVar("playersNearChest") - 1 )) if self:GetVar("playersNearChest") < 1 then self:PlayAnimation{ animationID = "idle" } self:StopFXEffect{ name = "bouncin" } self:SetVar("playersNearChest", 0) end end end */ auto* destuctableComponent = entering->GetComponent(); if (destuctableComponent == nullptr) return; const auto& factions = destuctableComponent->GetFactionIDs(); if (!std::count(factions.begin(), factions.end(), 1)) return; if (status == "ENTER") { GameMessages::SendPlayAnimation(self, u"bounce"); GameMessages::SendPlayFXEffect(self, -1, u"anim", "bouncin", LWOOBJID_EMPTY, 1, 1, true); self->SetVar(u"playersNearChest", self->GetVar(u"playersNearChest") + 1); } else if (status == "LEAVE") { self->SetVar(u"playersNearChest", self->GetVar(u"playersNearChest") - 1); if (self->GetVar(u"playersNearChest") < 1) { GameMessages::SendPlayAnimation(self, u"idle"); GameMessages::SendStopFXEffect(self, true, "bouncin"); self->SetVar(u"playersNearChest", 0); } } }