#include "ConsoleServer.h" #include "TransportInterface.h" #include "CommandParserInterface.h" #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #define COMMAND_DELINATOR ' ' #define COMMAND_DELINATOR_TOGGLE '"' #include "LinuxStrings.h" ConsoleServer::ConsoleServer() { transport=0; password[0]=0; } ConsoleServer::~ConsoleServer() { } void ConsoleServer::SetTransportProvider(TransportInterface *transportInterface, unsigned short port) { // Replace the current TransportInterface, stopping the old one, if present, and starting the new one. if (transportInterface) { if (transport) { RemoveCommandParser(transport->GetCommandParser()); transport->Stop(); } transport=transportInterface; transport->Start(port, true); unsigned i; for (i=0; i < commandParserList.Size(); i++) commandParserList[i]->OnTransportChange(transport); // The transport itself might have a command parser - for example password for the RakNet transport AddCommandParser(transport->GetCommandParser()); } } void ConsoleServer::AddCommandParser(CommandParserInterface *commandParserInterface) { if (commandParserInterface==0) return; // Non-duplicate insertion unsigned i; for (i=0; i < commandParserList.Size(); i++) { if (commandParserList[i]==commandParserInterface) return; if (_stricmp(commandParserList[i]->GetName(), commandParserInterface->GetName())==0) { // Naming conflict between two command parsers assert(0); return; } } commandParserList.Insert(commandParserInterface); if (transport) commandParserInterface->OnTransportChange(transport); } void ConsoleServer::RemoveCommandParser(CommandParserInterface *commandParserInterface) { if (commandParserInterface==0) return; // Overwrite the element we are removing from the back of the list and delete the back of the list unsigned i; for (i=0; i < commandParserList.Size(); i++) { if (commandParserList[i]==commandParserInterface) { commandParserList[i]=commandParserList[commandParserList.Size()-1]; commandParserList.RemoveFromEnd(); return; } } } void ConsoleServer::Update(void) { unsigned i; char *parameterList[20]; // Up to 20 parameters unsigned numParameters; SystemAddress newOrLostConnectionId; Packet *p; RegisteredCommand rc; p = transport->Receive(); newOrLostConnectionId=transport->HasNewConnection(); if (newOrLostConnectionId!=UNASSIGNED_SYSTEM_ADDRESS) { for (i=0; i < commandParserList.Size(); i++) { commandParserList[i]->OnNewIncomingConnection(newOrLostConnectionId, transport); } transport->Send(newOrLostConnectionId, "Connected to remote command console.\r\nType 'help' for help.\r\n"); ListParsers(newOrLostConnectionId); } newOrLostConnectionId=transport->HasLostConnection(); if (newOrLostConnectionId!=UNASSIGNED_SYSTEM_ADDRESS) { for (i=0; i < commandParserList.Size(); i++) commandParserList[i]->OnConnectionLost(newOrLostConnectionId, transport); } while (p) { bool commandParsed=false; char copy[REMOTE_MAX_TEXT_INPUT]; memcpy(copy, p->data, p->length); copy[p->length]=0; CommandParserInterface::ParseConsoleString((char*)p->data, COMMAND_DELINATOR, COMMAND_DELINATOR_TOGGLE, &numParameters, parameterList, 20); // Up to 20 parameters if (numParameters==0) { transport->DeallocatePacket(p); p = transport->Receive(); continue; } if (_stricmp(*parameterList, "help")==0 && numParameters<=2) { // Find the parser specified and display help for it if (numParameters==1) { transport->Send(p->systemAddress, "\r\nINSTRUCTIONS:\r\n"); transport->Send(p->systemAddress, "Enter commands on your keyboard, using spaces to delineate parameters.\r\n"); transport->Send(p->systemAddress, "You can use quotation marks to toggle space delineation.\r\n"); transport->Send(p->systemAddress, "You can connect multiple times from the same computer.\r\n"); transport->Send(p->systemAddress, "You can direct commands to a parser by prefixing the parser name or number.\r\n"); transport->Send(p->systemAddress, "COMMANDS:\r\n"); transport->Send(p->systemAddress, "help Show this display.\r\n"); transport->Send(p->systemAddress, "help <ParserName> Show help on a particular parser.\r\n"); transport->Send(p->systemAddress, "help <CommandName> Show help on a particular command.\r\n"); transport->Send(p->systemAddress, "quit Disconnects from the server.\r\n"); transport->Send(p->systemAddress, "[<ParserName>] <Command> [<Parameters>] Execute a command\r\n"); transport->Send(p->systemAddress, "[<ParserNumber>] <Command> [<Parameters>] Execute a command\r\n"); ListParsers(p->systemAddress); } else // numParameters == 2, including the help tag { for (i=0; i < commandParserList.Size(); i++) { if (_stricmp(parameterList[1], commandParserList[i]->GetName())==0) { commandParsed=true; commandParserList[i]->SendHelp(transport, p->systemAddress); transport->Send(p->systemAddress, "COMMAND LIST:\r\n"); commandParserList[i]->SendCommandList(transport, p->systemAddress); transport->Send(p->systemAddress, "\r\n"); break; } } if (commandParsed==false) { // Try again, for all commands for all parsers. RegisteredCommand rc; for (i=0; i < commandParserList.Size(); i++) { if (commandParserList[i]->GetRegisteredCommand(parameterList[1], &rc)) { if (rc.parameterCount==CommandParserInterface::VARIABLE_NUMBER_OF_PARAMETERS) transport->Send(p->systemAddress, "(Variable parms): %s %s\r\n", rc.command, rc.commandHelp); else transport->Send(p->systemAddress, "(%i parms): %s %s\r\n", rc.parameterCount, rc.command, rc.commandHelp); commandParsed=true; break; } } } if (commandParsed==false) { // Don't know what to do transport->Send(p->systemAddress, "Unknown help topic: %s.\r\n", parameterList[1]); } } } else if (_stricmp(*parameterList, "quit")==0 && numParameters==1) { transport->Send(p->systemAddress, "Goodbye!"); transport->CloseConnection(p->systemAddress); } else { bool tryAllParsers=true; bool failed=false; if (numParameters >=2) // At minimum <CommandParserName> <Command> { unsigned commandParserIndex=(unsigned)-1; // Prefixing with numbers directs to a particular parser if (**parameterList>='0' && **parameterList<='9') { commandParserIndex=atoi(*parameterList); // Use specified parser unless it's an invalid number commandParserIndex--; // Subtract 1 since we displayed numbers starting at index+1 if (commandParserIndex >= commandParserList.Size()) { transport->Send(p->systemAddress, "Invalid index.\r\n"); failed=true; } } else { // // Prefixing with the name of a command parser directs to that parser. See if the first word matches a parser for (i=0; i < commandParserList.Size(); i++) { if (_stricmp(parameterList[0], commandParserList[i]->GetName())==0) { commandParserIndex=i; // Matches parser at index i break; } } } if (failed==false) { // -1 means undirected, so otherwise this is directed to a target if (commandParserIndex!=(unsigned)-1) { // Only this parser should use this command tryAllParsers=false; if (commandParserList[commandParserIndex]->GetRegisteredCommand(parameterList[1], &rc)) { commandParsed=true; if (rc.parameterCount==CommandParserInterface::VARIABLE_NUMBER_OF_PARAMETERS || rc.parameterCount==numParameters-2) commandParserList[commandParserIndex]->OnCommand(rc.command, numParameters-2, parameterList+2, transport, p->systemAddress, copy); else transport->Send(p->systemAddress, "Invalid parameter count.\r\n(%i parms): %s %s\r\n", rc.parameterCount, rc.command, rc.commandHelp); } } } } if (failed == false && tryAllParsers) { for (i=0; i < commandParserList.Size(); i++) { // Undirected command. Try all the parsers to see if they understand the command // Pass the 1nd element as the command, and the remainder as the parameter list if (commandParserList[i]->GetRegisteredCommand(parameterList[0], &rc)) { commandParsed=true; if (rc.parameterCount==CommandParserInterface::VARIABLE_NUMBER_OF_PARAMETERS || rc.parameterCount==numParameters-1) commandParserList[i]->OnCommand(rc.command, numParameters-1, parameterList+1, transport, p->systemAddress, copy); else transport->Send(p->systemAddress, "Invalid parameter count.\r\n(%i parms): %s %s\r\n", rc.parameterCount, rc.command, rc.commandHelp); } } } if (commandParsed==false && commandParserList.Size() > 0) { transport->Send(p->systemAddress, "Unknown command: Type 'help' for help.\r\n"); } } transport->DeallocatePacket(p); p = transport->Receive(); } } void ConsoleServer::ListParsers(SystemAddress systemAddress) { transport->Send(systemAddress,"INSTALLED PARSERS:\r\n"); unsigned i; for (i=0; i < commandParserList.Size(); i++) { transport->Send(systemAddress, "%i. %s\r\n", i+1, commandParserList[i]->GetName()); } }