#include "RenderComponent.h" #include #include #include #include "Entity.h" #include "CDClientManager.h" #include "GameMessages.h" #include "Game.h" #include "Logger.h" #include "CDAnimationsTable.h" std::unordered_map RenderComponent::m_DurationCache{}; RenderComponent::RenderComponent(Entity* parent, int32_t componentId): Component(parent) { m_Effects = std::vector(); m_LastAnimationName = ""; if (componentId == -1) return; auto query = CDClientDatabase::CreatePreppedStmt("SELECT * FROM RenderComponent WHERE id = ?;"); query.bind(1, componentId); auto result = query.execQuery(); if (!result.eof()) { auto animationGroupIDs = std::string(result.getStringField("animationGroupIDs", "")); if (!animationGroupIDs.empty()) { auto* animationsTable = CDClientManager::Instance().GetTable(); auto groupIdsSplit = GeneralUtils::SplitString(animationGroupIDs, ','); for (auto& groupId : groupIdsSplit) { const auto groupIdInt = GeneralUtils::TryParse(groupId); if (!groupIdInt) { LOG("bad animation group Id %s", groupId.c_str()); continue; } m_animationGroupIds.push_back(groupIdInt.value()); animationsTable->CacheAnimationGroup(groupIdInt.value()); } } } result.finalize(); } RenderComponent::~RenderComponent() { for (Effect* eff : m_Effects) { if (eff) { delete eff; eff = nullptr; } } m_Effects.clear(); } void RenderComponent::Serialize(RakNet::BitStream* outBitStream, bool bIsInitialUpdate) { if (!bIsInitialUpdate) return; outBitStream->Write(m_Effects.size()); for (Effect* eff : m_Effects) { // we still need to write 0 as the size for name if it is a nullptr if (!eff) { outBitStream->Write(0); continue; } outBitStream->Write(eff->name.size()); // if there is no name, then we don't write anything else if (eff->name.empty()) continue; for (const auto& value : eff->name) outBitStream->Write(value); outBitStream->Write(eff->effectID); outBitStream->Write(eff->type.size()); for (const auto& value : eff->type) outBitStream->Write(value); outBitStream->Write(eff->priority); outBitStream->Write(eff->secondary); } } Effect* RenderComponent::AddEffect(const int32_t effectId, const std::string& name, const std::u16string& type, const float priority) { auto* eff = new Effect(); eff->effectID = effectId; eff->name = name; eff->type = type; eff->priority = priority; m_Effects.push_back(eff); return eff; } void RenderComponent::RemoveEffect(const std::string& name) { uint32_t index = -1; for (auto i = 0u; i < m_Effects.size(); ++i) { auto* eff = m_Effects[i]; if (eff->name == name) { index = i; delete eff; break; } } if (index == -1) { return; } m_Effects.erase(m_Effects.begin() + index); } void RenderComponent::Update(const float deltaTime) { std::vector dead; for (auto* effect : m_Effects) { if (effect->time == 0) { continue; // Skip persistent effects } const auto result = effect->time - deltaTime; if (result <= 0) { dead.push_back(effect); continue; } effect->time = result; } for (auto* effect : dead) { // StopEffect(effect->name); } } void RenderComponent::PlayEffect(const int32_t effectId, const std::u16string& effectType, const std::string& name, const LWOOBJID secondary, const float priority, const float scale, const bool serialize) { RemoveEffect(name); GameMessages::SendPlayFXEffect(m_Parent, effectId, effectType, name, secondary, priority, scale, serialize); auto* effect = AddEffect(effectId, name, effectType, priority); const auto& pair = m_DurationCache.find(effectId); if (pair != m_DurationCache.end()) { effect->time = pair->second; return; } const std::string effectType_str = GeneralUtils::UTF16ToWTF8(effectType); auto query = CDClientDatabase::CreatePreppedStmt( "SELECT animation_length FROM Animations WHERE animation_type IN (SELECT animationName FROM BehaviorEffect WHERE effectID = ? AND effectType = ?);"); query.bind(1, effectId); query.bind(2, effectType_str.c_str()); auto result = query.execQuery(); if (result.eof() || result.fieldIsNull(0)) { result.finalize(); m_DurationCache[effectId] = 0; effect->time = 0; // Persistent effect return; } effect->time = static_cast(result.getFloatField(0)); result.finalize(); m_DurationCache[effectId] = effect->time; } void RenderComponent::StopEffect(const std::string& name, const bool killImmediate) { GameMessages::SendStopFXEffect(m_Parent, killImmediate, name); RemoveEffect(name); } std::vector& RenderComponent::GetEffects() { return m_Effects; } float RenderComponent::PlayAnimation(Entity* self, const std::u16string& animation, float priority, float scale) { if (!self) return 0.0f; return RenderComponent::PlayAnimation(self, GeneralUtils::UTF16ToWTF8(animation), priority, scale); } float RenderComponent::PlayAnimation(Entity* self, const std::string& animation, float priority, float scale) { if (!self) return 0.0f; return RenderComponent::DoAnimation(self, animation, true, priority, scale); } float RenderComponent::GetAnimationTime(Entity* self, const std::u16string& animation) { if (!self) return 0.0f; return RenderComponent::GetAnimationTime(self, GeneralUtils::UTF16ToWTF8(animation)); } float RenderComponent::GetAnimationTime(Entity* self, const std::string& animation) { if (!self) return 0.0f; return RenderComponent::DoAnimation(self, animation, false); } float RenderComponent::DoAnimation(Entity* self, const std::string& animation, bool sendAnimation, float priority, float scale) { float returnlength = 0.0f; if (!self) return returnlength; auto* renderComponent = self->GetComponent(); if (!renderComponent) return returnlength; auto* animationsTable = CDClientManager::Instance().GetTable(); for (auto& groupId : renderComponent->m_animationGroupIds) { auto animationGroup = animationsTable->GetAnimation(animation, renderComponent->GetLastAnimationName(), groupId); if (animationGroup.FoundData()) { auto data = animationGroup.Data(); renderComponent->SetLastAnimationName(data.animation_name); returnlength = data.animation_length; } } if (sendAnimation) GameMessages::SendPlayAnimation(self, GeneralUtils::ASCIIToUTF16(animation), priority, scale); if (returnlength == 0.0f) LOG("WARNING: Unable to find animation %s for lot %i in any group.", animation.c_str(), self->GetLOT()); return returnlength; }