#include "BuffComponent.h" #include #include "CDClientDatabase.h" #include #include "DestroyableComponent.h" #include "Game.h" #include "Logger.h" #include "GameMessages.h" #include "SkillComponent.h" #include "ControllablePhysicsComponent.h" #include "EntityManager.h" #include "CDClientManager.h" #include "CDSkillBehaviorTable.h" #include "TeamManager.h" std::unordered_map> BuffComponent::m_Cache{}; namespace { std::map BuffFx = { { "overtime", "OTB_" }, { "max_health", "HEALTH_" }, { "max_imagination", "IMAGINATION_" }, { "max_armor", "ARMOR_" }, { "speed", "SPEED_" }, { "loot", "LOOT_" } }; } BuffComponent::BuffComponent(Entity* parent) : Component(parent) { } BuffComponent::~BuffComponent() { } void BuffComponent::Serialize(RakNet::BitStream* outBitStream, bool bIsInitialUpdate) { if (!bIsInitialUpdate) return; outBitStream->Write(!m_Buffs.empty()); if (!m_Buffs.empty()) { outBitStream->Write(m_Buffs.size()); for (const auto& [id, buff] : m_Buffs) { outBitStream->Write(id); outBitStream->Write(buff.time != 0.0f); if (buff.time != 0.0f) outBitStream->Write(static_cast(buff.time * 1000.0f)); outBitStream->Write(buff.cancelOnDeath); outBitStream->Write(buff.cancelOnZone); outBitStream->Write(buff.cancelOnDamaged); outBitStream->Write(buff.cancelOnRemoveBuff); outBitStream->Write(buff.cancelOnUi); outBitStream->Write(buff.cancelOnLogout); outBitStream->Write(buff.cancelOnUnequip); outBitStream->Write0(); // Cancel on Damage Absorb Ran Out. Generally false from what I can tell auto* team = TeamManager::Instance()->GetTeam(buff.source); bool addedByTeammate = false; if (team) { addedByTeammate = std::count(team->members.begin(), team->members.end(), m_Parent->GetObjectID()) > 0; } outBitStream->Write(addedByTeammate); // Added by teammate. If source is in the same team as the target, this is true. Otherwise, false. outBitStream->Write(buff.applyOnTeammates); if (addedByTeammate) outBitStream->Write(buff.source); outBitStream->Write(buff.refCount); } } outBitStream->Write0(); // something to do with immunity buffs? } void BuffComponent::Update(float deltaTime) { /** * Loop through all buffs and apply deltaTime to ther time. * If they have expired, remove the buff and break. */ for (auto& buff : m_Buffs) { // For damage buffs if (buff.second.tick != 0.0f && buff.second.stacks > 0) { buff.second.tickTime -= deltaTime; if (buff.second.tickTime <= 0.0f) { buff.second.tickTime = buff.second.tick; buff.second.stacks--; SkillComponent::HandleUnmanaged(buff.second.behaviorID, m_Parent->GetObjectID(), buff.second.source); } } // These are indefinate buffs, don't update them. if (buff.second.time == 0.0f) { continue; } buff.second.time -= deltaTime; if (buff.second.time <= 0.0f) { RemoveBuff(buff.first); break; } } } const std::string& GetFxName(const std::string& buffname) { const auto& toReturn = BuffFx[buffname]; if (toReturn.empty()) { LOG_DEBUG("No fx name for %s", buffname.c_str()); } return toReturn; } void BuffComponent::ApplyBuffFx(uint32_t buffId, const BuffParameter& buff) { std::string fxToPlay; const auto& buffName = GetFxName(buff.name); if (buffName.empty()) return; fxToPlay += std::to_string(buffId); LOG_DEBUG("Playing %s %i", fxToPlay.c_str(), buff.effectId); GameMessages::SendPlayFXEffect(m_Parent->GetObjectID(), buff.effectId, u"cast", fxToPlay, LWOOBJID_EMPTY, 1.07f, 1.0f, false); } void BuffComponent::RemoveBuffFx(uint32_t buffId, const BuffParameter& buff) { std::string fxToPlay; const auto& buffName = GetFxName(buff.name); if (buffName.empty()) return; fxToPlay += std::to_string(buffId); LOG_DEBUG("Stopping %s", fxToPlay.c_str()); GameMessages::SendStopFXEffect(m_Parent, false, fxToPlay); } void BuffComponent::ApplyBuff(const int32_t id, const float duration, const LWOOBJID source, bool addImmunity, bool cancelOnDamaged, bool cancelOnDeath, bool cancelOnLogout, bool cancelOnRemoveBuff, bool cancelOnUi, bool cancelOnUnequip, bool cancelOnZone, bool applyOnTeammates) { // Prevent buffs from stacking. if (HasBuff(id)) { m_Buffs[id].refCount++; m_Buffs[id].time = duration; return; } auto* team = TeamManager::Instance()->GetTeam(source); bool addedByTeammate = false; if (team) { addedByTeammate = std::count(team->members.begin(), team->members.end(), m_Parent->GetObjectID()) > 0; } GameMessages::SendAddBuff(const_cast(m_Parent->GetObjectID()), source, (uint32_t)id, (uint32_t)duration * 1000, addImmunity, cancelOnDamaged, cancelOnDeath, cancelOnLogout, cancelOnRemoveBuff, cancelOnUi, cancelOnUnequip, cancelOnZone, addedByTeammate, applyOnTeammates); float tick = 0; float stacks = 0; int32_t behaviorID = 0; const auto& parameters = GetBuffParameters(id); for (const auto& parameter : parameters) { if (parameter.name == "overtime") { auto* behaviorTemplateTable = CDClientManager::Instance().GetTable(); behaviorID = behaviorTemplateTable->GetSkillByID(parameter.values[0]).behaviorID; stacks = static_cast(parameter.values[1]); tick = parameter.values[2]; const auto unknown2 = parameter.values[3]; // Always 0 } } ApplyBuffEffect(id); Buff buff; buff.id = id; buff.time = duration; buff.tick = tick; buff.tickTime = tick; buff.stacks = stacks; buff.source = source; buff.behaviorID = behaviorID; buff.cancelOnDamaged = cancelOnDamaged; buff.cancelOnDeath = cancelOnDeath; buff.cancelOnLogout = cancelOnLogout; buff.cancelOnRemoveBuff = cancelOnRemoveBuff; buff.cancelOnUi = cancelOnUi; buff.cancelOnUnequip = cancelOnUnequip; buff.cancelOnZone = cancelOnZone; buff.refCount = 1; m_Buffs.emplace(id, buff); auto* parent = GetParent(); if (!cancelOnDeath) return; m_Parent->AddDieCallback([parent, id]() { LOG_DEBUG("Removing buff %i because parent died", id); if (!parent) return; auto* buffComponent = parent->GetComponent(); if (buffComponent) buffComponent->RemoveBuff(id, false, false, true); }); } void BuffComponent::RemoveBuff(int32_t id, bool fromUnEquip, bool removeImmunity, bool ignoreRefCount) { const auto& iter = m_Buffs.find(id); if (iter == m_Buffs.end()) { return; } if (!ignoreRefCount && !iter->second.cancelOnRemoveBuff) { iter->second.refCount--; LOG_DEBUG("refCount for buff %i is now %i", id, iter->second.refCount); if (iter->second.refCount > 0) { return; } } GameMessages::SendRemoveBuff(m_Parent, fromUnEquip, removeImmunity, id); m_Buffs.erase(iter); RemoveBuffEffect(id); } bool BuffComponent::HasBuff(int32_t id) { return m_Buffs.find(id) != m_Buffs.end(); } void BuffComponent::ApplyBuffEffect(int32_t id) { const auto& parameters = GetBuffParameters(id); for (const auto& parameter : parameters) { ApplyBuffFx(id, parameter); if (parameter.name == "max_health") { const auto maxHealth = parameter.value; auto* destroyable = this->GetParent()->GetComponent(); if (destroyable == nullptr) return; destroyable->SetMaxHealth(destroyable->GetMaxHealth() + maxHealth); } else if (parameter.name == "max_armor") { const auto maxArmor = parameter.value; auto* destroyable = this->GetParent()->GetComponent(); if (destroyable == nullptr) return; destroyable->SetMaxArmor(destroyable->GetMaxArmor() + maxArmor); } else if (parameter.name == "max_imagination") { const auto maxImagination = parameter.value; auto* destroyable = this->GetParent()->GetComponent(); if (destroyable == nullptr) return; destroyable->SetMaxImagination(destroyable->GetMaxImagination() + maxImagination); } else if (parameter.name == "speed") { auto* controllablePhysicsComponent = this->GetParent()->GetComponent(); if (!controllablePhysicsComponent) return; const auto speed = parameter.value; controllablePhysicsComponent->AddSpeedboost(speed); } } } void BuffComponent::RemoveBuffEffect(int32_t id) { const auto& parameters = GetBuffParameters(id); for (const auto& parameter : parameters) { RemoveBuffFx(id, parameter); if (parameter.name == "max_health") { const auto maxHealth = parameter.value; auto* destroyable = this->GetParent()->GetComponent(); if (destroyable == nullptr) return; destroyable->SetMaxHealth(destroyable->GetMaxHealth() - maxHealth); } else if (parameter.name == "max_armor") { const auto maxArmor = parameter.value; auto* destroyable = this->GetParent()->GetComponent(); if (destroyable == nullptr) return; destroyable->SetMaxArmor(destroyable->GetMaxArmor() - maxArmor); } else if (parameter.name == "max_imagination") { const auto maxImagination = parameter.value; auto* destroyable = this->GetParent()->GetComponent(); if (destroyable == nullptr) return; destroyable->SetMaxImagination(destroyable->GetMaxImagination() - maxImagination); } else if (parameter.name == "speed") { auto* controllablePhysicsComponent = this->GetParent()->GetComponent(); if (!controllablePhysicsComponent) return; const auto speed = parameter.value; controllablePhysicsComponent->RemoveSpeedboost(speed); } } } void BuffComponent::RemoveAllBuffs() { for (const auto& buff : m_Buffs) { RemoveBuffEffect(buff.first); } m_Buffs.clear(); } void BuffComponent::Reset() { RemoveAllBuffs(); } void BuffComponent::ReApplyBuffs() { for (const auto& buff : m_Buffs) { ApplyBuffEffect(buff.first); } } Entity* BuffComponent::GetParent() const { return m_Parent; } void BuffComponent::LoadFromXml(tinyxml2::XMLDocument* doc) { // Load buffs auto* dest = doc->FirstChildElement("obj")->FirstChildElement("dest"); // Make sure we have a clean buff element. auto* buffElement = dest->FirstChildElement("buff"); // Old character, no buffs to load if (buffElement == nullptr) { return; } auto* buffEntry = buffElement->FirstChildElement("b"); while (buffEntry) { int32_t id = buffEntry->IntAttribute("id"); float t = buffEntry->FloatAttribute("t"); float tk = buffEntry->FloatAttribute("tk"); float tt = buffEntry->FloatAttribute("tt"); int32_t s = buffEntry->FloatAttribute("s"); LWOOBJID sr = buffEntry->Int64Attribute("sr"); int32_t b = buffEntry->IntAttribute("b"); int32_t refCount = buffEntry->IntAttribute("refCount"); bool cancelOnDamaged = buffEntry->BoolAttribute("cancelOnDamaged"); bool cancelOnDeath = buffEntry->BoolAttribute("cancelOnDeath"); bool cancelOnLogout = buffEntry->BoolAttribute("cancelOnLogout"); bool cancelOnRemoveBuff = buffEntry->BoolAttribute("cancelOnRemoveBuff"); bool cancelOnUi = buffEntry->BoolAttribute("cancelOnUi"); bool cancelOnUnequip = buffEntry->BoolAttribute("cancelOnUnequip"); bool cancelOnZone = buffEntry->BoolAttribute("cancelOnZone"); bool applyOnTeammates = buffEntry->BoolAttribute("applyOnTeammates"); Buff buff; buff.id = id; buff.time = t; buff.tick = tk; buff.stacks = s; buff.source = sr; buff.behaviorID = b; buff.refCount = refCount; buff.tickTime = tt; buff.cancelOnDamaged = cancelOnDamaged; buff.cancelOnDeath = cancelOnDeath; buff.cancelOnLogout = cancelOnLogout; buff.cancelOnRemoveBuff = cancelOnRemoveBuff; buff.cancelOnUi = cancelOnUi; buff.cancelOnUnequip = cancelOnUnequip; buff.cancelOnZone = cancelOnZone; buff.applyOnTeammates = applyOnTeammates; m_Buffs.emplace(id, buff); buffEntry = buffEntry->NextSiblingElement("b"); } } void BuffComponent::UpdateXml(tinyxml2::XMLDocument* doc) { // Save buffs auto* dest = doc->FirstChildElement("obj")->FirstChildElement("dest"); // Make sure we have a clean buff element. auto* buffElement = dest->FirstChildElement("buff"); if (buffElement == nullptr) { buffElement = doc->NewElement("buff"); dest->LinkEndChild(buffElement); } else { buffElement->DeleteChildren(); } for (const auto& [id, buff] : m_Buffs) { auto* buffEntry = doc->NewElement("b"); if (buff.cancelOnZone || buff.cancelOnLogout) continue; buffEntry->SetAttribute("id", id); buffEntry->SetAttribute("t", buff.time); buffEntry->SetAttribute("tk", buff.tick); buffEntry->SetAttribute("tt", buff.tickTime); buffEntry->SetAttribute("s", buff.stacks); buffEntry->SetAttribute("sr", buff.source); buffEntry->SetAttribute("b", buff.behaviorID); buffEntry->SetAttribute("refCount", buff.refCount); buffEntry->SetAttribute("cancelOnDamaged", buff.cancelOnDamaged); buffEntry->SetAttribute("cancelOnDeath", buff.cancelOnDeath); buffEntry->SetAttribute("cancelOnLogout", buff.cancelOnLogout); buffEntry->SetAttribute("cancelOnRemoveBuff", buff.cancelOnRemoveBuff); buffEntry->SetAttribute("cancelOnUi", buff.cancelOnUi); buffEntry->SetAttribute("cancelOnUnequip", buff.cancelOnUnequip); buffEntry->SetAttribute("cancelOnZone", buff.cancelOnZone); buffEntry->SetAttribute("applyOnTeammates", buff.applyOnTeammates); buffElement->LinkEndChild(buffEntry); } } const std::vector& BuffComponent::GetBuffParameters(int32_t buffId) { const auto& pair = m_Cache.find(buffId); if (pair != m_Cache.end()) { return pair->second; } auto query = CDClientDatabase::CreatePreppedStmt("SELECT * FROM BuffParameters WHERE BuffID = ?;"); query.bind(1, (int)buffId); auto result = query.execQuery(); std::vector parameters{}; while (!result.eof()) { BuffParameter param; param.buffId = buffId; param.name = result.getStringField("ParameterName"); param.value = result.getFloatField("NumberValue"); param.effectId = result.getIntField("EffectID"); if (!result.fieldIsNull(3)) { std::istringstream stream(result.getStringField("StringValue")); std::string token; while (std::getline(stream, token, ',')) { try { const auto value = std::stof(token); param.values.push_back(value); } catch (std::invalid_argument& exception) { LOG("Failed to parse value (%s): (%s)!", token.c_str(), exception.what()); } } } parameters.push_back(param); result.nextRow(); } m_Cache.insert_or_assign(buffId, parameters); return m_Cache.find(buffId)->second; }