#pragma once #include "dCommonVars.h" #include "Inventory.h" #include "LDFFormat.h" #include "CDClientManager.h" #include "dLogger.h" #include "Preconditions.h" /** * An item that can be stored in an inventory and optionally consumed or equipped * TODO: ideally this should be a component */ class Item final { public: /** * Creates an item, should be used if the item is not picked up but already exists * @param id the object ID of the item to create * @param lot the LOT of the item * @param inventory the inventory to add this item to * @param slot the slot in the inventory to add this item to * @param count the amount of items to add to the inventory * @param bound if the item should be bound * @param config config data for this item, e.g. for rockets * @param parent optional parent of this item, e.g. for proxy items * @param subKey optional subkey for this item, e.g. for pets */ explicit Item( LWOOBJID id, LOT lot, Inventory* inventory, uint32_t slot, uint32_t count, bool bound, const std::vector& config, LWOOBJID parent, LWOOBJID subKey ); /** * Creates an item, should be used if the item is picked up / added to the inventory after load * @param lot the LOT of the item * @param inventory the inventory to add this item to * @param slot the slot in the inventory to add this item to * @param count the amount of items to add to the inventory * @param config config data for this item, e.g. for rockets * @param parent optional parent of this item, e.g. for proxy items * @param showFlyingLoot show UI animation of the item being added * @param isModMoveAndEquip equips the item * @param subKey optional subkey for this item, e.g. for pets * @param bound if the item should be bound */ explicit Item( LOT lot, Inventory* inventory, uint32_t slot = 0, uint32_t count = 1, const std::vector& config = {}, LWOOBJID parent = LWOOBJID_EMPTY, bool showFlyingLoot = true, bool isModMoveAndEquip = false, LWOOBJID subKey = LWOOBJID_EMPTY, bool bound = false ); ~Item(); /** * Returns the object ID of this item * @return the object ID of this item */ LWOOBJID GetId() const; /** * Returns the lot of this item * @return the lot of this item */ LOT GetLot() const; /** * Sets the number of items this item represents * @param value the number to update by * @param silent if true, the client will not be notified of the change with GMs * @param disassemble if items were removed, this returns all the sub parts of the item individually if it had assembly part lots * @param showFlyingLoot shows flying loot to the client, if not silent */ void SetCount(uint32_t value, bool silent = false, bool disassemble = true, bool showFlyingLoot = true); /** * Returns the number of items this item represents (e.g. for stacks) * @return the number of items this item represents */ uint32_t GetCount() const; /** * Sets the slot this item is stored in * @param value the slot this item is stored in */ void SetSlot(uint32_t value); /** * Returns the slot this item is in * @return the slot this item is in */ uint32_t GetSlot() const; /** * Returns current config info for this item, e.g. for rockets * @return current config info for this item */ std::vector& GetConfig(); /** * Returns the database info for this item * @return the database info for this item */ const CDItemComponent& GetInfo() const; /** * Sets if the item is bound * @param value if the item is bound */ void SetBound(bool value); /** * Returns if the item is bound * @return if the item is bound */ bool GetBound() const; /** * Sets the inventory this item belongs to * @param value the inventory this item belongs to */ void SetInventory(Inventory* value); /** * Returns the inventory this item belongs to * @return the inventory this item belongs to */ Inventory* GetInventory() const; /** * Returns the parent of this item, e.g. for proxy items * @return the parent of this item */ LWOOBJID GetParent() const; /** * Sets the subkey for this item, e.g. for pets * @param value the subkey for this item */ void SetSubKey(LWOOBJID value); /** * Returns the sub key this item has, e.g. for pets * @return the sub key this item has */ LWOOBJID GetSubKey() const; /** * Returns the preconditions that must be met before this item may be used * @return the preconditions that must be met before this item may be used */ PreconditionExpression* GetPreconditionExpression() const; /** * Equips this item into the linked inventory * @param skipChecks skips equip checks for special items like rockets and cars */ void Equip(bool skipChecks = false); /** * Unequps the item from the linked inventory */ void UnEquip(); /** * Returns if the item is equipped in the linked inventory * @return if the item is equipped */ bool IsEquipped() const; /** * Attempts to consume one of this item, applying its skills * @return whether the consumption was successful, e.g. the skill was cast */ bool Consume(); /** * Uses this item if its non equip, essentially an interface for the linked GM * @return whether the use was successful, e.g. the skill was cast */ bool UseNonEquip(); /** * Disassembles the part LOTs of this item back into the inventory, if it has any * @param inventoryType the inventory to dissassemble into */ void Disassemble(eInventoryType inventoryType = INVALID); /** * Disassembles this item into bricks */ void DisassembleModel(); /** * Removes the item from the linked inventory */ void RemoveFromInventory(); private: /** * The object ID of this item */ LWOOBJID id; /** * The LOT of this item */ LOT lot; /** * The number of items this represents */ uint32_t count; /** * The slot this item is stored in */ uint32_t slot; /** * If this item is bound */ bool bound; /** * A potential parent of this item, if this item is a subitem */ LWOOBJID parent; /** * A potential subkey of this item, e.g. for pets */ LWOOBJID subKey; /** * Config data for this item, e.g. for rocket parts and car parts */ std::vector config; /** * The inventory this item belongs to */ Inventory* inventory; /** * The database information of this item */ const CDItemComponent* info; /** * A precondition to using this item */ PreconditionExpression* preconditions = nullptr; };