#include "LeaderboardManager.h" #include <sstream> #include <utility> #include "Database.h" #include "EntityManager.h" #include "Character.h" #include "Game.h" #include "GameMessages.h" #include "Logger.h" #include "dConfig.h" #include "CDClientManager.h" #include "GeneralUtils.h" #include "Entity.h" #include "LDFFormat.h" #include "DluAssert.h" #include "CDActivitiesTable.h" #include "Metrics.hpp" namespace LeaderboardManager { std::map<GameID, Leaderboard::Type> leaderboardCache; } Leaderboard::Leaderboard(const GameID gameID, const Leaderboard::InfoType infoType, const bool weekly, LWOOBJID relatedPlayer, const Leaderboard::Type leaderboardType) { this->gameID = gameID; this->weekly = weekly; this->infoType = infoType; this->leaderboardType = leaderboardType; this->relatedPlayer = relatedPlayer; } Leaderboard::~Leaderboard() { Clear(); } void Leaderboard::Clear() { for (auto& entry : entries) for (auto ldfData : entry) delete ldfData; } inline void WriteLeaderboardRow(std::ostringstream& leaderboard, const uint32_t& index, LDFBaseData* data) { leaderboard << "\nResult[0].Row[" << index << "]." << data->GetString(); } void Leaderboard::Serialize(RakNet::BitStream& bitStream) const { bitStream.Write(gameID); bitStream.Write(infoType); std::ostringstream leaderboard; leaderboard << "ADO.Result=7:1"; // Unused in 1.10.64, but is in captures leaderboard << "\nResult.Count=1:1"; // number of results, always 1 if (!this->entries.empty()) leaderboard << "\nResult[0].Index=0:RowNumber"; // "Primary key". Live doesn't include this if there are no entries. leaderboard << "\nResult[0].RowCount=1:" << entries.size(); int32_t rowNumber = 0; for (auto& entry : entries) { for (auto* data : entry) { WriteLeaderboardRow(leaderboard, rowNumber, data); } rowNumber++; } // Serialize the thing to a BitStream uint32_t leaderboardSize = leaderboard.tellp(); bitStream.Write<uint32_t>(leaderboardSize); // Doing this all in 1 call so there is no possbility of a dangling pointer. bitStream.WriteAlignedBytes(reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(GeneralUtils::ASCIIToUTF16(leaderboard.str()).c_str()), leaderboardSize * sizeof(char16_t)); if (leaderboardSize > 0) bitStream.Write<uint16_t>(0); bitStream.Write0(); bitStream.Write0(); } void Leaderboard::QueryToLdf(std::unique_ptr<sql::ResultSet>& rows) { Clear(); if (rows->rowsCount() == 0) return; this->entries.reserve(rows->rowsCount()); while (rows->next()) { constexpr int32_t MAX_NUM_DATA_PER_ROW = 9; this->entries.push_back(std::vector<LDFBaseData*>()); auto& entry = this->entries.back(); entry.reserve(MAX_NUM_DATA_PER_ROW); entry.push_back(new LDFData<uint64_t>(u"CharacterID", rows->getInt("character_id"))); entry.push_back(new LDFData<uint64_t>(u"LastPlayed", rows->getUInt64("lastPlayed"))); entry.push_back(new LDFData<int32_t>(u"NumPlayed", rows->getInt("timesPlayed"))); entry.push_back(new LDFData<std::u16string>(u"name", GeneralUtils::ASCIIToUTF16(rows->getString("name").c_str()))); entry.push_back(new LDFData<uint64_t>(u"RowNumber", rows->getInt("ranking"))); switch (leaderboardType) { case Type::ShootingGallery: entry.push_back(new LDFData<int32_t>(u"Score", rows->getInt("primaryScore"))); // Score:1 entry.push_back(new LDFData<int32_t>(u"Streak", rows->getInt("secondaryScore"))); // Streak:1 entry.push_back(new LDFData<float>(u"HitPercentage", (rows->getInt("tertiaryScore") / 100.0f))); // HitPercentage:3 between 0 and 1 break; case Type::Racing: entry.push_back(new LDFData<float>(u"BestTime", rows->getDouble("primaryScore"))); // BestLapTime:3 entry.push_back(new LDFData<float>(u"BestLapTime", rows->getDouble("secondaryScore"))); // BestTime:3 entry.push_back(new LDFData<int32_t>(u"License", 1)); // License:1 - 1 if player has completed mission 637 and 0 otherwise entry.push_back(new LDFData<int32_t>(u"NumWins", rows->getInt("numWins"))); // NumWins:1 break; case Type::UnusedLeaderboard4: entry.push_back(new LDFData<int32_t>(u"Points", rows->getInt("primaryScore"))); // Points:1 break; case Type::MonumentRace: entry.push_back(new LDFData<int32_t>(u"Time", rows->getInt("primaryScore"))); // Time:1(?) break; case Type::FootRace: entry.push_back(new LDFData<int32_t>(u"Time", rows->getInt("primaryScore"))); // Time:1 break; case Type::Survival: entry.push_back(new LDFData<int32_t>(u"Points", rows->getInt("primaryScore"))); // Points:1 entry.push_back(new LDFData<int32_t>(u"Time", rows->getInt("secondaryScore"))); // Time:1 break; case Type::SurvivalNS: entry.push_back(new LDFData<int32_t>(u"Wave", rows->getInt("primaryScore"))); // Wave:1 entry.push_back(new LDFData<int32_t>(u"Time", rows->getInt("secondaryScore"))); // Time:1 break; case Type::Donations: entry.push_back(new LDFData<int32_t>(u"Score", rows->getInt("primaryScore"))); // Score:1 break; case Type::None: // This type is included here simply to resolve a compiler warning on mac about unused enum types break; default: break; } } } const std::string_view Leaderboard::GetOrdering(Leaderboard::Type leaderboardType) { // Use a switch case and return desc for all 3 columns if higher is better and asc if lower is better switch (leaderboardType) { case Type::Racing: case Type::MonumentRace: return "primaryScore ASC, secondaryScore ASC, tertiaryScore ASC"; case Type::Survival: return Game::config->GetValue("classic_survival_scoring") == "1" ? "secondaryScore DESC, primaryScore DESC, tertiaryScore DESC" : "primaryScore DESC, secondaryScore DESC, tertiaryScore DESC"; case Type::SurvivalNS: return "primaryScore DESC, secondaryScore ASC, tertiaryScore DESC"; case Type::ShootingGallery: case Type::FootRace: case Type::UnusedLeaderboard4: case Type::Donations: case Type::None: default: return "primaryScore DESC, secondaryScore DESC, tertiaryScore DESC"; } } void Leaderboard::SetupLeaderboard(bool weekly, uint32_t resultStart, uint32_t resultEnd) { resultStart++; resultEnd++; // We need everything except 1 column so i'm selecting * from leaderboard const std::string queryBase = R"QUERY( WITH leaderboardsRanked AS ( SELECT leaderboard.*, charinfo.name, RANK() OVER ( ORDER BY %s, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(last_played) ASC, id DESC ) AS ranking FROM leaderboard JOIN charinfo on charinfo.id = leaderboard.character_id WHERE game_id = ? %s ), myStanding AS ( SELECT ranking as myRank FROM leaderboardsRanked WHERE id = ? ), lowestRanking AS ( SELECT MAX(ranking) AS lowestRank FROM leaderboardsRanked ) SELECT leaderboardsRanked.*, character_id, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(last_played) as lastPlayed, leaderboardsRanked.name, leaderboardsRanked.ranking FROM leaderboardsRanked, myStanding, lowestRanking WHERE leaderboardsRanked.ranking BETWEEN LEAST(GREATEST(CAST(myRank AS SIGNED) - 5, %i), CAST(lowestRanking.lowestRank AS SIGNED) - 9) AND LEAST(GREATEST(myRank + 5, %i), lowestRanking.lowestRank) ORDER BY ranking ASC; )QUERY"; std::string friendsFilter = R"QUERY( AND ( character_id IN ( SELECT fr.requested_player FROM ( SELECT CASE WHEN player_id = ? THEN friend_id WHEN friend_id = ? THEN player_id END AS requested_player FROM friends ) AS fr JOIN charinfo AS ci ON ci.id = fr.requested_player WHERE fr.requested_player IS NOT NULL ) OR character_id = ? ) )QUERY"; std::string weeklyFilter = " AND UNIX_TIMESTAMP(last_played) BETWEEN UNIX_TIMESTAMP(date_sub(now(),INTERVAL 1 WEEK)) AND UNIX_TIMESTAMP(now()) "; std::string filter; // Setup our filter based on the query type if (this->infoType == InfoType::Friends) filter += friendsFilter; if (this->weekly) filter += weeklyFilter; const auto orderBase = GetOrdering(this->leaderboardType); // For top query, we want to just rank all scores, but for all others we need the scores around a specific player std::string baseLookup; if (this->infoType == InfoType::Top) { baseLookup = "SELECT id, last_played FROM leaderboard WHERE game_id = ? " + (this->weekly ? weeklyFilter : std::string("")) + " ORDER BY "; baseLookup += orderBase.data(); } else { baseLookup = "SELECT id, last_played FROM leaderboard WHERE game_id = ? " + (this->weekly ? weeklyFilter : std::string("")) + " AND character_id = "; baseLookup += std::to_string(static_cast<uint32_t>(this->relatedPlayer)); } baseLookup += " LIMIT 1"; LOG_DEBUG("query is %s", baseLookup.c_str()); std::unique_ptr<sql::PreparedStatement> baseQuery(Database::Get()->CreatePreppedStmt(baseLookup)); baseQuery->setInt(1, this->gameID); std::unique_ptr<sql::ResultSet> baseResult(baseQuery->executeQuery()); if (!baseResult->next()) return; // In this case, there are no entries in the leaderboard for this game. uint32_t relatedPlayerLeaderboardId = baseResult->getInt("id"); // Create and execute the actual save here. Using a heap allocated buffer to avoid stack overflow constexpr uint16_t STRING_LENGTH = 4096; std::unique_ptr<char[]> lookupBuffer = std::make_unique<char[]>(STRING_LENGTH); int32_t res = snprintf(lookupBuffer.get(), STRING_LENGTH, queryBase.c_str(), orderBase.data(), filter.c_str(), resultStart, resultEnd); DluAssert(res != -1); std::unique_ptr<sql::PreparedStatement> query(Database::Get()->CreatePreppedStmt(lookupBuffer.get())); LOG_DEBUG("Query is %s vars are %i %i %i", lookupBuffer.get(), this->gameID, this->relatedPlayer, relatedPlayerLeaderboardId); query->setInt(1, this->gameID); if (this->infoType == InfoType::Friends) { query->setInt(2, this->relatedPlayer); query->setInt(3, this->relatedPlayer); query->setInt(4, this->relatedPlayer); query->setInt(5, relatedPlayerLeaderboardId); } else { query->setInt(2, relatedPlayerLeaderboardId); } std::unique_ptr<sql::ResultSet> result(query->executeQuery()); QueryToLdf(result); } void Leaderboard::Send(const LWOOBJID targetID) const { auto* player = Game::entityManager->GetEntity(relatedPlayer); if (player != nullptr) { GameMessages::SendActivitySummaryLeaderboardData(targetID, this, player->GetSystemAddress()); } } std::string FormatInsert(const Leaderboard::Type& type, const Score& score, const bool useUpdate) { std::string insertStatement; if (useUpdate) { insertStatement = R"QUERY( UPDATE leaderboard SET primaryScore = %f, secondaryScore = %f, tertiaryScore = %f, timesPlayed = timesPlayed + 1 WHERE character_id = ? AND game_id = ?; )QUERY"; } else { insertStatement = R"QUERY( INSERT leaderboard SET primaryScore = %f, secondaryScore = %f, tertiaryScore = %f, character_id = ?, game_id = ?; )QUERY"; } constexpr uint16_t STRING_LENGTH = 400; // Then fill in our score char finishedQuery[STRING_LENGTH]; int32_t res = snprintf(finishedQuery, STRING_LENGTH, insertStatement.c_str(), score.GetPrimaryScore(), score.GetSecondaryScore(), score.GetTertiaryScore()); DluAssert(res != -1); return finishedQuery; } void LeaderboardManager::SaveScore(const LWOOBJID& playerID, const GameID activityId, const float primaryScore, const float secondaryScore, const float tertiaryScore) { const Leaderboard::Type leaderboardType = GetLeaderboardType(activityId); std::unique_ptr<sql::PreparedStatement> query(Database::Get()->CreatePreppedStmt("SELECT * FROM leaderboard WHERE character_id = ? AND game_id = ?;")); query->setInt(1, playerID); query->setInt(2, activityId); std::unique_ptr<sql::ResultSet> myScoreResult(query->executeQuery()); std::string saveQuery("UPDATE leaderboard SET timesPlayed = timesPlayed + 1 WHERE character_id = ? AND game_id = ?;"); Score newScore(primaryScore, secondaryScore, tertiaryScore); if (myScoreResult->next()) { Score oldScore; bool lowerScoreBetter = false; switch (leaderboardType) { // Higher score better case Leaderboard::Type::ShootingGallery: { oldScore.SetPrimaryScore(myScoreResult->getInt("primaryScore")); oldScore.SetSecondaryScore(myScoreResult->getInt("secondaryScore")); oldScore.SetTertiaryScore(myScoreResult->getInt("tertiaryScore")); break; } case Leaderboard::Type::FootRace: { oldScore.SetPrimaryScore(myScoreResult->getInt("primaryScore")); break; } case Leaderboard::Type::Survival: { oldScore.SetPrimaryScore(myScoreResult->getInt("primaryScore")); oldScore.SetSecondaryScore(myScoreResult->getInt("secondaryScore")); break; } case Leaderboard::Type::SurvivalNS: { oldScore.SetPrimaryScore(myScoreResult->getInt("primaryScore")); oldScore.SetSecondaryScore(myScoreResult->getInt("secondaryScore")); break; } case Leaderboard::Type::UnusedLeaderboard4: case Leaderboard::Type::Donations: { oldScore.SetPrimaryScore(myScoreResult->getInt("primaryScore")); newScore.SetPrimaryScore(oldScore.GetPrimaryScore() + newScore.GetPrimaryScore()); break; } case Leaderboard::Type::Racing: { oldScore.SetPrimaryScore(myScoreResult->getInt("primaryScore")); oldScore.SetSecondaryScore(myScoreResult->getInt("secondaryScore")); // For wins we dont care about the score, just the time, so zero out the tertiary. // Wins are updated later. oldScore.SetTertiaryScore(0); newScore.SetTertiaryScore(0); lowerScoreBetter = true; break; } case Leaderboard::Type::MonumentRace: { oldScore.SetPrimaryScore(myScoreResult->getInt("primaryScore")); lowerScoreBetter = true; // Do score checking here break; } case Leaderboard::Type::None: default: LOG("Unknown leaderboard type %i for game %i. Cannot save score!", leaderboardType, activityId); return; } bool newHighScore = lowerScoreBetter ? newScore < oldScore : newScore > oldScore; // Nimbus station has a weird leaderboard where we need a custom scoring system if (leaderboardType == Leaderboard::Type::SurvivalNS) { newHighScore = newScore.GetPrimaryScore() > oldScore.GetPrimaryScore() || (newScore.GetPrimaryScore() == oldScore.GetPrimaryScore() && newScore.GetSecondaryScore() < oldScore.GetSecondaryScore()); } else if (leaderboardType == Leaderboard::Type::Survival && Game::config->GetValue("classic_survival_scoring") == "1") { Score oldScoreFlipped(oldScore.GetSecondaryScore(), oldScore.GetPrimaryScore()); Score newScoreFlipped(newScore.GetSecondaryScore(), newScore.GetPrimaryScore()); newHighScore = newScoreFlipped > oldScoreFlipped; } if (newHighScore) { saveQuery = FormatInsert(leaderboardType, newScore, true); } } else { saveQuery = FormatInsert(leaderboardType, newScore, false); } LOG("save query %s %i %i", saveQuery.c_str(), playerID, activityId); std::unique_ptr<sql::PreparedStatement> saveStatement(Database::Get()->CreatePreppedStmt(saveQuery)); saveStatement->setInt(1, playerID); saveStatement->setInt(2, activityId); saveStatement->execute(); // track wins separately if (leaderboardType == Leaderboard::Type::Racing && tertiaryScore != 0.0f) { std::unique_ptr<sql::PreparedStatement> winUpdate(Database::Get()->CreatePreppedStmt("UPDATE leaderboard SET numWins = numWins + 1 WHERE character_id = ? AND game_id = ?;")); winUpdate->setInt(1, playerID); winUpdate->setInt(2, activityId); winUpdate->execute(); } } void LeaderboardManager::SendLeaderboard(const GameID gameID, const Leaderboard::InfoType infoType, const bool weekly, const LWOOBJID playerID, const LWOOBJID targetID, const uint32_t resultStart, const uint32_t resultEnd) { Leaderboard leaderboard(gameID, infoType, weekly, playerID, GetLeaderboardType(gameID)); leaderboard.SetupLeaderboard(weekly, resultStart, resultEnd); leaderboard.Send(targetID); } Leaderboard::Type LeaderboardManager::GetLeaderboardType(const GameID gameID) { auto lookup = leaderboardCache.find(gameID); if (lookup != leaderboardCache.end()) return lookup->second; auto* activitiesTable = CDClientManager::GetTable<CDActivitiesTable>(); std::vector<CDActivities> activities = activitiesTable->Query([gameID](const CDActivities& entry) { return entry.ActivityID == gameID; }); auto type = !activities.empty() ? static_cast<Leaderboard::Type>(activities.at(0).leaderboardType) : Leaderboard::Type::None; leaderboardCache.insert_or_assign(gameID, type); return type; }