name: Bug Report description: Report incorrect behavior in DarkflameServer title: "BUG: " labels: ["bug", "triage"] body: - type: checkboxes id: checks attributes: label: "Make sure you've done the following:" options: - label: > I have checked that this issue has not already been reported. required: true - label: > I have validated that this issue is not a syntax error of either MySQL or SQLite. required: true - label: > I have pulled the latest version of the main branch of DarkflameServer and have confirmed that the issue exists there. required: true - type: input id: server-version attributes: label: DarkflameServer Version description: > DarkflameServer version or commit SHA (can be obtained with `git rev-parse --short HEAD`) validations: required: true - type: textarea id: problem attributes: label: Issue Description description: > Please provide a description of the issue. If this is an in-game bug, please also include pictures that showcase the issue. validations: required: true - type: textarea id: reproduction attributes: label: Reproduction Steps description: > Please provide a concise list of steps needed to reproduce this issue. validations: required: true - type: textarea id: expected-behavior attributes: label: Expected Behavior description: > Please describe what you expected to happen instead of the issue. validations: required: true - type: textarea id: environment attributes: label: Environment description: > Please include the environment you're running DarkflameServer on (for example: Windows, macOS, Ubuntu, WSL, etc). validations: required: true