#pragma once /*! \file NiPoint3.hpp \brief Defines a point in space in XYZ coordinates */ class NiPoint3; class NiQuaternion; typedef NiPoint3 Vector3; //!< The Vector3 class is technically the NiPoint3 class, but typedef'd for clarity in some cases //! A custom class the defines a point in space class NiPoint3 { public: float x; //!< The x position float y; //!< The y position float z; //!< The z position //! Initializer NiPoint3(void); //! Initializer /*! \param x The x coordinate \param y The y coordinate \param z The z coordinate */ NiPoint3(float x, float y, float z); //! Copy Constructor /*! \param point The point to copy */ NiPoint3(const NiPoint3& point); //! Destructor ~NiPoint3(void); // MARK: Constants static const NiPoint3 ZERO; //!< Point(0, 0, 0) static const NiPoint3 UNIT_X; //!< Point(1, 0, 0) static const NiPoint3 UNIT_Y; //!< Point(0, 1, 0) static const NiPoint3 UNIT_Z; //!< Point(0, 0, 1) static const NiPoint3 UNIT_ALL; //!< Point(1, 1, 1) // MARK: Getters / Setters //! Gets the X coordinate /*! \return The x coordinate */ float GetX(void) const; //! Sets the X coordinate /*! \param x The x coordinate */ void SetX(float x); //! Gets the Y coordinate /*! \return The y coordinate */ float GetY(void) const; //! Sets the Y coordinate /*! \param y The y coordinate */ void SetY(float y); //! Gets the Z coordinate /*! \return The z coordinate */ float GetZ(void) const; //! Sets the Z coordinate /*! \param z The z coordinate */ void SetZ(float z); // MARK: Member Functions //! Gets the length of the vector /*! \return The scalar length of the vector */ float Length(void) const; //! Gets the squared length of a vector /*! \return The squared length of a vector */ float SquaredLength(void) const; //! Returns the dot product of the vector dotted with another vector /*! \param vec The second vector \return The dot product of the two vectors */ float DotProduct(const Vector3& vec) const; //! Returns the cross product of the vector crossed with another vector /*! \param vec The second vector \return The cross product of the two vectors */ Vector3 CrossProduct(const Vector3& vec) const; //! Unitize the vector /*! \returns The current vector */ NiPoint3 Unitize(void) const; // MARK: Operators //! Operator to check for equality bool operator==(const NiPoint3& point) const; //! Operator to check for inequality bool operator!=(const NiPoint3& point) const; //! Operator for subscripting float& operator[](int i); //! Operator for subscripting const float& operator[](int i) const; //! Operator for addition of vectors NiPoint3 operator+(const NiPoint3& point) const; //! Operator for subtraction of vectors NiPoint3 operator-(const NiPoint3& point) const; //! Operator for addition of a scalar on all vector components NiPoint3 operator+(float fScalar) const; //! Operator for subtraction of a scalar on all vector components NiPoint3 operator-(float fScalar) const; //! Operator for scalar multiplication of a vector NiPoint3 operator*(float fScalar) const; //! Operator for scalar division of a vector NiPoint3 operator/(float fScalar) const; // MARK: Helper Functions //! Checks to see if the point (or vector) is with an Axis-Aligned Bounding Box /*! \param minPoint The minimum point of the bounding box \param maxPoint The maximum point of the bounding box \return Whether or not this point lies within the box */ bool IsWithinAxisAlignedBox(const NiPoint3& minPoint, const NiPoint3& maxPoint); //! Checks to see if the point (or vector) is within a sphere /*! \param sphereCenter The sphere center \param radius The radius */ bool IsWithinSpehere(const NiPoint3& sphereCenter, float radius); /*! \param a Start of line \param b End of line \param p Refrence point \return The point of line AB which is closest to P */ static NiPoint3 ClosestPointOnLine(const NiPoint3& a, const NiPoint3& b, const NiPoint3& p); static float Angle(const NiPoint3& a, const NiPoint3& b); static float Distance(const NiPoint3& a, const NiPoint3& b); static float DistanceSquared(const NiPoint3& a, const NiPoint3& b); static NiPoint3 MoveTowards(const NiPoint3& current, const NiPoint3& target, float maxDistanceDelta); NiPoint3 RotateByQuaternion(const NiQuaternion& rotation); };