#pragma once

// Custom Classes
#include "NiPoint3.h"

  \file NiQuaternion.hpp
  \brief Defines a quaternion in space in WXYZ coordinates

class NiQuaternion;
typedef NiQuaternion Quaternion;        //!< A typedef for a shorthand version of NiQuaternion

//! A class that defines a rotation in space
class NiQuaternion {
    float w;            //!< The w coordinate
    float x;            //!< The x coordinate
    float y;            //!< The y coordinate
    float z;            //!< The z coordinate
    //! The initializer
    //! The initializer
      \param w The w coordinate
      \param x The x coordinate
      \param y The y coordinate
      \param z The z coordinate
    NiQuaternion(float w, float x, float y, float z);
    //! Destructor
    // MARK: Constants
    static const NiQuaternion IDENTITY;         //!< Quaternion(1, 0, 0, 0)
    // MARK: Setters / Getters
    //! Gets the W coordinate
      \return The w coordinate
    float GetW(void) const;
    //! Sets the W coordinate
      \param w The w coordinate
    void SetW(float w);
    //! Gets the X coordinate
      \return The x coordinate
    float GetX(void) const;
    //! Sets the X coordinate
      \param x The x coordinate
    void SetX(float x);
    //! Gets the Y coordinate
      \return The y coordinate
    float GetY(void) const;
    //! Sets the Y coordinate
      \param y The y coordinate
    void SetY(float y);
    //! Gets the Z coordinate
      \return The z coordinate
    float GetZ(void) const;
    //! Sets the Z coordinate
      \param z The z coordinate
    void SetZ(float z);
    // MARK: Member Functions
    //! Returns the forward vector from the quaternion
      \return The forward vector of the quaternion
    Vector3 GetForwardVector(void) const;
    //! Returns the up vector from the quaternion
      \return The up vector fo the quaternion
    Vector3 GetUpVector(void) const;
    //! Returns the right vector from the quaternion
      \return The right vector of the quaternion
    Vector3 GetRightVector(void) const;

    Vector3 GetEulerAngles() const;
    // MARK: Operators
    //! Operator to check for equality
    bool operator==(const NiQuaternion& rot) const;
    //! Operator to check for inequality
    bool operator!=(const NiQuaternion& rot) const;
    // MARK: Helper Functions
    //! Look from a specific point in space to another point in space (Y-locked)
      \param sourcePoint The source location
      \param destPoint The destination location
      \return The Quaternion with the rotation towards the destination
    static NiQuaternion LookAt(const NiPoint3& sourcePoint, const NiPoint3& destPoint);
    //! Look from a specific point in space to another point in space
      \param sourcePoint The source location
      \param destPoint The destination location
      \return The Quaternion with the rotation towards the destination
    static NiQuaternion LookAtUnlocked(const NiPoint3& sourcePoint, const NiPoint3& destPoint);
    //! Creates a Quaternion from a specific axis and angle relative to that axis
      \param axis The axis that is used
      \param angle The angle relative to this axis
      \return A quaternion created from the axis and angle
    static NiQuaternion CreateFromAxisAngle(const Vector3& axis, float angle);

    static NiQuaternion FromEulerAngles(const NiPoint3& eulerAngles);