#include "CDZoneTableTable.h" //! Constructor CDZoneTableTable::CDZoneTableTable(void) { // First, get the size of the table unsigned int size = 0; auto tableSize = CDClientDatabase::ExecuteQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ZoneTable"); while (!tableSize.eof()) { size = tableSize.getIntField(0, 0); tableSize.nextRow(); } tableSize.finalize(); // Now get the data auto tableData = CDClientDatabase::ExecuteQuery("SELECT * FROM ZoneTable"); while (!tableData.eof()) { CDZoneTable entry; entry.zoneID = tableData.getIntField(0, -1); entry.locStatus = tableData.getIntField(1, -1); entry.zoneName = tableData.getStringField(2, ""); entry.scriptID = tableData.getIntField(3, -1); entry.ghostdistance_min = tableData.getFloatField(4, -1.0f); entry.ghostdistance = tableData.getFloatField(5, -1.0f); entry.population_soft_cap = tableData.getIntField(6, -1); entry.population_hard_cap = tableData.getIntField(7, -1); UNUSED(entry.DisplayDescription = tableData.getStringField(8, "")); UNUSED(entry.mapFolder = tableData.getStringField(9, "")); entry.smashableMinDistance = tableData.getFloatField(10, -1.0f); entry.smashableMaxDistance = tableData.getFloatField(11, -1.0f); UNUSED(entry.mixerProgram = tableData.getStringField(12, "")); UNUSED(entry.clientPhysicsFramerate = tableData.getStringField(13, "")); UNUSED(entry.serverPhysicsFramerate = tableData.getStringField(14, "")); entry.zoneControlTemplate = tableData.getIntField(15, -1); entry.widthInChunks = tableData.getIntField(16, -1); entry.heightInChunks = tableData.getIntField(17, -1); entry.petsAllowed = tableData.getIntField(18, -1) == 1 ? true : false; entry.localize = tableData.getIntField(19, -1) == 1 ? true : false; entry.fZoneWeight = tableData.getFloatField(20, -1.0f); UNUSED(entry.thumbnail = tableData.getStringField(21, "")); entry.PlayerLoseCoinsOnDeath = tableData.getIntField(22, -1) == 1 ? true : false; UNUSED(entry.disableSaveLoc = tableData.getIntField(23, -1) == 1 ? true : false); entry.teamRadius = tableData.getFloatField(24, -1.0f); UNUSED(entry.gate_version = tableData.getStringField(25, "")); UNUSED(entry.mountsAllowed = tableData.getIntField(26, -1) == 1 ? true : false); this->m_Entries.insert(std::make_pair(entry.zoneID, entry)); tableData.nextRow(); } tableData.finalize(); } //! Destructor CDZoneTableTable::~CDZoneTableTable(void) {} //! Returns the table's name std::string CDZoneTableTable::GetName(void) const { return "ZoneTable"; } //! Queries the table with a zoneID to find. const CDZoneTable* CDZoneTableTable::Query(unsigned int zoneID) { const auto& iter = m_Entries.find(zoneID); if (iter != m_Entries.end()) { return &iter->second; } return nullptr; }