#include "BehaviorContext.h" #include "Behavior.h" #include "BehaviorBranchContext.h" #include "EntityManager.h" #include "SkillComponent.h" #include "Game.h" #include "dLogger.h" #include "dServer.h" #include "PacketUtils.h" #include <sstream> #include "DestroyableComponent.h" #include "PhantomPhysicsComponent.h" #include "RebuildComponent.h" BehaviorSyncEntry::BehaviorSyncEntry() { } BehaviorTimerEntry::BehaviorTimerEntry() { } BehaviorEndEntry::BehaviorEndEntry() { } uint32_t BehaviorContext::GetUniqueSkillId() const { auto* entity = EntityManager::Instance()->GetEntity(this->originator); if (entity == nullptr) { Game::logger->Log("BehaviorContext", "Invalid entity for (%llu)!", this->originator); return 0; } auto* component = entity->GetComponent<SkillComponent>(); if (component == nullptr) { Game::logger->Log("BehaviorContext", "No skill component attached to (%llu)!", this->originator);; return 0; } return component->GetUniqueSkillId(); } void BehaviorContext::RegisterSyncBehavior(const uint32_t syncId, Behavior* behavior, const BehaviorBranchContext& branchContext) { auto entry = BehaviorSyncEntry(); entry.handle = syncId; entry.behavior = behavior; entry.branchContext = branchContext; this->syncEntries.push_back(entry); } void BehaviorContext::RegisterTimerBehavior(Behavior* behavior, const BehaviorBranchContext& branchContext, const LWOOBJID second) { BehaviorTimerEntry entry; entry.time = branchContext.duration; entry.behavior = behavior; entry.branchContext = branchContext; entry.second = second; this->timerEntries.push_back(entry); } void BehaviorContext::RegisterEndBehavior(Behavior* behavior, const BehaviorBranchContext& branchContext, const LWOOBJID second) { BehaviorEndEntry entry; entry.behavior = behavior; entry.branchContext = branchContext; entry.second = second; entry.start = branchContext.start; this->endEntries.push_back(entry); } void BehaviorContext::ScheduleUpdate(const LWOOBJID id) { if (std::find(this->scheduledUpdates.begin(), this->scheduledUpdates.end(), id) != this->scheduledUpdates.end()) { return; } this->scheduledUpdates.push_back(id); } void BehaviorContext::ExecuteUpdates() { for (const auto& id : this->scheduledUpdates) { auto* entity = EntityManager::Instance()->GetEntity(id); if (entity == nullptr) continue; EntityManager::Instance()->SerializeEntity(entity); } this->scheduledUpdates.clear(); } void BehaviorContext::SyncBehavior(const uint32_t syncId, RakNet::BitStream* bitStream) { BehaviorSyncEntry entry; auto found = false; /* * There may be more than one of each handle */ for (auto i = 0u; i < this->syncEntries.size(); ++i) { const auto syncEntry = this->syncEntries.at(i); if (syncEntry.handle == syncId) { found = true; entry = syncEntry; this->syncEntries.erase(this->syncEntries.begin() + i); break; } } if (!found) { Game::logger->Log("BehaviorContext", "Failed to find behavior sync entry with sync id (%i)!", syncId); return; } auto* behavior = entry.behavior; const auto branch = entry.branchContext; if (behavior == nullptr) { Game::logger->Log("BehaviorContext", "Invalid behavior for sync id (%i)!", syncId); return; } behavior->Sync(this, bitStream, branch); } void BehaviorContext::Update(const float deltaTime) { for (auto i = 0u; i < this->timerEntries.size(); ++i) { auto entry = this->timerEntries.at(i); if (entry.time > 0) { entry.time -= deltaTime; this->timerEntries[i] = entry; } if (entry.time > 0) { continue; } entry.behavior->Timer(this, entry.branchContext, entry.second); } std::vector<BehaviorTimerEntry> valid; for (const auto& entry : this->timerEntries) { if (entry.time <= 0) { continue; } valid.push_back(entry); } this->timerEntries = valid; } void BehaviorContext::SyncCalculation(const uint32_t syncId, const float time, Behavior* behavior, const BehaviorBranchContext& branch, const bool ignoreInterrupts) { BehaviorSyncEntry entry; entry.behavior = behavior; entry.time = time; entry.branchContext = branch; entry.handle = syncId; entry.ignoreInterrupts = ignoreInterrupts; this->syncEntries.push_back(entry); } void BehaviorContext::InvokeEnd(const uint32_t id) { std::vector<BehaviorEndEntry> entries; for (const auto& entry : this->endEntries) { if (entry.start == id) { entry.behavior->End(this, entry.branchContext, entry.second); continue; } entries.push_back(entry); } this->endEntries = entries; } bool BehaviorContext::CalculateUpdate(const float deltaTime) { auto any = false; for (auto i = 0u; i < this->syncEntries.size(); ++i) { auto entry = this->syncEntries.at(i); if (entry.time > 0) { entry.time -= deltaTime; this->syncEntries[i] = entry; } if (entry.time > 0) { any = true; continue; } // Echo sync GameMessages::EchoSyncSkill echo; echo.bDone = true; echo.uiBehaviorHandle = entry.handle; echo.uiSkillHandle = this->skillUId; auto* bitStream = new RakNet::BitStream(); // Calculate sync entry.behavior->SyncCalculation(this, bitStream, entry.branchContext); if (!clientInitalized) { echo.sBitStream.assign((char*)bitStream->GetData(), bitStream->GetNumberOfBytesUsed()); // Write message RakNet::BitStream message; PacketUtils::WriteHeader(message, CLIENT, MSG_CLIENT_GAME_MSG); message.Write(this->originator); echo.Serialize(&message); Game::server->Send(&message, UNASSIGNED_SYSTEM_ADDRESS, true); } ExecuteUpdates(); delete bitStream; } std::vector<BehaviorSyncEntry> valid; for (const auto& entry : this->syncEntries) { if (entry.time <= 0) { continue; } valid.push_back(entry); } this->syncEntries = valid; return any; } void BehaviorContext::Interrupt() { std::vector<BehaviorSyncEntry> keptSync{}; for (const auto& entry : this->syncEntries) { if (!entry.ignoreInterrupts) continue; keptSync.push_back(entry); } this->syncEntries = keptSync; } void BehaviorContext::Reset() { for (const auto& entry : this->timerEntries) { entry.behavior->Timer(this, entry.branchContext, entry.second); } for (const auto& entry : this->endEntries) { entry.behavior->End(this, entry.branchContext, entry.second); } this->endEntries.clear(); this->timerEntries.clear(); this->syncEntries.clear(); this->scheduledUpdates.clear(); } std::vector<LWOOBJID> BehaviorContext::GetValidTargets(int32_t ignoreFaction, int32_t includeFaction, bool targetSelf, bool targetEnemy, bool targetFriend) const { auto* entity = EntityManager::Instance()->GetEntity(this->caster); std::vector<LWOOBJID> targets; if (entity == nullptr) { Game::logger->Log("BehaviorContext", "Invalid entity for (%llu)!", this->originator); return targets; } if (!ignoreFaction && !includeFaction) { for (auto entry : entity->GetTargetsInPhantom()) { auto* instance = EntityManager::Instance()->GetEntity(entry); if (instance == nullptr) { continue; } targets.push_back(entry); } } if (ignoreFaction || includeFaction || (!entity->HasComponent(COMPONENT_TYPE_PHANTOM_PHYSICS) && targets.empty())) { DestroyableComponent* destroyableComponent; if (!entity->TryGetComponent(COMPONENT_TYPE_DESTROYABLE, destroyableComponent)) { return targets; } auto entities = EntityManager::Instance()->GetEntitiesByComponent(COMPONENT_TYPE_CONTROLLABLE_PHYSICS); for (auto* candidate : entities) { const auto id = candidate->GetObjectID(); if ((id != entity->GetObjectID() || targetSelf) && destroyableComponent->CheckValidity(id, ignoreFaction || includeFaction, targetEnemy, targetFriend)) { targets.push_back(id); } } } return targets; } BehaviorContext::BehaviorContext(const LWOOBJID originator, const bool calculation) { this->originator = originator; this->syncEntries = {}; this->timerEntries = {}; if (calculation) { this->skillUId = GetUniqueSkillId(); } else { this->skillUId = 0; } } BehaviorContext::~BehaviorContext() { Reset(); }