#include "Scene.h" #include #include #include "ServerPreconditions.h" #include "EntityManager.h" #include "EntityInfo.h" #include "MissionComponent.h" #include "dConfig.h" #include "PlayerManager.h" #include "SlashCommandHandler.h" #include "ChatPackets.h" #include "InventoryComponent.h" #include "MovementAIComponent.h" #include "Recorder.h" #include "GhostComponent.h" using namespace Cinema; std::unordered_map Scene::m_Scenes; void Cinema::Scene::AddObject(LOT lot, NiPoint3 position, NiQuaternion rotation) { m_Objects.push_back(std::make_pair(lot, std::make_pair(position, rotation))); } void Scene::AddPrefab(const Prefab& prefab, NiPoint3 position) { m_Prefabs.push_back(std::make_pair(prefab, position)); } void Cinema::Scene::AddNPC(LOT npc, const std::string& name, Recording::Recorder* act) { m_NPCs.push_back(std::make_pair(npc, std::make_pair(act, name))); } void Cinema::Scene::Rehearse() { CheckForShowings(); } void Cinema::Scene::Conclude(Entity* player) { if (player == nullptr) { return; } if (m_Audience.find(player->GetObjectID()) == m_Audience.end()) { return; } auto* missionComponent = player->GetComponent(); if (missionComponent == nullptr) { return; } if (m_CompleteMission != 0) { missionComponent->CompleteMission(m_CompleteMission); } if (m_AcceptMission != 0) { missionComponent->AcceptMission(m_AcceptMission); } // Remove the player from the audience m_Audience.erase(player->GetObjectID()); m_HasBeenOutside.erase(player->GetObjectID()); m_VisitedPlayers.emplace(player->GetObjectID()); } bool Cinema::Scene::IsPlayerInBounds(Entity* player) const { if (player == nullptr) { return false; } if (m_Bounds == 0.0f) { return true; } const auto& position = player->GetPosition(); auto distance = NiPoint3::Distance(position, m_Center); return distance <= m_Bounds; } bool Cinema::Scene::IsPlayerInShowingDistance(Entity* player) const { if (player == nullptr) { return false; } if (m_ShowingDistance == 0.0f) { return true; } const auto& position = player->GetPosition(); auto distance = NiPoint3::Distance(position, m_Center); return distance <= m_ShowingDistance; } bool Cinema::Scene::IsPlayerInMaximumShowingDistance(Entity* player) const { if (player == nullptr) { return false; } if (m_MaximumShowingDistance == 0.0f) { return true; } const auto& position = player->GetPosition(); auto distance = NiPoint3::Distance(position, m_Center); return distance <= m_MaximumShowingDistance; } void Cinema::Scene::AutoLoadScenesForZone(LWOMAPID zone) { SlashCommandHandler::RegisterCommand(Command{ .help = "", .info = "", .aliases = { "record-act" }, .handle = CommandRecordAct, .requiredLevel = eGameMasterLevel::LEAD_MODERATOR }); SlashCommandHandler::RegisterCommand(Command{ .help = "", .info = "", .aliases = { "record-start" }, .handle = CommandRecordStart, .requiredLevel = eGameMasterLevel::LEAD_MODERATOR }); SlashCommandHandler::RegisterCommand(Command{ .help = "", .info = "", .aliases = { "record-stop" }, .handle = CommandRecordStop, .requiredLevel = eGameMasterLevel::LEAD_MODERATOR }); SlashCommandHandler::RegisterCommand(Command{ .help = "", .info = "", .aliases = { "record-save" }, .handle = CommandRecordSave, .requiredLevel = eGameMasterLevel::LEAD_MODERATOR }); SlashCommandHandler::RegisterCommand(Command{ .help = "", .info = "", .aliases = { "record-load" }, .handle = CommandRecordLoad, .requiredLevel = eGameMasterLevel::LEAD_MODERATOR }); SlashCommandHandler::RegisterCommand(Command{ .help = "", .info = "", .aliases = { "prefab-spawn" }, .handle = CommandPrefabSpawn, .requiredLevel = eGameMasterLevel::LEAD_MODERATOR }); SlashCommandHandler::RegisterCommand(Command{ .help = "", .info = "", .aliases = { "prefab-destroy" }, .handle = CommandPrefabDestroy, .requiredLevel = eGameMasterLevel::LEAD_MODERATOR }); SlashCommandHandler::RegisterCommand(Command{ .help = "", .info = "", .aliases = { "scene-act" }, .handle = CommandSceneAct, .requiredLevel = eGameMasterLevel::LEAD_MODERATOR }); SlashCommandHandler::RegisterCommand(Command{ .help = "", .info = "", .aliases = { "scene-setup" }, .handle = CommandSceneSetup, .requiredLevel = eGameMasterLevel::LEAD_MODERATOR }); SlashCommandHandler::RegisterCommand(Command{ .help = "", .info = "", .aliases = { "companion" }, .handle = CommandCompanion, .requiredLevel = eGameMasterLevel::LEAD_MODERATOR }); SlashCommandHandler::RegisterCommand(Command{ .help = "", .info = "", .aliases = { "cinematic" }, .handle = CommandCinematic, .requiredLevel = eGameMasterLevel::LEAD_MODERATOR }); SlashCommandHandler::RegisterCommand(Command{ .help = "", .info = "", .aliases = { "ghost" }, .handle = CommandGhostReference, .requiredLevel = eGameMasterLevel::LEAD_MODERATOR }); const auto& scenesRoot = Game::config->GetValue("scenes_directory"); if (scenesRoot.empty()) { return; } const auto path = std::filesystem::path(scenesRoot) / std::to_string(zone); if (!std::filesystem::exists(path)) { return; } // Recursively iterate through the directory for (const auto& entry : std::filesystem::recursive_directory_iterator(path)) { if (!entry.is_regular_file()) { continue; } // Check that extension is .xml if (entry.path().extension() != ".xml") { continue; } const auto& file = entry.path().string(); auto& scene = LoadFromFile(file); if (scene.m_ChanceToPlay != 1.0f) { const auto chance = GeneralUtils::GenerateRandomNumber(0.0f, 1.0f); if (chance > scene.m_ChanceToPlay) { continue; } } scene.Rehearse(); } } void Cinema::Scene::CheckForShowings() { auto audience = m_Audience; auto hasBeenOutside = m_HasBeenOutside; for (const auto& member : audience) { if (Game::entityManager->GetEntity(member) == nullptr) { m_Audience.erase(member); } } for (const auto& member : hasBeenOutside) { if (Game::entityManager->GetEntity(member) == nullptr) { m_HasBeenOutside.erase(member); } } m_Audience = audience; m_HasBeenOutside = hasBeenOutside; // I don't care Game::entityManager->GetZoneControlEntity()->AddCallbackTimer(1.0f, [this]() { for (auto* player : PlayerManager::GetAllPlayers()) { if (m_Audience.find(player->GetObjectID()) != m_Audience.end()) { continue; } if (!m_Repeatable && m_VisitedPlayers.find(player->GetObjectID()) != m_VisitedPlayers.end()) { continue; } CheckTicket(player); } CheckForShowings(); }); } void Cinema::Scene::CheckTicket(Entity* player) { if (m_Audience.find(player->GetObjectID()) != m_Audience.end()) { return; } for (const auto& [expression, invert] : m_Preconditions) { if (expression.Check(player) == invert) { return; } } if (m_ShowingDistance != 0.0f) { if (!IsPlayerInShowingDistance(player)) { m_HasBeenOutside.emplace(player->GetObjectID()); return; } if (m_HasBeenOutside.find(player->GetObjectID()) == m_HasBeenOutside.end()) { return; } } m_Audience.emplace(player->GetObjectID()); Act(player); } Play* Cinema::Scene::Act(Entity* player) { auto* play = new Play(); if (player != nullptr) { play->player = player->GetObjectID(); } play->scene = this; for (const auto& [lot, transform] : m_Objects) { const auto& [position, rotation] = transform; EntityInfo info; info.pos = position; info.rot = rotation; info.lot = lot; info.spawnerID = Game::entityManager->GetZoneControlEntity()->GetObjectID(); auto* entity = Game::entityManager->CreateEntity(info); Game::entityManager->ConstructEntity(entity); if (player != nullptr) { ServerPreconditions::AddSoloActor(entity->GetObjectID(), player->GetObjectID()); } LOG("Spawing object %d", entity->GetObjectID()); } for (const auto& [prefab, position] : m_Prefabs) { const auto instanceId = prefab.Instantiate(position); const auto& entities = prefab.GetEntities(instanceId); if (player != nullptr) { for (const auto& entity : entities) { ServerPreconditions::AddSoloActor(entity, player->GetObjectID()); } } for (const auto& entity : entities) { play->entities.emplace(entity); } LOG("Spawing prefab %d", instanceId); } for (const auto& [npc, meta] : m_NPCs) { const auto& [act, name] = meta; EntityInfo info; info.pos = NiPoint3(); info.rot = NiQuaternion(); info.lot = npc; info.spawnerID = Game::entityManager->GetZoneControlEntity()->GetObjectID(); info.settings = { new LDFData>(u"syncLDF", { u"custom_script_client" }), new LDFData(u"custom_script_client", u"scripts\\ai\\SPEC\\MISSION_MINIGAME_CLIENT.lua") }; auto* entity = Game::entityManager->CreateEntity(info); play->entities.emplace(entity->GetObjectID()); Game::entityManager->ConstructEntity(entity); Entity* actor; if (player != nullptr) { actor = act->ActFor(entity, player, play); } else { act->Act(entity, play); actor = entity; } if (actor != nullptr) { actor->SetVar(u"npcName", name); } play->entities.emplace(actor->GetObjectID()); LOG("Spawing npc %d", entity->GetObjectID()); } if (player != nullptr) { play->SetupCheckForAudience(); } return play; } Scene& Cinema::Scene::LoadFromFile(std::string file) { if (m_Scenes.find(file) != m_Scenes.end()) { return m_Scenes[file]; } Scene scene; tinyxml2::XMLDocument doc; doc.LoadFile(file.c_str()); tinyxml2::XMLElement* root = doc.FirstChildElement("Scene"); if (!root) { LOG("Failed to load scene from file: %s", file.c_str()); m_Scenes.emplace(file, scene); return m_Scenes[file]; } // Load center and bounds if (root->Attribute("x")) { scene.m_Center = NiPoint3(root->FloatAttribute("x"), root->FloatAttribute("y"), root->FloatAttribute("z")); } if (root->Attribute("performingDistance")) { scene.m_Bounds = root->FloatAttribute("performingDistance"); } if (root->Attribute("showingDistance")) { scene.m_ShowingDistance = root->FloatAttribute("showingDistance"); } else { scene.m_ShowingDistance = scene.m_Bounds * 2.0f; } if (root->Attribute("maximumShowingDistance")) { scene.m_MaximumShowingDistance = root->FloatAttribute("maximumShowingDistance"); } else { scene.m_MaximumShowingDistance = scene.m_ShowingDistance * 2.0f; } if (root->Attribute("chanceToPlay")) { scene.m_ChanceToPlay = root->FloatAttribute("chanceToPlay"); } if (root->Attribute("repeatable")) { scene.m_Repeatable = root->BoolAttribute("repeatable"); } // Load accept and complete mission if (root->Attribute("acceptMission")) { scene.m_AcceptMission = root->IntAttribute("acceptMission"); } if (root->Attribute("completeMission")) { scene.m_CompleteMission = root->IntAttribute("completeMission"); } // Load preconditions for (tinyxml2::XMLElement* element = root->FirstChildElement("Precondition"); element; element = element->NextSiblingElement("Precondition")) { scene.m_Preconditions.push_back(std::make_pair(Preconditions::CreateExpression(element->Attribute("expression")), element->BoolAttribute("not"))); } for (tinyxml2::XMLElement* element = root->FirstChildElement("Object"); element; element = element->NextSiblingElement("Object")) { const auto lot = element->UnsignedAttribute("lot"); const auto position = NiPoint3(element->FloatAttribute("x"), element->FloatAttribute("y"), element->FloatAttribute("z")); const auto rotation = NiQuaternion(element->FloatAttribute("qx"), element->FloatAttribute("qy"), element->FloatAttribute("qz"), element->FloatAttribute("qw")); scene.AddObject(lot, position, rotation); } for (tinyxml2::XMLElement* element = root->FirstChildElement("Prefab"); element; element = element->NextSiblingElement("Prefab")) { const auto prefab = element->Attribute("file"); const auto position = NiPoint3(element->FloatAttribute("x"), element->FloatAttribute("y"), element->FloatAttribute("z")); scene.AddPrefab(Prefab::LoadFromFile(prefab), position); } for (tinyxml2::XMLElement* element = root->FirstChildElement("NPC"); element; element = element->NextSiblingElement("NPC")) { LOT npc = 2097253; if (element->Attribute("lot")) { npc = element->UnsignedAttribute("lot"); } std::string name = ""; if (element->Attribute("name")) { name = element->Attribute("name"); } const auto act = element->Attribute("act"); scene.AddNPC(npc, name, Recording::Recorder::LoadFromFile(act)); } LOG("Loaded scene from file: %s", file.c_str()); m_Scenes.emplace(file, scene); return m_Scenes[file]; } void Cinema::Scene::CommandRecordAct(Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr, const std::string args) { const auto splitArgs = GeneralUtils::SplitString(args, ' '); if (splitArgs.empty()) return; EntityInfo info; info.lot = 0; info.pos = entity->GetPosition(); info.rot = entity->GetRotation(); info.scale = 1; info.spawner = nullptr; info.spawnerID = entity->GetObjectID(); info.spawnerNodeID = 0; info.settings = { new LDFData>(u"syncLDF", { u"custom_script_client" }), new LDFData(u"custom_script_client", u"scripts\\ai\\SPEC\\MISSION_MINIGAME_CLIENT.lua") }; // If there is an argument, set the lot const auto lotOptional = GeneralUtils::TryParse(splitArgs[0]); if (lotOptional) { info.lot = lotOptional.value(); } else { ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Invalid lot."); return; } // Spawn it auto* actor = Game::entityManager->CreateEntity(info); // If there is an argument, set the actors name if (args.size() > 1) { actor->SetVar(u"npcName", args[1]); } // Construct it Game::entityManager->ConstructEntity(actor); auto* record = Cinema::Recording::Recorder::GetRecorder(entity->GetObjectID()); if (record) { record->Act(actor); } else { LOG("Failed to get recorder for objectID: %llu", entity->GetObjectID()); } } void Cinema::Scene::CommandRecordStart(Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr, const std::string args) { auto splitArgs = GeneralUtils::SplitString(args, ' '); Cinema::Recording::Recorder::StartRecording(entity->GetObjectID()); auto* record = Cinema::Recording::Recorder::GetRecorder(entity->GetObjectID()); if (record) { if (args.size() > 0 && splitArgs[0] == "clear") { record->AddRecord(new Cinema::Recording::ClearEquippedRecord()); } else if (args.size() > 0 && splitArgs[0] == "copy") { record->AddRecord(new Cinema::Recording::ClearEquippedRecord()); auto* inventoryComponent = entity->GetComponent(); if (inventoryComponent) { for (const auto& [k, v] : inventoryComponent->GetEquippedItems()) { auto* equipmentRecord = new Cinema::Recording::EquipRecord(); equipmentRecord->item = v.lot; record->AddRecord(equipmentRecord); } } } } else { LOG("Failed to get recorder for objectID: %llu", entity->GetObjectID()); } } void Cinema::Scene::CommandRecordStop(Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr, const std::string args) { Cinema::Recording::Recorder::StopRecording(entity->GetObjectID()); } void Cinema::Scene::CommandRecordSave(Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr, const std::string args) { auto splitArgs = GeneralUtils::SplitString(args, ' '); if (splitArgs.empty()) return; auto* record = Cinema::Recording::Recorder::GetRecorder(entity->GetObjectID()); if (record) { record->SaveToFile(splitArgs[0]); } else { LOG("Failed to get recorder for objectID: %llu", entity->GetObjectID()); } } void Cinema::Scene::CommandRecordLoad(Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr, const std::string args) { auto splitArgs = GeneralUtils::SplitString(args, ' '); if (splitArgs.empty()) return; auto* record = Cinema::Recording::Recorder::LoadFromFile(splitArgs[0]); if (record) { Cinema::Recording::Recorder::AddRecording(entity->GetObjectID(), record); } else { LOG("Failed to load recording from file: %s", splitArgs[0].c_str()); } } void Cinema::Scene::CommandPrefabSpawn(Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr, const std::string args) { auto splitArgs = GeneralUtils::SplitString(args, ' '); if (splitArgs.empty()) return; const auto& prefab = Cinema::Prefab::LoadFromFile(splitArgs[0]); float scale = 1.0f; if (args.size() >= 2) { const auto scaleOptional = GeneralUtils::TryParse(splitArgs[1]); if (scaleOptional) { scale = scaleOptional.value(); } } size_t id = prefab.Instantiate(entity->GetPosition(), scale); ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Spawned prefab with ID: " + GeneralUtils::to_u16string(id)); } void Cinema::Scene::CommandPrefabDestroy(Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr, const std::string args) { auto splitArgs = GeneralUtils::SplitString(args, ' '); if (splitArgs.empty()) return; size_t id = GeneralUtils::TryParse(splitArgs[0]).value_or(0); if (id == 0) { ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Invalid prefab ID."); return; } Cinema::Prefab::DestroyInstance(id); ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Destroyed prefab with ID: " + GeneralUtils::to_u16string(id)); return; } void Cinema::Scene::CommandSceneAct(Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr, const std::string args) { auto splitArgs = GeneralUtils::SplitString(args, ' '); if (splitArgs.empty()) return; auto& scene = Cinema::Scene::LoadFromFile(splitArgs[0]); scene.Act(entity); } void Cinema::Scene::CommandSceneSetup(Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr, const std::string args) { auto splitArgs = GeneralUtils::SplitString(args, ' '); if (splitArgs.empty()) return; auto& scene = Cinema::Scene::LoadFromFile(splitArgs[0]); scene.Rehearse(); } void Cinema::Scene::CommandCompanion(Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr, const std::string args) { const auto splitArgs = GeneralUtils::SplitString(args, ' '); if (splitArgs.empty()) return; EntityInfo info; info.lot = 0; info.pos = entity->GetPosition(); info.rot = entity->GetRotation(); info.scale = 1; info.spawner = nullptr; info.spawnerID = entity->GetObjectID(); info.spawnerNodeID = 0; info.settings = { new LDFData>(u"syncLDF", { u"custom_script_client" }), new LDFData(u"custom_script_client", u"scripts\\ai\\SPEC\\MISSION_MINIGAME_CLIENT.lua") }; // If there is an argument, set the lot const auto lotOptional = GeneralUtils::TryParse(splitArgs[0]); if (lotOptional) { info.lot = lotOptional.value(); } else { ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Invalid lot."); return; } // Spawn it auto* actor = Game::entityManager->CreateEntity(info); // If there is an argument, set the actors name if (args.size() > 1) { actor->SetVar(u"npcName", args[1]); } // Construct it Game::entityManager->ConstructEntity(actor); const auto follow = entity->GetObjectID(); actor->AddCallbackTimer(1.0f, [actor, follow]() { Cinema::Recording::CompanionRecord::SetCompanion(actor, follow); }); } void Cinema::Scene::CommandCinematic(Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr, const std::string args) { const auto splitArgs = GeneralUtils::SplitString(args, ' '); if (splitArgs.empty()) return; const auto path = splitArgs[0]; GameMessages::SendPlayCinematic(entity->GetObjectID(), GeneralUtils::UTF8ToUTF16(path), sysAddr); } void Cinema::Scene::CommandGhostReference(Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr, const std::string args) { auto* ghostComponent = entity->GetComponent(); if (ghostComponent == nullptr) { ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Entity does not have a ghost component."); return; } const auto& ref = ghostComponent->GetGhostReferencePoint(); std::stringstream ss; ss << "<" << ref.x << ", " << ref.y << ", " << ref.z << ">"; ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, GeneralUtils::UTF8ToUTF16(ss.str())); }