#include "Spawner.h" #include "EntityManager.h" #include "dLogger.h" #include "Game.h" #include #include #include "GeneralUtils.h" #include "dZoneManager.h" #include "SpawnPatterns.h" std::map>> Spawner::m_Ratings; Spawner::Spawner(const SpawnerInfo info) { m_Info = info; m_Active = m_Info.activeOnLoad && info.spawnActivator; m_EntityInfo = EntityInfo(); m_EntityInfo.spawner = this; if (!m_Info.emulated) { m_EntityInfo.spawnerID = m_Info.spawnerID; } else { m_EntityInfo.spawnerID = m_Info.emulator; m_Info.isNetwork = false; } m_EntityInfo.lot = m_Info.templateID; m_EntityInfo.scale = m_Info.templateScale; m_Start = m_Info.noTimedSpawn; //ssssh... if (m_EntityInfo.lot == 14718) { //AG - MAELSTROM SAMPLE m_Info.groups.emplace_back("MaelstromSamples"); } if (m_EntityInfo.lot == 14375) //AG - SPIDER BOSS EGG { m_Info.groups.emplace_back("EGG"); } int timerCount = m_Info.amountMaintained; if (m_Info.amountMaintained > m_Info.nodes.size()) { timerCount = m_Info.nodes.size(); } for (int i = 0; i < timerCount; ++i) { m_WaitTimes.push_back(m_Info.respawnTime); } if (m_Info.spawnOnSmashGroupName != "") { std::vector spawnSmashEntities = Game::entityManager->GetEntitiesInGroup(m_Info.spawnOnSmashGroupName); std::vector spawnSmashSpawners = Game::zoneManager->GetSpawnersInGroup(m_Info.spawnOnSmashGroupName); std::vector spawnSmashSpawnersN = Game::zoneManager->GetSpawnersByName(m_Info.spawnOnSmashGroupName); for (Entity* ssEntity : spawnSmashEntities) { m_SpawnSmashFoundGroup = true; ssEntity->AddDieCallback([=]() { Spawn(); }); } for (Spawner* ssSpawner : spawnSmashSpawners) { m_SpawnSmashFoundGroup = true; ssSpawner->AddSpawnedEntityDieCallback([=]() { Spawn(); }); } for (Spawner* ssSpawner : spawnSmashSpawnersN) { m_SpawnSmashFoundGroup = true; m_SpawnOnSmash = ssSpawner; ssSpawner->AddSpawnedEntityDieCallback([=]() { Spawn(); }); } } m_SpawnPattern = SpawnPatterns::FindSpawnPatterns(m_Info.templateID); m_LotsToCheck.push_back(m_Info.templateID); } Spawner::~Spawner() { } Entity* Spawner::Spawn() { std::vector freeNodes; for (SpawnerNode* node : m_Info.nodes) { if (node->entities.size() < node->nodeMax) { freeNodes.push_back(node); } } return Spawn(freeNodes); } Entity* Spawner::Spawn(std::vector freeNodes, const bool force) { if (force || ((m_Entities.size() < m_Info.amountMaintained) && (freeNodes.size() > 0) && (m_AmountSpawned < m_Info.maxToSpawn || m_Info.maxToSpawn == -1))) { SpawnerNode* spawnNode = freeNodes[GeneralUtils::GenerateRandomNumber(0, freeNodes.size() - 1)]; ++m_AmountSpawned; m_EntityInfo.pos = spawnNode->position; m_EntityInfo.rot = spawnNode->rotation; m_EntityInfo.settings = spawnNode->config; m_EntityInfo.id = 0; m_EntityInfo.spawner = this; if (!m_Info.emulated) { m_EntityInfo.spawnerNodeID = spawnNode->nodeID; m_EntityInfo.hasSpawnerNodeID = true; m_EntityInfo.spawnerID = m_Info.spawnerID; } bool usedSpawnPattern = false; if (m_SpawnPattern != nullptr) { auto pattern = m_SpawnPattern->GetSpawnPatterns(); // Check the area rating // std::map>> m_Ratings for (const auto& lot : m_LotsToCheck) { const auto& it = m_Ratings.find(lot); int32_t rating = 0; if (it != m_Ratings.end()) { // Check if we are within 50units of a rating for (const auto& ratingIt : it->second) { if (NiPoint3::DistanceSquared(ratingIt.first, m_EntityInfo.pos) <= 100.0f * 100.0f) { rating = ratingIt.second; break; } } } for (const auto& it : pattern) { if (it.first > rating) continue; // Random number between 0 and 1 float random = GeneralUtils::GenerateRandomNumber(0, 1); const auto& change = it.second.first; if (random >= change) continue; usedSpawnPattern = true; Entity* first = nullptr; for (const auto& spawn : it.second.second) { float angle = GeneralUtils::GenerateRandomNumber(0, 360) * M_PI / 180.0f; float radius = GeneralUtils::GenerateRandomNumber(0, 6); float x = radius * cos(angle); float z = radius * sin(angle); auto copy = m_EntityInfo; copy.pos.x += x; copy.pos.z += z; copy.lot = spawn; if (std::find(m_LotsToCheck.begin(), m_LotsToCheck.end(), spawn) == m_LotsToCheck.end()) { m_LotsToCheck.push_back(spawn); } Entity* rezdE = EntityManager::Instance()->CreateEntity(copy, nullptr); rezdE->GetGroups() = m_Info.groups; EntityManager::Instance()->ConstructEntity(rezdE); m_Entities.insert({ rezdE->GetObjectID(), spawnNode }); spawnNode->entities.push_back(rezdE->GetObjectID()); for (const auto& cb : m_EntitySpawnedCallbacks) { cb(rezdE); } if (first == nullptr) { first = rezdE; } break; } usedSpawnPattern = true; if (m_Entities.size() == m_Info.amountMaintained) { m_NeedsUpdate = false; } return first; } } } bool usedSpawnPattern = false; if (m_SpawnPattern != nullptr) { auto pattern = m_SpawnPattern->GetSpawnPatterns(); // Check the area rating // std::map>> m_Ratings for (const auto& lot : m_LotsToCheck) { const auto& it = m_Ratings.find(lot); int32_t rating = 0; if (it != m_Ratings.end()) { // Check if we are within 50units of a rating for (const auto& ratingIt : it->second) { if (NiPoint3::DistanceSquared(ratingIt.first, m_EntityInfo.pos) <= 100.0f * 100.0f) { rating = ratingIt.second; break; } } } for (const auto& it : pattern) { if (it.first > rating) continue; // Random number between 0 and 1 float random = GeneralUtils::GenerateRandomNumber(0, 1); const auto& change = it.second.first; if (random >= change) continue; usedSpawnPattern = true; Entity* first = nullptr; for (const auto& spawn : it.second.second) { float angle = GeneralUtils::GenerateRandomNumber(0, 360) * M_PI / 180.0f; float radius = GeneralUtils::GenerateRandomNumber(0, 6); float x = radius * cos(angle); float z = radius * sin(angle); auto copy = m_EntityInfo; copy.pos.x += x; copy.pos.z += z; copy.lot = spawn; if (std::find(m_LotsToCheck.begin(), m_LotsToCheck.end(), spawn) == m_LotsToCheck.end()) { m_LotsToCheck.push_back(spawn); } Entity* rezdE = EntityManager::Instance()->CreateEntity(copy, nullptr); rezdE->GetGroups() = m_Info.groups; EntityManager::Instance()->ConstructEntity(rezdE); m_Entities.insert({ rezdE->GetObjectID(), spawnNode }); spawnNode->entities.push_back(rezdE->GetObjectID()); for (const auto& cb : m_EntitySpawnedCallbacks) { cb(rezdE); } if (first == nullptr) { first = rezdE; } break; } usedSpawnPattern = true; if (m_Entities.size() == m_Info.amountMaintained) { m_NeedsUpdate = false; } return first; } } } Entity* rezdE = Game::entityManager->CreateEntity(m_EntityInfo, nullptr); rezdE->GetGroups() = m_Info.groups; Game::entityManager->ConstructEntity(rezdE); m_Entities.insert({ rezdE->GetObjectID(), spawnNode }); spawnNode->entities.push_back(rezdE->GetObjectID()); if (m_Entities.size() == m_Info.amountMaintained) { m_NeedsUpdate = false; } for (const auto& cb : m_EntitySpawnedCallbacks) { cb(rezdE); } return rezdE; } return nullptr; } void Spawner::AddSpawnedEntityDieCallback(std::function callback) { m_SpawnedEntityDieCallbacks.push_back(callback); } void Spawner::AddEntitySpawnedCallback(std::function callback) { m_EntitySpawnedCallbacks.push_back(callback); } void Spawner::Reset() { m_Start = true; DestroyAllEntities(); m_Entities.clear(); m_AmountSpawned = 0; m_NeedsUpdate = true; } void Spawner::DestroyAllEntities(){ for (auto* node : m_Info.nodes) { for (const auto& element : node->entities) { auto* entity = Game::entityManager->GetEntity(element); if (entity == nullptr) continue; entity->Kill(); } node->entities.clear(); } } void Spawner::SoftReset() { m_Start = true; m_AmountSpawned = 0; m_NeedsUpdate = true; } void Spawner::SetRespawnTime(float time) { m_Info.respawnTime = time; for (size_t i = 0; i < m_WaitTimes.size(); ++i) { m_WaitTimes[i] = 0; }; m_Start = true; m_NeedsUpdate = true; } void Spawner::SetNumToMaintain(int32_t value) { m_Info.amountMaintained = value; } void Spawner::Update(const float deltaTime) { if (m_Start && m_Active) { m_Start = false; const auto toSpawn = m_Info.amountMaintained - m_AmountSpawned; for (auto i = 0; i < toSpawn; ++i) { Spawn(); } m_WaitTimes.clear(); return; } if (!m_NeedsUpdate) return; if (!m_Active) return; //if (m_Info.noTimedSpawn) return; if (m_Info.spawnsOnSmash) { if (!m_SpawnSmashFoundGroup) { } return; } for (size_t i = 0; i < m_WaitTimes.size(); ++i) { m_WaitTimes[i] += deltaTime; if (m_WaitTimes[i] >= m_Info.respawnTime) { m_WaitTimes.erase(m_WaitTimes.begin() + i); Spawn(); } } } void Spawner::NotifyOfEntityDeath(const LWOOBJID& objectID) { for (std::function cb : m_SpawnedEntityDieCallbacks) { cb(); } m_NeedsUpdate = true; //m_RespawnTime = 10.0f; m_WaitTimes.push_back(0.0f); SpawnerNode* node; auto it = m_Entities.find(objectID); if (it != m_Entities.end()) node = it->second; else return; if (!node) { return; } for (size_t i = 0; i < node->entities.size(); ++i) { if (node->entities[i] && node->entities[i] == objectID) node->entities.erase(node->entities.begin() + i); } m_Entities.erase(objectID); if (m_SpawnOnSmash != nullptr) { m_SpawnOnSmash->Reset(); } const auto& lot = m_Info.templateID; // Add to area rating // std::map>> m_Ratings // First check if the lot is in the map, if not, add it // Than check if there exist any ratings for that lot within 50units of the spawner // If there is, add 1 to the rating // If there isn't, add a new rating const auto& pos = node->position; const auto& it2 = m_Ratings.find(lot); if (it2 == m_Ratings.end()) { m_Ratings.insert({ lot, { { pos, 1.0f } } }); } else { auto& ratings = it2->second; bool found = false; for (auto& rating : ratings) { if (NiPoint3::DistanceSquared(rating.first, pos) < 100.0f * 100.0f) { rating.second += 1.0f; Game::logger->Log("Spawner", "Rating %f", rating.second); found = true; break; } } if (!found) { ratings.push_back({ pos, 1.0f }); } } } void Spawner::UpdateRatings(float deltaTime) { // Loop through all ratings and decrease them by deltaTime for (auto& rating : m_Ratings) { for (auto& rating2 : rating.second) { rating2.second -= deltaTime * 0.1f; } } // Loop through all ratings and remove any that are 0 or less for (auto it = m_Ratings.begin(); it != m_Ratings.end();) { for (auto it2 = it->second.begin(); it2 != it->second.end();) { if (it2->second <= 0.0f) { it2 = it->second.erase(it2); } else { ++it2; } } if (it->second.empty()) { it = m_Ratings.erase(it); } else { ++it; } } } void Spawner::Activate() { m_Active = true; m_NeedsUpdate = true; for (auto& time : m_WaitTimes) { time = 0; } } void Spawner::SetSpawnLot(LOT lot) { m_EntityInfo.lot = lot; }