/// \file
/// \brief \b [Internal] A binary search tree, and an AVL balanced BST derivation.
/// This file is part of RakNet Copyright 2003 Kevin Jenkins.
/// Usage of RakNet is subject to the appropriate license agreement.
/// Creative Commons Licensees are subject to the
/// license found at
/// http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/2.5/
/// Single application licensees are subject to the license found at
/// http://www.jenkinssoftware.com/SingleApplicationLicense.html
/// Custom license users are subject to the terms therein.
/// GPL license users are subject to the GNU General Public
/// License as published by the Free
/// Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
/// option) any later version.


#include "DS_QueueLinkedList.h"
#include "RakMemoryOverride.h"
#include "Export.h"

#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning( push )

/// The namespace DataStructures was only added to avoid compiler errors for commonly named data structures
/// As these data structures are stand-alone, you can use them outside of RakNet for your own projects if you wish.
namespace DataStructures
	 * \brief A binary search tree and an AVL balanced binary search tree
	 * Initilize with the following structure
	 * BinarySearchTree<TYPE>
	 * OR
	 * AVLBalancedBinarySearchTree<TYPE>
	 * Use the AVL balanced tree if you want the tree to be balanced after every deletion and addition.  This avoids the potential
	 * worst case scenario where ordered input to a binary search tree gives linear search time results.  It's not needed
	 * if input will be evenly distributed, in which case the search time is O (log n).  The search time for the AVL
	 * balanced binary tree is O (log n) irregardless of input.
	 * Has the following member functions
	 * unsigned int Height(<index>) - Returns the height of the tree at the optional specified starting index.  Default is the root
	 * add(element) - adds an element to the BinarySearchTree
	 * bool del(element) - deletes the node containing element if the element is in the tree as defined by a comparison with the == operator.  Returns true on success, false if the element is not found
	 * bool IsInelement) - returns true if element is in the tree as defined by a comparison with the == operator.  Otherwise returns false
	 * DisplayInorder(array) - Fills an array with an inorder search of the elements in the tree.  USER IS REPONSIBLE FOR ALLOCATING THE ARRAY!.
	 * DisplayPreorder(array) - Fills an array with an preorder search of the elements in the tree.  USER IS REPONSIBLE FOR ALLOCATING THE ARRAY!.
	 * DisplayPostorder(array) - Fills an array with an postorder search of the elements in the tree. USER IS REPONSIBLE FOR ALLOCATING THE ARRAY!.
	 * DisplayBreadthFirstSearch(array) - Fills an array with a breadth first search of the elements in the tree.  USER IS REPONSIBLE FOR ALLOCATING THE ARRAY!.
	 * clear - Destroys the tree.  Same as calling the destructor
	 * unsigned int Height() - Returns the height of the tree
	 * unsigned int size() - returns the size of the BinarySearchTree
	 * GetPointerToNode(element) - returns a pointer to the comparision element in the tree, allowing for direct modification when necessary with complex data types.
	 * Be warned, it is possible to corrupt the tree if the element used for comparisons is modified.  Returns NULL if the item is not found
	 * @code
	 * BinarySearchTree<int> A;
	 * A.Add(10);
	 * A.Add(15);
	 * A.Add(5);
	 * int* array = new int [A.Size()];
	 * A.DisplayInorder(array);
	 * array[0]; // returns 5
	 * array[1]; // returns 10
	 * array[2]; // returns 15
	 * @endcode 
	 * compress - reallocates memory to fit the number of elements.  Best used when the number of elements decreases
	 * clear - empties the BinarySearchTree and returns storage
	 * The assignment and copy constructors are defined
	 * \note The template type must have the copy constructor and
	 * assignment operator defined and must work with >, <, and == All
	 * elements in the tree MUST be distinct The assignment operator is
	 * defined between BinarySearchTree and AVLBalancedBinarySearchTree
	 * as long as they are of the same template type. However, passing a
	 * BinarySearchTree to an AVLBalancedBinarySearchTree will lose its
	 * structure unless it happened to be AVL balanced to begin with
	 * Requires queue_linked_list.cpp for the breadth first search used
	 * in the copy constructor, overloaded assignment operator, and
	 * display_breadth_first_search.
	template <class BinarySearchTreeType>
	class RAK_DLL_EXPORT BinarySearchTree : public RakNet::RakMemoryOverride

		struct node
			BinarySearchTreeType* item;
			node* left;
			node* right;
		virtual ~BinarySearchTree();
		BinarySearchTree( const BinarySearchTree& original_type );
		BinarySearchTree& operator= ( const BinarySearchTree& original_copy );
		unsigned int Size( void );
		void Clear( void );
		unsigned int Height( node* starting_node = 0 );
		node* Add ( const BinarySearchTreeType& input );
		node* Del( const BinarySearchTreeType& input );
		bool IsIn( const BinarySearchTreeType& input );
		void DisplayInorder( BinarySearchTreeType* return_array );
		void DisplayPreorder( BinarySearchTreeType* return_array );
		void DisplayPostorder( BinarySearchTreeType* return_array );
		void DisplayBreadthFirstSearch( BinarySearchTreeType* return_array );
		BinarySearchTreeType*& GetPointerToNode( const BinarySearchTreeType& element );

		node* root;
		enum Direction_Types
		} direction;
		unsigned int HeightRecursive( node* current );
		unsigned int BinarySearchTree_size;
		node*& Find( const BinarySearchTreeType& element, node** parent );
		node*& FindParent( const BinarySearchTreeType& element );
		void DisplayPostorderRecursive( node* current, BinarySearchTreeType* return_array, unsigned int& index );
		void FixTree( node* current );
	/// An AVLBalancedBinarySearchTree is a binary tree that is always balanced
	template <class BinarySearchTreeType>
	class RAK_DLL_EXPORT AVLBalancedBinarySearchTree : public BinarySearchTree<BinarySearchTreeType>
		AVLBalancedBinarySearchTree()	{}
		virtual ~AVLBalancedBinarySearchTree();
		void Add ( const BinarySearchTreeType& input );
		void Del( const BinarySearchTreeType& input );
		BinarySearchTree<BinarySearchTreeType>& operator= ( BinarySearchTree<BinarySearchTreeType>& original_copy )
			return BinarySearchTree<BinarySearchTreeType>::operator= ( original_copy );
		void BalanceTree( typename BinarySearchTree<BinarySearchTreeType>::node* current, bool rotateOnce );
		void RotateRight( typename BinarySearchTree<BinarySearchTreeType>::node *C );
		void RotateLeft( typename BinarySearchTree<BinarySearchTreeType>::node* C );
		void DoubleRotateRight( typename BinarySearchTree<BinarySearchTreeType>::node *A );
		void DoubleRotateLeft( typename BinarySearchTree<BinarySearchTreeType>::node* A );
		bool RightHigher( typename BinarySearchTree<BinarySearchTreeType>::node* A );
		bool LeftHigher( typename BinarySearchTree<BinarySearchTreeType>::node* A );
	template <class BinarySearchTreeType>
	void AVLBalancedBinarySearchTree<BinarySearchTreeType>::BalanceTree( typename BinarySearchTree<BinarySearchTreeType>::node* current, bool rotateOnce )
		int left_height, right_height;
		while ( current )
			if ( current->left == 0 )
				left_height = 0;
				left_height = this->Height( current->left );
			if ( current->right == 0 )
				right_height = 0;
				right_height = this->Height( current->right );
			if ( right_height - left_height == 2 )
				if ( this->RightHigher( current->right ) )
					RotateLeft( current->right );
					DoubleRotateLeft( current );
				if ( rotateOnce )
				if ( right_height - left_height == -2 )
					if ( this->LeftHigher( current->left ) )
						RotateRight( current->left );
						DoubleRotateRight( current );
					if ( rotateOnce )
			if ( current == this->root )
			current = this->FindParent( *( current->item ) );
	template <class BinarySearchTreeType>
	void AVLBalancedBinarySearchTree<BinarySearchTreeType>::Add ( const BinarySearchTreeType& input )
		typename BinarySearchTree<BinarySearchTreeType>::node * current = BinarySearchTree<BinarySearchTreeType>::Add ( input );
		BalanceTree( current, true );
	template <class BinarySearchTreeType>
	void AVLBalancedBinarySearchTree<BinarySearchTreeType>::Del( const BinarySearchTreeType& input )
		typename BinarySearchTree<BinarySearchTreeType>::node * current = BinarySearchTree<BinarySearchTreeType>::Del( input );
		this->BalanceTree( current, false );
	template <class BinarySearchTreeType>
	bool AVLBalancedBinarySearchTree<BinarySearchTreeType>::RightHigher( typename BinarySearchTree<BinarySearchTreeType>::node *A )
		if ( A == 0 )
			return false;
		return this->Height( A->right ) > this->Height( A->left );
	template <class BinarySearchTreeType>
	bool AVLBalancedBinarySearchTree<BinarySearchTreeType>::LeftHigher( typename BinarySearchTree<BinarySearchTreeType>::node *A )
		if ( A == 0 )
			return false;
		return this->Height( A->left ) > this->Height( A->right );
	template <class BinarySearchTreeType>
	void AVLBalancedBinarySearchTree<BinarySearchTreeType>::RotateRight( typename BinarySearchTree<BinarySearchTreeType>::node *C )
		typename BinarySearchTree<BinarySearchTreeType>::node * A, *B, *D;
		  A = parent(b)
		  b= parent(c)
		  c  = node to rotate around
		  | // Either direction
		  /   \
		  /   \
		  | // Either Direction
		  /   \
		  /   \
		  <Leave all other branches branches AS-IS whether they point to another node or simply 0>
		B = this->FindParent( *( C->item ) );
		A = this->FindParent( *( B->item ) );
		D = C->right;
		if ( A )
			// Direction was set by the last find_parent call
			if ( this->direction == this->LEFT )
				A->left = C;
				A->right = C;
			this->root = C;  // If B has no parent parent then B must have been the root node
		B->left = D;
		C->right = B;
	template <class BinarySearchTreeType>
	void AVLBalancedBinarySearchTree<BinarySearchTreeType>::DoubleRotateRight( typename BinarySearchTree<BinarySearchTreeType>::node *A )
		// The left side of the left child must be higher for the tree to balance with a right rotation.  If it isn't, rotate it left before the normal rotation so it is.
		RotateLeft( A->left->right );
		RotateRight( A->left );
	template <class BinarySearchTreeType>
	void AVLBalancedBinarySearchTree<BinarySearchTreeType>::RotateLeft( typename BinarySearchTree<BinarySearchTreeType>::node *C )
		typename BinarySearchTree<BinarySearchTreeType>::node * A, *B, *D;
		  A = parent(b)
		  b= parent(c)
		  c  = node to rotate around
		  | // Either direction
		  /   \
		  /  \
		  | // Either Direction
		  /   \
		  /   \
		  <Leave all other branches branches AS-IS whether they point to another node or simply 0>
		B = this->FindParent( *( C->item ) );
		A = this->FindParent( *( B->item ) );
		D = C->left;
		if ( A )
			// Direction was set by the last find_parent call
			if ( this->direction == this->LEFT )
				A->left = C;
				A->right = C;
			this->root = C;  // If B has no parent parent then B must have been the root node
		B->right = D;
		C->left = B;
	template <class BinarySearchTreeType>
	void AVLBalancedBinarySearchTree<BinarySearchTreeType>::DoubleRotateLeft( typename BinarySearchTree<BinarySearchTreeType>::node *A )
		// The left side of the right child must be higher for the tree to balance with a left rotation.  If it isn't, rotate it right before the normal rotation so it is.
		RotateRight( A->right->left );
		RotateLeft( A->right );
	template <class BinarySearchTreeType>
	template <class BinarySearchTreeType>
	unsigned int BinarySearchTree<BinarySearchTreeType>::Size( void )
		return BinarySearchTree_size;
	template <class BinarySearchTreeType>
	unsigned int BinarySearchTree<BinarySearchTreeType>::Height( typename BinarySearchTree::node* starting_node )
		if ( BinarySearchTree_size == 0 || starting_node == 0 )
			return 0;
			return HeightRecursive( starting_node );
	// Recursively return the height of a binary tree
	template <class BinarySearchTreeType>
	unsigned int BinarySearchTree<BinarySearchTreeType>::HeightRecursive( typename BinarySearchTree::node* current )
		unsigned int left_height = 0, right_height = 0;
		if ( ( current->left == 0 ) && ( current->right == 0 ) )
			return 1; // Leaf
		if ( current->left != 0 )
			left_height = 1 + HeightRecursive( current->left );
		if ( current->right != 0 )
			right_height = 1 + HeightRecursive( current->right );
		if ( left_height > right_height )
			return left_height;
			return right_height;
	template <class BinarySearchTreeType>
		BinarySearchTree_size = 0;
		root = 0;
	template <class BinarySearchTreeType>
	template <class BinarySearchTreeType>
	BinarySearchTreeType*& BinarySearchTree<BinarySearchTreeType>::GetPointerToNode( const BinarySearchTreeType& element )
		static typename BinarySearchTree::node * tempnode;
		static BinarySearchTreeType* dummyptr = 0;
		tempnode = Find ( element, &tempnode );
		if ( this->direction == this->NOT_FOUND )
			return dummyptr;
		return tempnode->item;
	template <class BinarySearchTreeType>
	typename BinarySearchTree<BinarySearchTreeType>::node*& BinarySearchTree<BinarySearchTreeType>::Find( const BinarySearchTreeType& element, typename BinarySearchTree<BinarySearchTreeType>::node** parent )
		static typename BinarySearchTree::node * current;
		current = this->root;
		*parent = 0;
		this->direction = this->ROOT;
		if ( BinarySearchTree_size == 0 )
			this->direction = this->NOT_FOUND;
			return current = 0;
		// Check if the item is at the root
		if ( element == *( current->item ) )
			this->direction = this->ROOT;
			return current;

#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning( disable : 4127 ) // warning C4127: conditional expression is constant
		while ( true )
			// Move pointer
			if ( element < *( current->item ) )
				*parent = current;
				this->direction = this->LEFT;
				current = current->left;
				if ( element > *( current->item ) )
					*parent = current;
					this->direction = this->RIGHT;
					current = current->right;
			if ( current == 0 )
			// Check if new position holds the item
			if ( element == *( current->item ) )
				return current;
		this->direction = this->NOT_FOUND;
		return current = 0;
	template <class BinarySearchTreeType>
	typename BinarySearchTree<BinarySearchTreeType>::node*& BinarySearchTree<BinarySearchTreeType>::FindParent( const BinarySearchTreeType& element )
		static typename BinarySearchTree::node * parent;
		Find ( element, &parent );
		return parent;
	// Performs a series of value swaps starting with current to fix the tree if needed
	template <class BinarySearchTreeType>
	void BinarySearchTree<BinarySearchTreeType>::FixTree( typename BinarySearchTree::node* current )
		BinarySearchTreeType temp;
		while ( 1 )
			if ( ( ( current->left ) != 0 ) && ( *( current->item ) < *( current->left->item ) ) )
				// Swap the current value with the one to the left
				temp = *( current->left->item );
				*( current->left->item ) = *( current->item );
				*( current->item ) = temp;
				current = current->left;
				if ( ( ( current->right ) != 0 ) && ( *( current->item ) > *( current->right->item ) ) )
					// Swap the current value with the one to the right
					temp = *( current->right->item );
					*( current->right->item ) = *( current->item );
					*( current->item ) = temp;
					current = current->right;
					break;  // current points to the right place so quit
	template <class BinarySearchTreeType>
	typename BinarySearchTree<BinarySearchTreeType>::node* BinarySearchTree<BinarySearchTreeType>::Del( const BinarySearchTreeType& input )
		typename BinarySearchTree::node * node_to_delete, *current, *parent;
		if ( BinarySearchTree_size == 0 )
			return 0;
		if ( BinarySearchTree_size == 1 )
			return 0;
		node_to_delete = Find( input, &parent );
		if ( direction == NOT_FOUND )
			return 0;  // Couldn't find the element
		current = node_to_delete;
		// Replace the deleted node with the appropriate value
		if ( ( current->right ) == 0 && ( current->left ) == 0 )    // Leaf node, just remove it
			if ( parent )
				if ( direction == LEFT )
					parent->left = 0;
					parent->right = 0;
			delete node_to_delete->item;
			delete node_to_delete;
			return parent;
			if ( ( current->right ) != 0 && ( current->left ) == 0 )   // Node has only one child, delete it and cause the parent to point to that child
				if ( parent )
					if ( direction == RIGHT )
						parent->right = current->right;
						parent->left = current->right;
					root = current->right; // Without a parent this must be the root node
				delete node_to_delete->item;
				delete node_to_delete;
				return parent;
				if ( ( current->right ) == 0 && ( current->left ) != 0 )   // Node has only one child, delete it and cause the parent to point to that child
					if ( parent )
						if ( direction == RIGHT )
							parent->right = current->left;
							parent->left = current->left;
						root = current->left; // Without a parent this must be the root node
					delete node_to_delete->item;
					delete node_to_delete;
					return parent;
				else // Go right, then as left as far as you can
					parent = current;
					direction = RIGHT;
					current = current->right; // Must have a right branch because the if statements above indicated that it has 2 branches
					while ( current->left )
						direction = LEFT;
						parent = current;
						current = current->left;
					// Replace the value held by the node to delete with the value pointed to by current;
					*( node_to_delete->item ) = *( current->item );
					// Delete current.
					// If it is a leaf node just delete it
					if ( current->right == 0 )
						if ( direction == RIGHT )
							parent->right = 0;
							parent->left = 0;
						delete current->item;
						delete current;
						return parent;
						// Skip this node and make its parent point to its right branch
						if ( direction == RIGHT )
							parent->right = current->right;
							parent->left = current->right;
						delete current->item;
						delete current;
						return parent;
	template <class BinarySearchTreeType>
	typename BinarySearchTree<BinarySearchTreeType>::node* BinarySearchTree<BinarySearchTreeType>::Add ( const BinarySearchTreeType& input )
		typename BinarySearchTree::node * current, *parent;
		// Add the new element to the tree according to the following alogrithm:
		// 1.  If the current node is empty add the new leaf
		// 2.  If the element is less than the current node then go down the left branch
		// 3.  If the element is greater than the current node then go down the right branch
		if ( BinarySearchTree_size == 0 )
			BinarySearchTree_size = 1;
			root = new typename BinarySearchTree::node;
			root->item = new BinarySearchTreeType;
			*( root->item ) = input;
			root->left = 0;
			root->right = 0;
			return root;
			// start at the root
			current = parent = root;

#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning( disable : 4127 ) // warning C4127: conditional expression is constant
			while ( true )    // This loop traverses the tree to find a spot for insertion
				if ( input < *( current->item ) )
					if ( current->left == 0 )
						current->left = new typename BinarySearchTree::node;
						current->left->item = new BinarySearchTreeType;
						current = current->left;
						current->left = 0;
						current->right = 0;
						*( current->item ) = input;
						return current;
						parent = current;
						current = current->left;
					if ( input > *( current->item ) )
						if ( current->right == 0 )
							current->right = new typename BinarySearchTree::node;
							current->right->item = new BinarySearchTreeType;
							current = current->right;
							current->left = 0;
							current->right = 0;
							*( current->item ) = input;
							return current;
							parent = current;
							current = current->right;
						return 0; // ((input == current->item) == true) which is not allowed since the tree only takes discrete values.  Do nothing
	template <class BinarySearchTreeType>
	bool BinarySearchTree<BinarySearchTreeType>::IsIn( const BinarySearchTreeType& input )
		typename BinarySearchTree::node * parent;
		find( input, &parent );
		if ( direction != NOT_FOUND )
			return true;
			return false;
	template <class BinarySearchTreeType>
	void BinarySearchTree<BinarySearchTreeType>::DisplayInorder( BinarySearchTreeType* return_array )
		typename BinarySearchTree::node * current, *parent;
		bool just_printed = false;
		unsigned int index = 0;
		current = root;
		if ( BinarySearchTree_size == 0 )
			return ; // Do nothing for an empty tree
			if ( BinarySearchTree_size == 1 )
				return_array[ 0 ] = *( root->item );
				return ;
		direction = ROOT;  // Reset the direction
		while ( index != BinarySearchTree_size )
			// direction is set by the find function and holds the direction of the parent to the last node visited.  It is used to prevent revisiting nodes
			if ( ( current->left != 0 ) && ( direction != LEFT ) && ( direction != RIGHT ) )
				//  Go left if the following 2 conditions are true
				//  I can go left
				//  I did not just move up from a right child
				//  I did not just move up from a left child
				current = current->left;
				direction = ROOT;  // Reset the direction
				if ( ( direction != RIGHT ) && ( just_printed == false ) )
					// Otherwise, print the current node if the following 3 conditions are true:
					// I did not just move up from a right child
					// I did not print this ndoe last cycle
					return_array[ index++ ] = *( current->item );
					just_printed = true;
					if ( ( current->right != 0 ) && ( direction != RIGHT ) )
						// Otherwise, go right if the following 2 conditions are true
						// I did not just move up from a right child
						// I can go right
						current = current->right;
						direction = ROOT;  // Reset the direction
						just_printed = false;
						//  Otherwise I've done everything I can.  Move up the tree one node
						parent = FindParent( *( current->item ) );
						current = parent;
						just_printed = false;
	template <class BinarySearchTreeType>
	void BinarySearchTree<BinarySearchTreeType>::DisplayPreorder( BinarySearchTreeType* return_array )
		typename BinarySearchTree::node * current, *parent;
		unsigned int index = 0;
		current = root;
		if ( BinarySearchTree_size == 0 )
			return ; // Do nothing for an empty tree
			if ( BinarySearchTree_size == 1 )
				return_array[ 0 ] = *( root->item );
				return ;
		direction = ROOT;  // Reset the direction
		return_array[ index++ ] = *( current->item );
		while ( index != BinarySearchTree_size )
			// direction is set by the find function and holds the direction of the parent to the last node visited.  It is used to prevent revisiting nodes
			if ( ( current->left != 0 ) && ( direction != LEFT ) && ( direction != RIGHT ) )
				current = current->left;
				direction = ROOT;
				// Everytime you move a node print it
				return_array[ index++ ] = *( current->item );
				if ( ( current->right != 0 ) && ( direction != RIGHT ) )
					current = current->right;
					direction = ROOT;
					// Everytime you move a node print it
					return_array[ index++ ] = *( current->item );
					//  Otherwise I've done everything I can.  Move up the tree one node
					parent = FindParent( *( current->item ) );
					current = parent;
	template <class BinarySearchTreeType>
	inline void BinarySearchTree<BinarySearchTreeType>::DisplayPostorder( BinarySearchTreeType* return_array )
		unsigned int index = 0;
		if ( BinarySearchTree_size == 0 )
			return ; // Do nothing for an empty tree
			if ( BinarySearchTree_size == 1 )
				return_array[ 0 ] = *( root->item );
				return ;
		DisplayPostorderRecursive( root, return_array, index );
	// Recursively do a postorder traversal
	template <class BinarySearchTreeType>
	void BinarySearchTree<BinarySearchTreeType>::DisplayPostorderRecursive( typename BinarySearchTree::node* current, BinarySearchTreeType* return_array, unsigned int& index )
		if ( current->left != 0 )
			DisplayPostorderRecursive( current->left, return_array, index );
		if ( current->right != 0 )
			DisplayPostorderRecursive( current->right, return_array, index );
		return_array[ index++ ] = *( current->item );
	template <class BinarySearchTreeType>
	void BinarySearchTree<BinarySearchTreeType>::DisplayBreadthFirstSearch( BinarySearchTreeType* return_array )
		typename BinarySearchTree::node * current;
		unsigned int index = 0;
		// Display the tree using a breadth first search
		// Put the children of the current node into the queue
		// Pop the queue, put its children into the queue, repeat until queue is empty
		if ( BinarySearchTree_size == 0 )
			return ; // Do nothing for an empty tree
			if ( BinarySearchTree_size == 1 )
				return_array[ 0 ] = *( root->item );
				return ;
				DataStructures::QueueLinkedList<node *> tree_queue;
				// Add the root of the tree I am copying from
				tree_queue.Push( root );
					current = tree_queue.Pop();
					return_array[ index++ ] = *( current->item );
					// Add the child or children of the tree I am copying from to the queue
					if ( current->left != 0 )
						tree_queue.Push( current->left );
					if ( current->right != 0 )
						tree_queue.Push( current->right );
				while ( tree_queue.Size() > 0 );
	template <class BinarySearchTreeType>
	BinarySearchTree<BinarySearchTreeType>::BinarySearchTree( const BinarySearchTree& original_copy )
		typename BinarySearchTree::node * current;
		// Copy the tree using a breadth first search
		// Put the children of the current node into the queue
		// Pop the queue, put its children into the queue, repeat until queue is empty
		// This is a copy of the constructor.  A bug in Visual C++ made it so if I just put the constructor call here the variable assignments were ignored.
		BinarySearchTree_size = 0;
		root = 0;
		if ( original_copy.BinarySearchTree_size == 0 )
			BinarySearchTree_size = 0;
			DataStructures::QueueLinkedList<node *> tree_queue;
			// Add the root of the tree I am copying from
			tree_queue.Push( original_copy.root );
				current = tree_queue.Pop();
				Add ( *( current->item ) )
				// Add the child or children of the tree I am copying from to the queue
				if ( current->left != 0 )
					tree_queue.Push( current->left );
				if ( current->right != 0 )
					tree_queue.Push( current->right );
			while ( tree_queue.Size() > 0 );
	template <class BinarySearchTreeType>
	BinarySearchTree<BinarySearchTreeType>& BinarySearchTree<BinarySearchTreeType>::operator= ( const BinarySearchTree& original_copy )
		typename BinarySearchTree::node * current;
		if ( ( &original_copy ) == this )
			return *this;
		Clear();  // Remove the current tree
		// This is a copy of the constructor.  A bug in Visual C++ made it so if I just put the constructor call here the variable assignments were ignored.
		BinarySearchTree_size = 0;
		root = 0;
		// Copy the tree using a breadth first search
		// Put the children of the current node into the queue
		// Pop the queue, put its children into the queue, repeat until queue is empty
		if ( original_copy.BinarySearchTree_size == 0 )
			BinarySearchTree_size = 0;
			DataStructures::QueueLinkedList<node *> tree_queue;
			// Add the root of the tree I am copying from
			tree_queue.Push( original_copy.root );
				current = tree_queue.Pop();
				Add ( *( current->item ) )
				// Add the child or children of the tree I am copying from to the queue
				if ( current->left != 0 )
					tree_queue.Push( current->left );
				if ( current->right != 0 )
					tree_queue.Push( current->right );
			while ( tree_queue.Size() > 0 );
		return *this;
	template <class BinarySearchTreeType>
	inline void BinarySearchTree<BinarySearchTreeType>::Clear ( void )
		typename BinarySearchTree::node * current, *parent;
		current = root;
		while ( BinarySearchTree_size > 0 )
			if ( BinarySearchTree_size == 1 )
				delete root->item;
				delete root;
				root = 0;
				BinarySearchTree_size = 0;
				if ( current->left != 0 )
					current = current->left;
					if ( current->right != 0 )
						current = current->right;
					else // leaf
						// Not root node so must have a parent
						parent = FindParent( *( current->item ) );
						if ( ( parent->left ) == current )
							parent->left = 0;
							parent->right = 0;
						delete current->item;
						delete current;
						current = parent;
} // End namespace


#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning( pop )