#pragma once

#include <vector>

#include "dCommonVars.h"

#include "ItemSetPassiveAbility.h"

class InventoryComponent;

 * A set of items that can be worn together for special bonuses, for example faction gear.
class ItemSet
	explicit ItemSet(uint32_t id, InventoryComponent* inventoryComponent);
    void Update(float deltaTime);

     * Returns if this item set contains the LOT specified
     * @param lot the lot to check for
     * @return if this item set contains the LOT specified
	bool Contains(LOT lot);

     * Equips the item set skill for this LOT (if it's in the item set)
     * @param lot the LOT of the item to equip skills for
	void OnEquip(LOT lot);

     * Unequips the item set skill for this LOT (if it's in the item set)
     * @param lot the LOT of the item to unequip skills for
	void OnUnEquip(LOT lot);

     * Returns the number of items in the item set that are currently equipped
     * @return the number of items in the item set that are currently equipped
	uint32_t GetEquippedCount() const;

     * Returns the ID of this item set
     * @return the ID of this item set
	uint32_t GetID() const;

     * Triggers all the passive abilities in this item set that match this trigger
     * @param trigger the trigger to use to trigger passive abilities
    void TriggerPassiveAbility(PassiveAbilityTrigger trigger);

     * Returns the skills that can be equipped for a specified amount of equipped items
     * @param itemCount the amount of items equipped to check for
     * @return the skills that can be equipped for a specified amount of equipped items
	std::vector<uint32_t> GetSkillSet(uint32_t itemCount) const;

     * The ID of this skill set
	uint32_t m_ID;

     * The inventory this skill set belongs to
	InventoryComponent* m_InventoryComponent;

     * The items in the skill set that are currently equipped
	std::vector<LOT> m_Equipped;

     * The total list of items in this skill set
	std::vector<LOT> m_Items;

     * The skills that can be triggered when 2 items are equipped
	std::vector<uint32_t> m_SkillsWith2;

     * The skills that can be triggered when 3 items are equipped
	std::vector<uint32_t> m_SkillsWith3;

     * The skills that can be triggered when 4 items are equipped
	std::vector<uint32_t> m_SkillsWith4;

     * The skills that can be triggered when 5 items are equipped
	std::vector<uint32_t> m_SkillsWith5;

     * The skills that can be triggered when 6 items are equipped
	std::vector<uint32_t> m_SkillsWith6;

     * The passive abilities associated with this skill set
	std::vector<ItemSetPassiveAbility> m_PassiveAbilities;