#include "BossSpiderQueenEnemyServer.h" #include "GeneralUtils.h" #include "MissionComponent.h" #include "EntityManager.h" #include "Entity.h" #include "dZoneManager.h" #include "DestroyableComponent.h" #include "ControllablePhysicsComponent.h" #include "BaseCombatAIComponent.h" #include "GameMessages.h" #include "SkillComponent.h" #include "eReplicaComponentType.h" #include "RenderComponent.h" #include <vector> //---------------------------------------------------------------- //--On Startup, process necessary AI events //---------------------------------------------------------------- void BossSpiderQueenEnemyServer::OnStartup(Entity* self) { // Make immune to stuns //self:SetStunImmunity{ StateChangeType = "PUSH", bImmuneToStunAttack = true, bImmuneToStunMove = true, bImmuneToStunTurn = true, bImmuneToStunUseItem = true, bImmuneToStunEquip = true, bImmuneToStunInteract = true, bImmuneToStunJump = true } // Make immune to knockbacks and pulls //self:SetStatusImmunity{ StateChangeType = "PUSH", bImmuneToPullToPoint = true, bImmuneToKnockback = true, bImmuneToInterrupt = true } //Get our components: auto* destroyable = self->GetComponent<DestroyableComponent>(); auto* controllable = self->GetComponent<ControllablePhysicsComponent>(); auto* combat = self->GetComponent<BaseCombatAIComponent>(); if (!destroyable || !controllable) return; // Determine Spider Boss health transition thresholds int spiderBossHealth = destroyable->GetMaxHealth(); int transitionTickHealth = spiderBossHealth / 3; int Stage2HealthThreshold = spiderBossHealth - transitionTickHealth; int Stage3HealthThreshold = spiderBossHealth - (2 * transitionTickHealth); ThresholdTable = { Stage2HealthThreshold, Stage3HealthThreshold }; originRotation = controllable->GetRotation(); combat->SetStunImmune(true); m_CurrentBossStage = 1; // Obtain faction and collision group to save for subsequent resets } void BossSpiderQueenEnemyServer::OnDie(Entity* self, Entity* killer) { if (dZoneManager::Instance()->GetZoneID().GetMapID() == instanceZoneID) { auto* missionComponent = killer->GetComponent<MissionComponent>(); if (missionComponent == nullptr) return; missionComponent->CompleteMission(instanceMissionID); } // There is suppose to be a 0.1 second delay here but that may be admitted? auto* controller = EntityManager::Instance()->GetZoneControlEntity(); GameMessages::SendNotifyClientObject(self->GetObjectID(), u"SetColGroup", 10, 0, 0, "", UNASSIGNED_SYSTEM_ADDRESS); self->SetPosition({ 10000, 0, 10000 }); EntityManager::Instance()->SerializeEntity(self); controller->OnFireEventServerSide(self, "ClearProperty"); } void BossSpiderQueenEnemyServer::WithdrawSpider(Entity* self, const bool withdraw) { const auto withdrawn = self->GetBoolean(u"isWithdrawn"); if (withdrawn == withdraw) { return; } if (withdraw) { //Move spider away from battle zone // Disabled because we cant option the reset collition group right now GameMessages::SendNotifyClientObject(self->GetObjectID(), u"SetColGroup", 10, 0, 0, "", UNASSIGNED_SYSTEM_ADDRESS); //First rotate for anim NiQuaternion rot = NiQuaternion::IDENTITY; controllable->SetStatic(false); controllable->SetRotation(rot); controllable->SetStatic(true); controllable->SetDirtyPosition(true); rot = controllable->GetRotation(); EntityManager::Instance()->SerializeEntity(self); auto* baseCombatAi = self->GetComponent<BaseCombatAIComponent>(); baseCombatAi->SetDisabled(true); float animTime = PlayAnimAndReturnTime(self, spiderWithdrawAnim); float withdrawTime = animTime - 0.25f; combat->SetStunImmune(false); combat->Stun(withdrawTime + 6.0f); combat->SetStunImmune(true); //TODO: Set faction to -1 and set immunity destroyable->SetFaction(-1); destroyable->SetIsImmune(true); EntityManager::Instance()->SerializeEntity(self); self->AddTimer("WithdrawComplete", withdrawTime + 1.0f); waitForIdle = true; } else { controllable->SetStatic(false); //Cancel all remaining timers for say idle anims: self->CancelAllTimers(); auto* baseCombatAi = self->GetComponent<BaseCombatAIComponent>(); baseCombatAi->SetDisabled(false); // Move the Spider to its ground location // preparing its stage attacks, and removing invulnerability //destroyable->SetIsImmune(false); // Run the advance animation and prepare a timer for resuming AI float animTime = PlayAnimAndReturnTime(self, spiderAdvanceAnim); animTime += 1.f; float attackPause = animTime - 0.4f; destroyable->SetFaction(4); destroyable->SetIsImmune(false); //Advance stage m_CurrentBossStage++; //Reset the current wave death counter m_DeathCounter = 0; EntityManager::Instance()->SerializeEntity(self); // Prepare a timer for post leap attack self->AddTimer("AdvanceAttack", attackPause); // Prepare a timer for post leap self->AddTimer("AdvanceComplete", animTime); } self->SetBoolean(u"isWithdrawn", withdraw); } void BossSpiderQueenEnemyServer::SpawnSpiderWave(Entity* self, int spiderCount) { // The Spider Queen Boss is withdrawing and requesting the spawn // of a hatchling wave // Clamp invalid Spiderling number requests to the maximum amount of eggs available if ((spiderCount > maxSpiderEggCnt) || (spiderCount < 0)) spiderCount = maxSpiderEggCnt; // Reset our wave manager reference variables hatchCounter = spiderCount; hatchList = {}; // Run the wave manager SpiderWaveManager(self); } void BossSpiderQueenEnemyServer::SpiderWaveManager(Entity* self) { auto SpiderEggNetworkID = self->GetI64(u"SpiderEggNetworkID"); std::vector<LWOOBJID> spiderEggs{}; auto spooders = EntityManager::Instance()->GetEntitiesInGroup("EGG"); for (auto spodder : spooders) { spiderEggs.push_back(spodder->GetObjectID()); } // Select a number of random spider eggs from the list equal to the // current number needed to complete the current wave if (!spiderEggs.empty()) { for (int i = 0; i < hatchCounter; i++) { // Select a random spider egg auto randomEggLoc = GeneralUtils::GenerateRandomNumber<int>(0, spiderEggs.size() - 1); auto randomEgg = spiderEggs[randomEggLoc]; //Just a quick check to try and prevent dupes: for (auto en : hatchList) { if (en == randomEgg) { randomEggLoc++; randomEgg = spiderEggs[randomEggLoc]; } } if (randomEgg) { auto* eggEntity = EntityManager::Instance()->GetEntity(randomEgg); if (eggEntity == nullptr) { continue; } // Prep the selected spider egg eggEntity->OnFireEventServerSide(self, "prepEgg"); // Add the prepped egg to our hatchList hatchList.push_back(eggEntity->GetObjectID()); // Decrement the hatchCounter hatchCounter = hatchCounter - 1; } // Remove it from our spider egg list spiderEggs[randomEggLoc] = LWOOBJID_EMPTY; if (spiderEggs.size() <= 0 || (hatchCounter <= 0)) { break; } } } if (hatchCounter > 0) { // We still have more eggs to hatch, poll the SpiderWaveManager again self->AddTimer("PollSpiderWaveManager", 1.0f); } else { // We have successfully readied a full wave // initiate hatching! for (auto egg : hatchList) { auto* eggEntity = EntityManager::Instance()->GetEntity(egg); if (eggEntity == nullptr) { continue; } eggEntity->OnFireEventServerSide(self, "hatchEgg"); auto time = PlayAnimAndReturnTime(self, spiderWithdrawIdle); combat->SetStunImmune(false); combat->Stun(time += 6.0f); combat->SetStunImmune(true); self->AddTimer("checkForSpiders", 6.0f); } hatchList.clear(); } } void BossSpiderQueenEnemyServer::ToggleForSpecial(Entity* self, const bool state) { self->SetBoolean(u"stoppedFlag", state); combat->SetDisabled(state); } void BossSpiderQueenEnemyServer::RunRainOfFire(Entity* self) { if (self->GetBoolean(u"stoppedFlag")) { self->AddTimer("ROF", GeneralUtils::GenerateRandomNumber<float>(10, 20)); return; } ToggleForSpecial(self, true); impactList.clear(); auto index = 0u; for (const auto& rofGroup : ROFTargetGroupIDTable) { const auto spawners = dZoneManager::Instance()->GetSpawnersInGroup(rofGroup); std::vector<LWOOBJID> spawned; for (auto* spawner : spawners) { for (const auto* node : spawner->m_Info.nodes) { spawned.insert(spawned.end(), node->entities.begin(), node->entities.end()); } } if (index == 0) { impactList.insert(impactList.end(), spawned.begin(), spawned.end()); } else { const auto randomIndex = GeneralUtils::GenerateRandomNumber<int32_t>(0, spawned.size() - 1); impactList.push_back(spawned[randomIndex]); } index++; } const auto animTime = PlayAnimAndReturnTime(self, spiderROFAnim); self->AddTimer("StartROF", animTime); } void BossSpiderQueenEnemyServer::RainOfFireManager(Entity* self) { if (!impactList.empty()) { auto* entity = EntityManager::Instance()->GetEntity(impactList[0]); impactList.erase(impactList.begin()); if (entity == nullptr) { Game::logger->Log("BossSpiderQueenEnemyServer", "Failed to find impact!"); return; } auto* skillComponent = entity->GetComponent<SkillComponent>(); if (skillComponent == nullptr) { Game::logger->Log("BossSpiderQueenEnemyServer", "Failed to find impact skill component!"); return; } skillComponent->CalculateBehavior(1376, 32168, LWOOBJID_EMPTY, true); self->AddTimer("PollROFManager", 0.5f); return; } ToggleForSpecial(self, false); self->AddTimer("ROF", GeneralUtils::GenerateRandomNumber<float>(20, 40)); } void BossSpiderQueenEnemyServer::RapidFireShooterManager(Entity* self) { if (attackTargetTable.empty()) { const auto animationTime = PlayAnimAndReturnTime(self, spiderJeerAnim); self->AddTimer("RFSTauntComplete", animationTime); ToggleForSpecial(self, false); return; } const auto target = attackTargetTable[0]; auto* skillComponent = self->GetComponent<SkillComponent>(); skillComponent->CalculateBehavior(1394, 32612, target, true); attackTargetTable.erase(attackTargetTable.begin()); self->AddTimer("PollRFSManager", 0.3f); } void BossSpiderQueenEnemyServer::RunRapidFireShooter(Entity* self) { const auto targets = self->GetTargetsInPhantom(); if (self->GetBoolean(u"stoppedFlag")) { self->AddTimer("RFS", GeneralUtils::GenerateRandomNumber<float>(5, 10)); return; } if (targets.empty()) { Game::logger->Log("BossSpiderQueenEnemyServer", "Failed to find RFS targets"); self->AddTimer("RFS", GeneralUtils::GenerateRandomNumber<float>(5, 10)); return; } ToggleForSpecial(self, true); const auto randomTarget = GeneralUtils::GenerateRandomNumber<int32_t>(0, targets.size() - 1); auto attackFocus = targets[randomTarget]; attackTargetTable.push_back(attackFocus); auto* skillComponent = self->GetComponent<SkillComponent>(); skillComponent->CalculateBehavior(1480, 36652, attackFocus, true); RapidFireShooterManager(self); PlayAnimAndReturnTime(self, spiderSingleShot); self->AddTimer("RFS", GeneralUtils::GenerateRandomNumber<float>(10, 15)); } void BossSpiderQueenEnemyServer::OnTimerDone(Entity* self, const std::string timerName) { if (timerName == "PollSpiderWaveManager") { //Call the manager again to attempt to finish prepping a Spiderling wave //Run the wave manager SpiderWaveManager(self); } else if (timerName == "disableWaitForIdle") { waitForIdle = false; } else if (timerName == "checkForSpiders") { //Don't do anything if we ain't withdrawn: const auto withdrawn = self->GetBoolean(u"isWithdrawn"); if (!withdrawn) return; NiQuaternion rot = NiQuaternion::IDENTITY; //First rotate for anim controllable->SetStatic(false); controllable->SetRotation(rot); controllable->SetStatic(true); EntityManager::Instance()->SerializeEntity(self); //Play the Spider Boss' mountain idle anim auto time = PlayAnimAndReturnTime(self, spiderWithdrawIdle); combat->SetStunImmune(false); combat->Stun(time); combat->SetStunImmune(true); rot = controllable->GetRotation(); //If there are still baby spiders, don't do anyhting either const auto spiders = EntityManager::Instance()->GetEntitiesInGroup("BabySpider"); if (spiders.size() > 0) self->AddTimer("checkForSpiders", time); else WithdrawSpider(self, false); } else if (timerName == "PollROFManager") { //Call the manager again to attempt to initiate an impact on another random location //Run the ROF Manager RainOfFireManager(self); } else if (timerName == "PollRFSManager") { //Call the manager again to attempt to initiate a rapid fire shot at the next sequential target //Run the ROF Manager RapidFireShooterManager(self); } else if (timerName == "StartROF") { //Re-enable Spider Boss //ToggleForSpecial(self, false); RainOfFireManager(self); } else if (timerName == "PollSpiderSkillManager") { //Call the skill manager again to attempt to run the current Spider Boss //stage's special attack again //SpiderSkillManager(self, true); PlayAnimAndReturnTime(self, spiderJeerAnim); } else if (timerName == "RFS") { RunRapidFireShooter(self); } else if (timerName == "ROF") { RunRainOfFire(self); } else if (timerName == "RFSTauntComplete") { //Determine an appropriate random time to check our manager again // local spiderCooldownDelay = math.random(s1DelayMin, s1DelayMax) //Set a timer based on our random cooldown determination //to pulse the SpiderSkillManager again //GAMEOBJ:GetTimer():AddTimerWithCancel(spiderCooldownDelay, "PollSpiderSkillManager", self) //Re-enable Spider Boss //ToggleForSpecial(self, false); } else if (timerName == "WithdrawComplete") { //Play the Spider Boss' mountain idle anim PlayAnimAndReturnTime(self, spiderWithdrawIdle); //The Spider Boss has retreated, hatch a wave! int currentStage = m_CurrentBossStage; //Prepare a Spiderling wave and initiate egg hatch events //self->SetVar(u"SpiderWaveCount", ) //TODO: Actually spawn the spiders here hatchCounter = 2; if (currentStage > 1) hatchCounter++; SpawnSpiderWave(self, spiderWaveCntTable[currentStage - 1]); } else if (timerName == "AdvanceAttack") { //TODO: Can we even do knockbacks yet? @Wincent01 // Yes ^ //Fire the melee smash skill to throw players back /*local landingTarget = self:GetVar("LandingTarget") or false if((landingTarget) and (landingTarget:Exists())) { local advSmashFlag = landingTarget:CastSkill{skillID = bossLandingSkill} landingTarget:PlayEmbeddedEffectOnAllClientsNearObject{radius = 100, fromObjectID = landingTarget, effectName = "camshake-bridge"} }*/ auto landingTarget = self->GetI64(u"LandingTarget"); auto landingEntity = EntityManager::Instance()->GetEntity(landingTarget); auto* skillComponent = self->GetComponent<SkillComponent>(); if (skillComponent != nullptr) { skillComponent->CalculateBehavior(bossLandingSkill, 37739, LWOOBJID_EMPTY); } if (landingEntity) { auto* landingSkill = landingEntity->GetComponent<SkillComponent>(); if (landingSkill != nullptr) { landingSkill->CalculateBehavior(bossLandingSkill, 37739, LWOOBJID_EMPTY, true); } } GameMessages::SendPlayEmbeddedEffectOnAllClientsNearObject(self, u"camshake-bridge", self->GetObjectID(), 100.0f); } else if (timerName == "AdvanceComplete") { GameMessages::SendNotifyClientObject(self->GetObjectID(), u"SetColGroup", 11, 0, 0, "", UNASSIGNED_SYSTEM_ADDRESS); //Wind up, telegraphing next round float animTime = PlayAnimAndReturnTime(self, spiderJeerAnim); self->AddTimer("AdvanceTauntComplete", animTime); } else if (timerName == "AdvanceTauntComplete") { //Declare a default special Spider Boss skill cooldown int spiderCooldownDelay = 10; if (m_CurrentBossStage == 2) { spiderCooldownDelay = GeneralUtils::GenerateRandomNumber<int>(s1DelayMin, s1DelayMax); } else if (m_CurrentBossStage == 3) { spiderCooldownDelay = GeneralUtils::GenerateRandomNumber<int>(s2DelayMin, s2DelayMax); } //Set a timer based on our random cooldown determination //to pulse the SpiderSkillManager self->AddTimer("PollSpiderSkillManager", spiderCooldownDelay); //Remove current status immunity /*self:SetStatusImmunity{ StateChangeType = "POP", bImmuneToSpeed = true, bImmuneToBasicAttack = true, bImmuneToDOT = true} self:SetStunned{StateChangeType = "POP", bCantMove = true, bCantJump = true, bCantTurn = true, bCantAttack = true, bCantUseItem = true, bCantEquip = true, bCantInteract = true, bIgnoreImmunity = true}*/ destroyable->SetIsImmune(false); destroyable->SetFaction(4); EntityManager::Instance()->SerializeEntity(self); } else if (timerName == "Clear") { EntityManager::Instance()->FireEventServerSide(self, "ClearProperty"); self->CancelAllTimers(); } else if (timerName == "UnlockSpecials") { //We no longer need to lock specials self->SetBoolean(u"bSpecialLock", false); //Did we queue a spcial attack? if (self->GetBoolean(u"bSpecialQueued")) { self->SetBoolean(u"bSpecialQueued", false); } } } void BossSpiderQueenEnemyServer::OnHitOrHealResult(Entity* self, Entity* attacker, int32_t damage) { if (m_CurrentBossStage > 0 && !self->HasTimer("RFS")) { self->AddTimer("RFS", 5.0f); } if (m_CurrentBossStage > 0 && !self->HasTimer("ROF")) { self->AddTimer("ROF", 10.0f); } if (m_CurrentBossStage > ThresholdTable.size()) { return; } int currentThreshold = ThresholdTable[m_CurrentBossStage - 1]; if (destroyable->GetHealth() <= currentThreshold) { auto isWithdrawn = self->GetBoolean(u"isWithdrawn"); if (!isWithdrawn) { self->CancelAllTimers(); self->SetBoolean(u"isSpecialAttacking", false); self->SetBoolean(u"bSpecialLock", false); WithdrawSpider(self, true); } } } void BossSpiderQueenEnemyServer::OnUpdate(Entity* self) { auto isWithdrawn = self->GetBoolean(u"isWithdrawn"); if (!isWithdrawn) return; if (controllable->GetRotation() == NiQuaternion::IDENTITY) { return; } controllable->SetStatic(false); controllable->SetRotation(NiQuaternion::IDENTITY); controllable->SetStatic(true); EntityManager::Instance()->SerializeEntity(self); } //---------------------------------------------- //--Utility function capable of playing a priority //-- animation on a targetand returning either the //-- anim time, or a desired default //---------------------------------------------- float BossSpiderQueenEnemyServer::PlayAnimAndReturnTime(Entity* self, const std::u16string& animID) { //TODO: Get the actual animation time // Get the anim time float animTimer = RenderComponent::GetAnimationTime(self, animID); // If we have an animation play it if (animTimer > 0) { animTimer = RenderComponent::PlayAnimation(self, animID); } // If the anim time is less than the the default time use default if (animTimer < defaultAnimPause) { animTimer = defaultAnimPause; } return animTimer; }