#include "SwitchMultipleBehavior.h" #include #include "BehaviorBranchContext.h" #include "CDActivitiesTable.h" #include "Game.h" #include "dLogger.h" #include "EntityManager.h" void SwitchMultipleBehavior::Handle(BehaviorContext* context, RakNet::BitStream* bitStream, BehaviorBranchContext branch) { float value{}; if (!bitStream->Read(value)) { Game::logger->Log("SwitchMultipleBehavior", "Unable to read value from bitStream, aborting Handle! %i", bitStream->GetNumberOfUnreadBits()); return; }; uint32_t trigger = 0; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < this->m_behaviors.size(); i++) { const double data = this->m_behaviors.at(i).first; trigger = i; if (value <= data) break; } auto* behavior = this->m_behaviors.at(trigger).second; behavior->Handle(context, bitStream, branch); } void SwitchMultipleBehavior::Calculate(BehaviorContext* context, RakNet::BitStream* bitStream, BehaviorBranchContext branch) { // TODO } void SwitchMultipleBehavior::Load() { auto query = CDClientDatabase::CreatePreppedStmt( "SELECT replace(bP1.parameterID, 'behavior ', '') as key, bP1.value as behavior, " "(select bP2.value FROM BehaviorParameter bP2 WHERE bP2.behaviorID = ?1 AND bP2.parameterID LIKE 'value %' " "AND replace(bP1.parameterID, 'behavior ', '') = replace(bP2.parameterID, 'value ', '')) as value " "FROM BehaviorParameter bP1 WHERE bP1.behaviorID = ?1 AND bP1.parameterID LIKE 'behavior %';"); query.bind(1, (int)this->m_behaviorId); auto result = query.execQuery(); while (!result.eof()) { const auto behavior_id = static_cast(result.getFloatField(1)); auto* behavior = CreateBehavior(behavior_id); auto value = result.getFloatField(2); this->m_behaviors.emplace_back(value, behavior); result.nextRow(); } }