// Useful sites // http://www.faqs.org\rfcs\rfc2821.html // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Base64 // http://www2.rad.com\networks/1995/mime/examples.htm #include "EmailSender.h" #include "TCPInterface.h" #include "GetTime.h" #include "Rand.h" #include "FileList.h" #include "BitStream.h" #include <stdio.h> #if defined(_XBOX360) #include "Console1Includes.h" #endif #include "RakSleep.h" static const char base64Map[]="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"; const char *EmailSender::Send(const char *hostAddress, unsigned short hostPort, const char *sender, const char *recipient, const char *senderName, const char *recipientName, const char *subject, const char *body, FileList *attachedFiles, bool doPrintf, const char *password) { Packet *packet; char query[1024]; TCPInterface tcpInterface; SystemAddress emailServer; if (tcpInterface.Start(0, 0)==false) return "Unknown error starting TCP"; emailServer=tcpInterface.Connect(hostAddress, hostPort,true); if (emailServer==UNASSIGNED_SYSTEM_ADDRESS) return "Failed to connect to host"; RakNetTime timeoutTime = RakNet::GetTime()+3000; packet=0; while (RakNet::GetTime() < timeoutTime) { packet = tcpInterface.Receive(); if (packet) { if (doPrintf) printf("%s", packet->data); break; } RakSleep(250); } if (packet==0) return "Timeout while waiting for initial data from server."; tcpInterface.Send("EHLO\r\n", 6, emailServer); const char *response; bool authenticate=false; #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning(disable:4127) // conditional expression is constant #endif while (1) { response=GetResponse(&tcpInterface, emailServer, doPrintf); if (response!=0 && strcmp(response, "AUTHENTICATE")==0) { authenticate=true; break; } // Something other than continue? if (response!=0 && strcmp(response, "CONTINUE")!=0) return response; // Success? if (response==0) break; } if (authenticate) { sprintf(query, "EHLO %s\r\n", sender); tcpInterface.Send(query, (unsigned int)strlen(query), emailServer); response=GetResponse(&tcpInterface, emailServer, doPrintf); if (response!=0) return response; if (password==0) return "Password needed"; char *outputData = new char [(strlen(sender)+strlen(password)+2)*3]; RakNet::BitStream bs; char zero=0; bs.Write(&zero,1); bs.Write(sender,(const unsigned int)strlen(sender)); //bs.Write("jms1@jms1.net",(const unsigned int)strlen("jms1@jms1.net")); bs.Write(&zero,1); bs.Write(password,(const unsigned int)strlen(password)); bs.Write(&zero,1); //bs.Write("not.my.real.password",(const unsigned int)strlen("not.my.real.password")); Base64Encoding((const char*)bs.GetData(), bs.GetNumberOfBytesUsed(), outputData, base64Map); sprintf(query, "AUTH PLAIN %s", outputData); tcpInterface.Send(query, (unsigned int)strlen(query), emailServer); response=GetResponse(&tcpInterface, emailServer, doPrintf); if (response!=0) return response; } if (sender) sprintf(query, "MAIL From: <%s>\r\n", sender); else sprintf(query, "MAIL From: <>\r\n"); tcpInterface.Send(query, (unsigned int)strlen(query), emailServer); if (recipient) sprintf(query, "RCPT TO: <%s>\r\n", recipient); else sprintf(query, "RCPT TO: <>\r\n"); tcpInterface.Send(query, (unsigned int)strlen(query), emailServer); response=GetResponse(&tcpInterface, emailServer, doPrintf); if (response!=0) return response; tcpInterface.Send("DATA\r\n", (unsigned int)strlen("DATA\r\n"), emailServer); response=GetResponse(&tcpInterface, emailServer, doPrintf); if (response!=0) return response; if (subject) { sprintf(query, "Subject: %s\r\n", subject); tcpInterface.Send(query, (unsigned int)strlen(query), emailServer); } if (senderName) { sprintf(query, "From: %s\r\n", senderName); tcpInterface.Send(query, (unsigned int)strlen(query), emailServer); } if (recipientName) { sprintf(query, "To: %s\r\n", recipientName); tcpInterface.Send(query, (unsigned int)strlen(query), emailServer); } const int boundarySize=60; char boundary[boundarySize+1]; int i,j; if (attachedFiles && attachedFiles->fileList.Size()) { seedMT(RakNet::GetTime()); // Random multipart message boundary for (i=0; i < boundarySize; i++) boundary[i]=base64Map[randomMT()%64]; boundary[boundarySize]=0; } sprintf(query, "MIME-version: 1.0\r\n"); tcpInterface.Send(query, (unsigned int)strlen(query), emailServer); if (attachedFiles && attachedFiles->fileList.Size()) { sprintf(query, "Content-type: multipart/mixed; BOUNDARY=\"%s\"\r\n\r\n", boundary); tcpInterface.Send(query, (unsigned int)strlen(query), emailServer); sprintf(query, "This is a multi-part message in MIME format.\r\n\r\n--%s\r\n", boundary); tcpInterface.Send(query, (unsigned int)strlen(query), emailServer); } sprintf(query, "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=\"US-ASCII\"\r\n\r\n"); tcpInterface.Send(query, (unsigned int)strlen(query), emailServer); // Write the body of the email, doing some lame shitty shit where I have to make periods at the start of a newline have a second period. char *newBody; int bodyLength; bodyLength=(int)strlen(body); newBody = (char*) rakMalloc( bodyLength*3 ); if (bodyLength>0) newBody[0]=body[0]; for (i=1, j=1; i < bodyLength; i++) { // Transform \n . \r \n into \n . . \r \n if (i < bodyLength-2 && body[i-1]=='\n' && body[i+0]=='.' && body[i+1]=='\r' && body[i+2]=='\n') { newBody[j++]='.'; newBody[j++]='.'; newBody[j++]='\r'; newBody[j++]='\n'; i+=2; } // Transform \n . . \r \n into \n . . . \r \n // Having to process .. is a bug in the mail server - the spec says ONLY \r\n.\r\n should be transformed else if (i <= bodyLength-3 && body[i-1]=='\n' && body[i+0]=='.' && body[i+1]=='.' && body[i+2]=='\r' && body[i+3]=='\n') { newBody[j++]='.'; newBody[j++]='.'; newBody[j++]='.'; newBody[j++]='\r'; newBody[j++]='\n'; i+=3; } // Transform \n . \n into \n . . \r \n (this is a bug in the mail server - the spec says do not count \n alone but it does) else if (i < bodyLength-1 && body[i-1]=='\n' && body[i+0]=='.' && body[i+1]=='\n') { newBody[j++]='.'; newBody[j++]='.'; newBody[j++]='\r'; newBody[j++]='\n'; i+=1; } // Transform \n . . \n into \n . . . \r \n (this is a bug in the mail server - the spec says do not count \n alone but it does) // In fact having to process .. is a bug too - because the spec says ONLY \r\n.\r\n should be transformed else if (i <= bodyLength-2 && body[i-1]=='\n' && body[i+0]=='.' && body[i+1]=='.' && body[i+2]=='\n') { newBody[j++]='.'; newBody[j++]='.'; newBody[j++]='.'; newBody[j++]='\r'; newBody[j++]='\n'; i+=2; } else newBody[j++]=body[i]; } newBody[j++]='\r'; newBody[j++]='\n'; tcpInterface.Send(newBody, j, emailServer); rakFree(newBody); int outputOffset; // What a pain in the rear. I have to map the binary to printable characters using 6 bits per character. if (attachedFiles && attachedFiles->fileList.Size()) { for (i=0; i < (int) attachedFiles->fileList.Size(); i++) { // Write boundary sprintf(query, "\r\n--%s\r\n", boundary); tcpInterface.Send(query, (unsigned int)strlen(query), emailServer); sprintf(query, "Content-Type: APPLICATION/Octet-Stream; SizeOnDisk=%i; name=\"%s\"\r\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: BASE64\r\nContent-Description: %s\r\n\r\n", attachedFiles->fileList[i].dataLengthBytes, attachedFiles->fileList[i].filename, attachedFiles->fileList[i].filename); tcpInterface.Send(query, (unsigned int)strlen(query), emailServer); newBody = (char*) rakMalloc( (size_t) (attachedFiles->fileList[i].dataLengthBytes*3)/2 ); outputOffset=Base64Encoding(attachedFiles->fileList[i].data, (int) attachedFiles->fileList[i].dataLengthBytes, newBody, base64Map); // Send the base64 mapped file. tcpInterface.Send(newBody, outputOffset, emailServer); rakFree(newBody); } // Write last boundary sprintf(query, "\r\n--%s--\r\n", boundary); tcpInterface.Send(query, (unsigned int)strlen(query), emailServer); } sprintf(query, "\r\n.\r\n"); tcpInterface.Send(query, (unsigned int)strlen(query), emailServer); response=GetResponse(&tcpInterface, emailServer, doPrintf); if (response!=0) return response; tcpInterface.Send("QUIT\r\n", (unsigned int)strlen("QUIT\r\n"), emailServer); RakSleep(30); if (doPrintf) { packet = tcpInterface.Receive(); while (packet) { printf("%s", packet->data); packet = tcpInterface.Receive(); } } tcpInterface.Stop(); return 0; // Success } const char *EmailSender::GetResponse(TCPInterface *tcpInterface, const SystemAddress &emailServer, bool doPrintf) { Packet *packet; RakNetTime timeout; timeout=RakNet::GetTime()+5000; #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning( disable : 4127 ) // warning C4127: conditional expression is constant #endif while (1) { if (tcpInterface->HasLostConnection()==emailServer) return "Connection to server lost."; packet = tcpInterface->Receive(); if (packet) { if (doPrintf) { printf("%s", packet->data); } #if defined(OPEN_SSL_CLIENT_SUPPORT) if (strstr((const char*)packet->data, "220")) { tcpInterface->StartSSLClient(packet->systemAddress); return "AUTHENTICATE"; // OK } #endif if (strstr((const char*)packet->data, "235")) return 0; // Authentication accepted if (strstr((const char*)packet->data, "354")) return 0; // OK #if defined(OPEN_SSL_CLIENT_SUPPORT) if (strstr((const char*)packet->data, "250-STARTTLS")) { tcpInterface->Send("STARTTLS\r\n", (unsigned int) strlen("STARTTLS\r\n"), packet->systemAddress); return "CONTINUE"; } #endif if (strstr((const char*)packet->data, "250")) return 0; // OK if (strstr((const char*)packet->data, "550")) return "Failed on error code 550"; if (strstr((const char*)packet->data, "553")) return "Failed on error code 553"; } if (RakNet::GetTime() > timeout) return "Timed out"; RakSleep(100); } } int EmailSender::Base64Encoding(const char *inputData, int dataLength, char *outputData, const char *base64Map) { int outputOffset, charCount; int write3Count; outputOffset=0; charCount=0; int j; write3Count=dataLength/3; for (j=0; j < write3Count; j++) { // 6 leftmost bits from first byte, shifted to bits 7,8 are 0 outputData[outputOffset++]=base64Map[inputData[j*3+0] >> 2]; if ((++charCount % 76)==0) {outputData[outputOffset++]='\r'; outputData[outputOffset++]='\n'; charCount=0;} // Remaining 2 bits from first byte, placed in position, and 4 high bits from the second byte, masked to ignore bits 7,8 outputData[outputOffset++]=base64Map[((inputData[j*3+0] << 4) | (inputData[j*3+1] >> 4)) & 63]; if ((++charCount % 76)==0) {outputData[outputOffset++]='\r'; outputData[outputOffset++]='\n'; charCount=0;} // 4 low bits from the second byte and the two high bits from the third byte, masked to ignore bits 7,8 outputData[outputOffset++]=base64Map[((inputData[j*3+1] << 2) | (inputData[j*3+2] >> 6)) & 63]; // Third 6 bits if ((++charCount % 76)==0) {outputData[outputOffset++]='\r'; outputData[outputOffset++]='\n'; charCount=0;} // Last 6 bits from the third byte, masked to ignore bits 7,8 outputData[outputOffset++]=base64Map[inputData[j*3+2] & 63]; if ((++charCount % 76)==0) {outputData[outputOffset++]='\r'; outputData[outputOffset++]='\n'; charCount=0;} } if (dataLength % 3==1) { // One input byte remaining outputData[outputOffset++]=base64Map[inputData[j*3+0] >> 2]; if ((++charCount % 76)==0) {outputData[outputOffset++]='\r'; outputData[outputOffset++]='\n'; charCount=0;} // Pad with two equals outputData[outputOffset++]='='; outputData[outputOffset++]='='; } else if (dataLength % 3==2) { // Two input bytes remaining // 6 leftmost bits from first byte, shifted to bits 7,8 are 0 outputData[outputOffset++]=base64Map[inputData[j*3+0] >> 2]; if ((++charCount % 76)==0) {outputData[outputOffset++]='\r'; outputData[outputOffset++]='\n'; charCount=0;} // Remaining 2 bits from first byte, placed in position, and 4 high bits from the second byte, masked to ignore bits 7,8 outputData[outputOffset++]=base64Map[((inputData[j*3+0] << 4) | (inputData[j*3+1] >> 4)) & 63]; if ((++charCount % 76)==0) {outputData[outputOffset++]='\r'; outputData[outputOffset++]='\n'; charCount=0;} // 4 low bits from the second byte, followed by 00 outputData[outputOffset++]=base64Map[(inputData[j*3+1] << 2) & 63]; // Third 6 bits if ((++charCount % 76)==0) {outputData[outputOffset++]='\r'; outputData[outputOffset++]='\n'; charCount=0;} // Pad with one equal outputData[outputOffset++]='='; //outputData[outputOffset++]='='; } // Append \r\n outputData[outputOffset++]='\r'; outputData[outputOffset++]='\n'; outputData[outputOffset]=0; return outputOffset; }