#include "FileList.h" #include <stdio.h> // printf #include <assert.h> #if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__CYGWIN__) #include <io.h> #elif !defined ( __APPLE__ ) && !defined ( __APPLE_CC__ ) && !defined ( __PPC__ ) && !defined ( __FreeBSD__ ) #include <sys/io.h> #endif #include "DS_Queue.h" #ifdef _WIN32 // For mkdir #include <direct.h> #else #include <sys/stat.h> #endif //#include "SHA1.h" #include "StringCompressor.h" #include "BitStream.h" #include "FileOperations.h" #include "SuperFastHash.h" #include "RakAssert.h" #include "LinuxStrings.h" #define MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH 512 static const unsigned HASH_LENGTH=sizeof(unsigned int); // alloca #ifdef _XBOX360 #elif defined(_WIN32) #include <malloc.h> #else #if !defined ( __FreeBSD__ ) #include <alloca.h> #endif #include <unistd.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include "_FindFirst.h" #include <stdint.h> //defines intptr_t #endif //int RAK_DLL_EXPORT FileListNodeComp( char * const &key, const FileListNode &data ) //{ // return strcmp(key, data.filename); //} #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning( push ) #endif /// First callback called when FileList::AddFilesFromDirectory() starts void FLP_Printf::OnAddFilesFromDirectoryStarted(FileList *fileList, char *dir) { (void) fileList; printf("Adding files from directory %s\n",dir);} /// Called for each directory, when that directory begins processing void FLP_Printf::OnDirectory(FileList *fileList, char *dir, unsigned int directoriesRemaining) { (void) fileList; printf("Adding %s. %i remaining.\n", dir, directoriesRemaining);} FileList::FileList() { callback=0; } FileList::~FileList() { Clear(); } void FileList::AddFile(const char *filepath, const char *filename, unsigned char context) { if (filepath==0 || filename==0) return; char *data; //std::fstream file; //file.open(filename, std::ios::in | std::ios::binary); FILE *fp = fopen(filepath, "rb"); if (fp==0) return; fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END); int length = ftell(fp); fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET); if (length > (int) ((unsigned int)-1 / 8)) { // If this assert hits, split up your file. You could also change BitSize_t in RakNetTypes.h to unsigned long long but this is not recommended for performance reasons assert("Cannot add files over 536 MB" && 0); fclose(fp); return; } #if !defined(_XBOX360) bool usedAlloca=false; if (length < MAX_ALLOCA_STACK_ALLOCATION) { data = ( char* ) alloca( length ); usedAlloca=true; } else #endif { data = (char*) rakMalloc( length ); } fread(data, 1, length, fp); AddFile(filename, data, length, length, context); fclose(fp); #if !defined(_XBOX360) if (usedAlloca==false) #endif rakFree(data); } void FileList::AddFile(const char *filename, const char *data, const unsigned dataLength, const unsigned fileLength, unsigned char context) { if (filename==0) return; if (strlen(filename)>MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH) { // Should be enough for anyone assert(0); return; } // Avoid duplicate insertions unless the data is different, in which case overwrite the old data unsigned i; for (i=0; i<fileList.Size();i++) { if (strcmp(fileList[i].filename, filename)==0) { if (fileList[i].fileLengthBytes==fileLength && fileList[i].dataLengthBytes==dataLength && (dataLength==0 || memcmp(fileList[i].data, data, dataLength)==0)) // Exact same file already here return; // File of the same name, but different contents, so overwrite rakFree(fileList[i].data); rakFree(fileList[i].filename); fileList.RemoveAtIndex(i); break; } } FileListNode n; n.filename=(char*) rakMalloc( strlen(filename)+1 ); if (dataLength) { n.data=(char*) rakMalloc( dataLength ); memcpy(n.data, data, dataLength); } else n.data=0; n.dataLengthBytes=dataLength; n.fileLengthBytes=fileLength; n.context=context; strcpy(n.filename, filename); fileList.Insert(n); } void FileList::AddFilesFromDirectory(const char *applicationDirectory, const char *subDirectory, bool writeHash, bool writeData, bool recursive, unsigned char context) { DataStructures::Queue<char*> dirList; char root[260]; char fullPath[520]; _finddata_t fileInfo; intptr_t dir; FILE *fp; char *dirSoFar, *fileData; dirSoFar=(char*) rakMalloc( 520 ); if (applicationDirectory) strcpy(root, applicationDirectory); else root[0]=0; int rootLen=(int)strlen(root); if (rootLen) { strcpy(dirSoFar, root); if (FixEndingSlash(dirSoFar)) rootLen++; } else dirSoFar[0]=0; if (subDirectory) { strcat(dirSoFar, subDirectory); FixEndingSlash(dirSoFar); } if (callback) callback->OnAddFilesFromDirectoryStarted(this, dirSoFar); // printf("Adding files from directory %s\n",dirSoFar); dirList.Push(dirSoFar); while (dirList.Size()) { dirSoFar=dirList.Pop(); strcpy(fullPath, dirSoFar); // Changed from *.* to * for Linux compatibility strcat(fullPath, "*"); dir=_findfirst(fullPath, &fileInfo ); if (dir==-1) { _findclose(dir); rakFree(dirSoFar); unsigned i; for (i=0; i < dirList.Size(); i++) rakFree(dirList[i]); return; } // printf("Adding %s. %i remaining.\n", fullPath, dirList.Size()); if (callback) callback->OnDirectory(this, fullPath, dirList.Size()); do { // no guarantee these entries are first... if (strcmp("." , fileInfo.name) == 0 || strcmp("..", fileInfo.name) == 0) { continue; } if ((fileInfo.attrib & (_A_HIDDEN | _A_SUBDIR | _A_SYSTEM))==0) { strcpy(fullPath, dirSoFar); strcat(fullPath, fileInfo.name); fileData=0; if (callback) callback->OnFile(this, dirSoFar, fileInfo.name, fileInfo.size); if (writeData && writeHash) { fileData= (char*) rakMalloc( fileInfo.size+HASH_LENGTH ); fp = fopen(fullPath, "rb"); fread(fileData+HASH_LENGTH, fileInfo.size, 1, fp); fclose(fp); unsigned int hash = SuperFastHash(fileData+HASH_LENGTH, fileInfo.size); memcpy(fileData, &hash, HASH_LENGTH); // sha1.Reset(); // sha1.Update( ( unsigned char* ) fileData+HASH_LENGTH, fileInfo.size ); // sha1.Final(); // memcpy(fileData, sha1.GetHash(), HASH_LENGTH); // File data and hash AddFile((const char*)fullPath+rootLen, fileData, fileInfo.size+HASH_LENGTH, fileInfo.size, context); } else if (writeHash) { // sha1.Reset(); // sha1.HashFile((char*)fullPath); // sha1.Final(); unsigned int hash = SuperFastHashFile(fullPath); // Hash only // AddFile((const char*)fullPath+rootLen, (const char*)sha1.GetHash(), HASH_LENGTH, fileInfo.size, context); AddFile((const char*)fullPath+rootLen, (const char*)&hash, HASH_LENGTH, fileInfo.size, context); } else if (writeData) { fileData= (char*) rakMalloc( fileInfo.size ); fp = fopen(fullPath, "rb"); fread(fileData, fileInfo.size, 1, fp); fclose(fp); // File data only AddFile(fullPath+rootLen, fileData, fileInfo.size, fileInfo.size, context); } else { // Just the filename AddFile(fullPath+rootLen, 0, 0, fileInfo.size, context); } if (fileData) rakFree(fileData); } else if ((fileInfo.attrib & _A_SUBDIR) && (fileInfo.attrib & (_A_HIDDEN | _A_SYSTEM))==0 && recursive) { char *newDir=(char*) rakMalloc( 520 ); strcpy(newDir, dirSoFar); strcat(newDir, fileInfo.name); strcat(newDir, "/"); dirList.Push(newDir); } } while (_findnext(dir, &fileInfo ) != -1); _findclose(dir); rakFree(dirSoFar); } } void FileList::Clear(void) { unsigned i; for (i=0; i<fileList.Size(); i++) { rakFree(fileList[i].data); rakFree(fileList[i].filename); } fileList.Clear(); } void FileList::Serialize(RakNet::BitStream *outBitStream) { outBitStream->WriteCompressed(fileList.Size()); unsigned i; for (i=0; i < fileList.Size(); i++) { outBitStream->WriteCompressed(fileList[i].context); stringCompressor->EncodeString(fileList[i].filename, MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH, outBitStream); outBitStream->Write((bool)(fileList[i].dataLengthBytes>0==true)); if (fileList[i].dataLengthBytes>0) { outBitStream->WriteCompressed(fileList[i].dataLengthBytes); outBitStream->Write(fileList[i].data, fileList[i].dataLengthBytes); } outBitStream->Write((bool)(fileList[i].fileLengthBytes==fileList[i].dataLengthBytes)); if (fileList[i].fileLengthBytes!=fileList[i].dataLengthBytes) outBitStream->WriteCompressed(fileList[i].fileLengthBytes); } } bool FileList::Deserialize(RakNet::BitStream *inBitStream) { bool b, dataLenNonZero=false, fileLenMatchesDataLen=false; char filename[512]; unsigned int fileListSize; FileListNode n; b=inBitStream->ReadCompressed(fileListSize); #ifdef _DEBUG assert(b); assert(fileListSize < 10000); #endif if (b==false || fileListSize > 10000) return false; // Sanity check Clear(); unsigned i; for (i=0; i < fileListSize; i++) { inBitStream->ReadCompressed(n.context); stringCompressor->DecodeString((char*)filename, MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH, inBitStream); inBitStream->Read(dataLenNonZero); if (dataLenNonZero) { inBitStream->ReadCompressed(n.dataLengthBytes); // sanity check if (n.dataLengthBytes>2000000000) { #ifdef _DEBUG assert(n.dataLengthBytes<=2000000000); #endif return false; } n.data=(char*) rakMalloc( (size_t) n.dataLengthBytes ); inBitStream->Read(n.data, n.dataLengthBytes); } else { n.dataLengthBytes=0; n.data=0; } b=inBitStream->Read(fileLenMatchesDataLen); if (fileLenMatchesDataLen) n.fileLengthBytes=(unsigned) n.dataLengthBytes; else b=inBitStream->ReadCompressed(n.fileLengthBytes); #ifdef _DEBUG assert(b); #endif if (b==0) { Clear(); return false; } n.filename=(char*) rakMalloc( strlen(filename)+1 ); strcpy(n.filename, filename); fileList.Insert(n); } return true; } void FileList::GetDeltaToCurrent(FileList *input, FileList *output, const char *dirSubset, const char *remoteSubdir) { // For all files in this list that do not match the input list, write them to the output list. // dirSubset allows checking only a portion of the files in this list. unsigned thisIndex, inputIndex; unsigned dirSubsetLen, localPathLen, remoteSubdirLen; bool match; if (dirSubset) dirSubsetLen = (unsigned int) strlen(dirSubset); else dirSubsetLen = 0; if (remoteSubdir && remoteSubdir[0]) { remoteSubdirLen=(unsigned int) strlen(remoteSubdir); if (IsSlash(remoteSubdir[remoteSubdirLen-1])) remoteSubdirLen--; } else remoteSubdirLen=0; for (thisIndex=0; thisIndex < fileList.Size(); thisIndex++) { localPathLen = (unsigned int) strlen(fileList[thisIndex].filename); while (localPathLen>0) { if (IsSlash(fileList[thisIndex].filename[localPathLen-1])) { localPathLen--; break; } localPathLen--; } // fileList[thisIndex].filename has to match dirSubset and be shorter or equal to it in length. if (dirSubsetLen>0 && (localPathLen<dirSubsetLen || _strnicmp(fileList[thisIndex].filename, dirSubset, dirSubsetLen)!=0 || (localPathLen>dirSubsetLen && IsSlash(fileList[thisIndex].filename[dirSubsetLen])==false))) continue; match=false; for (inputIndex=0; inputIndex < input->fileList.Size(); inputIndex++) { // If the filenames, hashes, and lengths match then skip this element in fileList. Otherwise write it to output if (_stricmp(input->fileList[inputIndex].filename+remoteSubdirLen,fileList[thisIndex].filename+dirSubsetLen)==0) { match=true; if (input->fileList[inputIndex].fileLengthBytes==fileList[thisIndex].fileLengthBytes && input->fileList[inputIndex].dataLengthBytes==fileList[thisIndex].dataLengthBytes && memcmp(input->fileList[inputIndex].data,fileList[thisIndex].data,(size_t) fileList[thisIndex].dataLengthBytes)==0) { // File exists on both machines and is the same. break; } else { // File exists on both machines and is not the same. output->AddFile(fileList[thisIndex].filename, 0,0, fileList[thisIndex].fileLengthBytes, 0); break; } } } if (match==false) { // Other system does not have the file at all output->AddFile(fileList[thisIndex].filename, 0,0, fileList[thisIndex].fileLengthBytes, 0); } } } void FileList::ListMissingOrChangedFiles(const char *applicationDirectory, FileList *missingOrChangedFiles, bool alwaysWriteHash, bool neverWriteHash) { unsigned fileLength; // CSHA1 sha1; FILE *fp; char fullPath[512]; unsigned i; // char *fileData; for (i=0; i < fileList.Size(); i++) { strcpy(fullPath, applicationDirectory); FixEndingSlash(fullPath); strcat(fullPath,fileList[i].filename); fp=fopen(fullPath, "rb"); if (fp==0) { missingOrChangedFiles->AddFile(fileList[i].filename, 0, 0, 0, 0); } else { fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END); fileLength = ftell(fp); fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET); if (fileLength != fileList[i].fileLengthBytes && alwaysWriteHash==false) { missingOrChangedFiles->AddFile(fileList[i].filename, 0, 0, fileLength, 0); } else { // fileData= (char*) rakMalloc( fileLength ); // fread(fileData, fileLength, 1, fp); // sha1.Reset(); // sha1.Update( ( unsigned char* ) fileData, fileLength ); // sha1.Final(); // rakFree(fileData); unsigned int hash = SuperFastHashFilePtr(fp); //if (fileLength != fileList[i].fileLength || memcmp( sha1.GetHash(), fileList[i].data, HASH_LENGTH)!=0) if (fileLength != fileList[i].fileLengthBytes || memcmp( &hash, fileList[i].data, HASH_LENGTH)!=0) { if (neverWriteHash==false) // missingOrChangedFiles->AddFile((const char*)fileList[i].filename, (const char*)sha1.GetHash(), HASH_LENGTH, fileLength, 0); missingOrChangedFiles->AddFile((const char*)fileList[i].filename, (const char *) &hash, HASH_LENGTH, fileLength, 0); else missingOrChangedFiles->AddFile((const char*)fileList[i].filename, 0, 0, fileLength, 0); } } fclose(fp); } } } void FileList::PopulateDataFromDisk(const char *applicationDirectory, bool writeFileData, bool writeFileHash, bool removeUnknownFiles) { FILE *fp; char fullPath[512]; unsigned i; // CSHA1 sha1; i=0; while (i < fileList.Size()) { rakFree(fileList[i].data); strcpy(fullPath, applicationDirectory); FixEndingSlash(fullPath); strcat(fullPath,fileList[i].filename); fp=fopen(fullPath, "rb"); if (fp) { if (writeFileHash || writeFileData) { fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END); fileList[i].fileLengthBytes = ftell(fp); fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET); if (writeFileHash) { if (writeFileData) { // Hash + data so offset the data by HASH_LENGTH fileList[i].data=(char*) rakMalloc( fileList[i].fileLengthBytes+HASH_LENGTH ); fread(fileList[i].data+HASH_LENGTH, fileList[i].fileLengthBytes, 1, fp); // sha1.Reset(); // sha1.Update((unsigned char*)fileList[i].data+HASH_LENGTH, fileList[i].fileLength); // sha1.Final(); unsigned int hash = SuperFastHash(fileList[i].data+HASH_LENGTH, fileList[i].fileLengthBytes); // memcpy(fileList[i].data, sha1.GetHash(), HASH_LENGTH); memcpy(fileList[i].data, &hash, HASH_LENGTH); } else { // Hash only fileList[i].dataLengthBytes=HASH_LENGTH; if (fileList[i].fileLengthBytes < HASH_LENGTH) fileList[i].data=(char*) rakMalloc( HASH_LENGTH ); else fileList[i].data=(char*) rakMalloc( fileList[i].fileLengthBytes ); fread(fileList[i].data, fileList[i].fileLengthBytes, 1, fp); // sha1.Reset(); // sha1.Update((unsigned char*)fileList[i].data, fileList[i].fileLength); // sha1.Final(); unsigned int hash = SuperFastHash(fileList[i].data, fileList[i].fileLengthBytes); // memcpy(fileList[i].data, sha1.GetHash(), HASH_LENGTH); memcpy(fileList[i].data, &hash, HASH_LENGTH); } } else { // Data only fileList[i].dataLengthBytes=fileList[i].fileLengthBytes; fileList[i].data=(char*) rakMalloc( fileList[i].fileLengthBytes ); fread(fileList[i].data, fileList[i].fileLengthBytes, 1, fp); } fclose(fp); i++; } else { fileList[i].data=0; fileList[i].dataLengthBytes=0; } } else { if (removeUnknownFiles) { rakFree(fileList[i].filename); fileList.RemoveAtIndex(i); } else i++; } } } void FileList::WriteDataToDisk(const char *applicationDirectory) { char fullPath[512]; unsigned i,j; for (i=0; i < fileList.Size(); i++) { strcpy(fullPath, applicationDirectory); FixEndingSlash(fullPath); strcat(fullPath,fileList[i].filename); // Security - Don't allow .. in the filename anywhere so you can't write outside of the root directory for (j=1; j < strlen(fileList[i].filename); j++) { if (fileList[i].filename[j]=='.' && fileList[i].filename[j-1]=='.') { #ifdef _DEBUG assert(0); #endif // Just cancel the write entirely return; } } WriteFileWithDirectories(fullPath, fileList[i].data, (unsigned int) fileList[i].dataLengthBytes); } } #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning( disable : 4966 ) // unlink declared depreciated by Microsoft in order to make it harder to be cross platform. I don't agree it's depreciated. #endif void FileList::DeleteFiles(const char *applicationDirectory) { char fullPath[512]; unsigned i,j; for (i=0; i < fileList.Size(); i++) { // The filename should not have .. in the path - if it does ignore it for (j=1; j < strlen(fileList[i].filename); j++) { if (fileList[i].filename[j]=='.' && fileList[i].filename[j-1]=='.') { #ifdef _DEBUG assert(0); #endif // Just cancel the deletion entirely return; } } strcpy(fullPath, applicationDirectory); FixEndingSlash(fullPath); strcat(fullPath, fileList[i].filename); #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning( disable : 4966 ) // unlink declared depreciated by Microsoft in order to make it harder to be cross platform. I don't agree it's depreciated. #endif int result = unlink(fullPath); if (result!=0) { printf("FileList::DeleteFiles: unlink (%s) failed.\n", fullPath); } } } void FileList::SetCallback(FileListProgress *cb) { callback=cb; } bool FileList::FixEndingSlash(char *str) { #ifdef _WIN32 if (str[strlen(str)-1]!='/' && str[strlen(str)-1]!='\\') { strcat(str, "\\"); // Only \ works with system commands, used by AutopatcherClient return true; } #else if (str[strlen(str)-1]!='\\' && str[strlen(str)-1]!='/') { strcat(str, "/"); // Only / works with Linux return true; } #endif return false; } #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning( pop ) #endif