set(DCOMMON_SOURCES "AMFDeserialize.cpp" "AmfSerialize.cpp" "BinaryIO.cpp" "dConfig.cpp" "Diagnostics.cpp" "Logger.cpp" "Game.cpp" "GeneralUtils.cpp" "LDFFormat.cpp" "MD5.cpp" "Metrics.cpp" "NiPoint3.cpp" "NiQuaternion.cpp" "SHA512.cpp" "Demangler.cpp" "ZCompression.cpp" "BrickByBrickFix.cpp" "BinaryPathFinder.cpp" "FdbToSqlite.cpp" ) # Workaround for compiler bug where the optimized code could result in a memcpy of 0 bytes, even though that isnt possible. # if (CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID STREQUAL "GNU") set_source_files_properties("FdbToSqlite.cpp" PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS "-Wno-stringop-overflow") endif() add_subdirectory(dClient) foreach(file ${DCOMMON_DCLIENT_SOURCES}) set(DCOMMON_SOURCES ${DCOMMON_SOURCES} "dClient/${file}") endforeach() include_directories(${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/dCommon/) add_library(dCommon STATIC ${DCOMMON_SOURCES}) target_link_libraries(dCommon bcrypt dDatabase tinyxml2) if (UNIX) find_package(ZLIB REQUIRED) elseif (WIN32) include(FetchContent) # TODO Keep an eye on the zlib repository for an update to disable testing. Don't forget to update CMakePresets FetchContent_Declare( zlib URL URL_HASH MD5=9d6a627693163bbbf3f26403a3a0b0b1 ) # Disable warning about no project version. set(CMAKE_POLICY_DEFAULT_CMP0048 NEW) # Disable warning about the minimum version of cmake used for bcrypt being deprecated in the future set(CMAKE_WARN_DEPRECATED OFF CACHE BOOL "" FORCE) FetchContent_MakeAvailable(zlib) set(ZLIB_INCLUDE_DIRS ${zlib_SOURCE_DIR} ${zlib_BINARY_DIR}) set_target_properties(zlib PROPERTIES INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES "${ZLIB_INCLUDE_DIRS}") add_library(ZLIB::ZLIB ALIAS zlib) else () message( FATAL_ERROR "This platform does not have a way to use zlib.\nCreate an issue on GitHub with your build system so it can be configured." ) endif () target_link_libraries(dCommon ZLIB::ZLIB) # Disable deprecation warnings on MD5.cpp and SHA512.cpp for Apple Clang if (APPLE) set_source_files_properties("MD5.cpp" "SHA512.cpp" PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS "-Wno-deprecated-declarations") endif()