#include #include "Loot.h" #include "CDComponentsRegistryTable.h" #include "CDItemComponentTable.h" #include "CDLootMatrixTable.h" #include "CDLootTableTable.h" #include "CDRarityTableTable.h" #include "Character.h" #include "Entity.h" #include "GameMessages.h" #include "GeneralUtils.h" #include "InventoryComponent.h" #include "MissionComponent.h" LootGenerator::LootGenerator() { CDLootTableTable* lootTableTable = CDClientManager::Instance()->GetTable("LootTable"); CDComponentsRegistryTable* componentsRegistryTable = CDClientManager::Instance()->GetTable("ComponentsRegistry"); CDItemComponentTable* itemComponentTable = CDClientManager::Instance()->GetTable("ItemComponent"); CDLootMatrixTable* lootMatrixTable = CDClientManager::Instance()->GetTable("LootMatrix"); CDRarityTableTable* rarityTableTable = CDClientManager::Instance()->GetTable("RarityTable"); // ============================== // Cache Item Rarities // ============================== std::vector uniqueItems; for (const CDLootTable& loot : lootTableTable->GetEntries()) { uniqueItems.push_back(loot.itemid); } // filter out duplicates std::sort(uniqueItems.begin(), uniqueItems.end()); uniqueItems.erase(std::unique(uniqueItems.begin(), uniqueItems.end()), uniqueItems.end()); for (const uint32_t itemID : uniqueItems) { uint32_t itemComponentID = componentsRegistryTable->GetByIDAndType(itemID, COMPONENT_TYPE_ITEM); const CDItemComponent& item = itemComponentTable->GetItemComponentByID(itemComponentID); m_ItemRarities.insert({itemID, item.rarity}); } // ============================== // Cache Rarity Tables // ============================== std::vector uniqueRarityIndices; for (const CDRarityTable& rarity : rarityTableTable->GetEntries()) { uniqueRarityIndices.push_back(rarity.RarityTableIndex); } // filter out duplicates std::sort(uniqueRarityIndices.begin(), uniqueRarityIndices.end()); uniqueRarityIndices.erase(std::unique(uniqueRarityIndices.begin(), uniqueRarityIndices.end()), uniqueRarityIndices.end()); for (const uint32_t index : uniqueRarityIndices) { std::vector table = rarityTableTable->Query([index](const CDRarityTable& entry) { return entry.RarityTableIndex == index; }); RarityTable rarityTable; for (const CDRarityTable& entry : table) { RarityTableEntry rarity{entry.rarity, entry.randmax}; rarityTable.push_back(rarity); } // sort in descending order based on randMax std::sort(rarityTable.begin(), rarityTable.end(), [](const RarityTableEntry& x, const RarityTableEntry& y) { return x.randMax > y.randMax; }); m_RarityTables.insert({index, rarityTable}); } // ============================== // Cache Loot Matrices // ============================== std::vector uniqueMatrixIndices; for (const CDLootMatrix& matrix : lootMatrixTable->GetEntries()) { uniqueMatrixIndices.push_back(matrix.LootMatrixIndex); } // filter out duplicates std::sort(uniqueMatrixIndices.begin(), uniqueMatrixIndices.end()); uniqueMatrixIndices.erase(std::unique(uniqueMatrixIndices.begin(), uniqueMatrixIndices.end()), uniqueMatrixIndices.end()); for (const uint32_t index : uniqueMatrixIndices) { std::vector matrix = lootMatrixTable->Query([index](const CDLootMatrix& entry) { return entry.LootMatrixIndex == index; }); LootMatrix lootMatrix; for (const CDLootMatrix& entry : matrix) { LootMatrixEntry matrixEntry{entry.LootTableIndex, entry.RarityTableIndex, entry.percent, entry.minToDrop, entry.maxToDrop}; lootMatrix.push_back(matrixEntry); } m_LootMatrices.insert({index, lootMatrix}); } // ============================== // Cache Loot Tables // ============================== std::vector uniqueTableIndices; for (const CDLootTable& entry : lootTableTable->GetEntries()) { uniqueTableIndices.push_back(entry.LootTableIndex); } // filter out duplicates std::sort(uniqueTableIndices.begin(), uniqueTableIndices.end()); uniqueTableIndices.erase(std::unique(uniqueTableIndices.begin(), uniqueTableIndices.end()), uniqueTableIndices.end()); for (const uint32_t index : uniqueTableIndices) { std::vector entries = lootTableTable->Query([index](const CDLootTable& entry) { return entry.LootTableIndex == index; }); LootTable lootTable; for (const CDLootTable& entry : entries) { LootTableEntry tableEntry{(LOT)entry.itemid, entry.MissionDrop}; lootTable.push_back(tableEntry); } // sort by item rarity descending std::sort(lootTable.begin(), lootTable.end(), [&](const LootTableEntry& x, const LootTableEntry& y) { return m_ItemRarities[x.itemID] > m_ItemRarities[y.itemID]; }); m_LootTables.insert({index, lootTable}); } } std::unordered_map LootGenerator::RollLootMatrix(Entity* player, uint32_t matrixIndex) { auto* missionComponent = player->GetComponent(); std::unordered_map drops; if (missionComponent == nullptr) { return drops; } const LootMatrix& matrix = m_LootMatrices[matrixIndex]; for (const LootMatrixEntry& entry : matrix) { if (GeneralUtils::GenerateRandomNumber(0, 1) < entry.percent) { const LootTable& lootTable = m_LootTables[entry.lootTableIndex]; const RarityTable& rarityTable = m_RarityTables[entry.rarityTableIndex]; uint32_t dropCount = GeneralUtils::GenerateRandomNumber(entry.minDrop, entry.maxDrop); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < dropCount; ++i) { uint32_t maxRarity = 1; float rarityRoll = GeneralUtils::GenerateRandomNumber(0, 1); for (const RarityTableEntry& rarity : rarityTable) { if (rarity.randMax >= rarityRoll) { maxRarity = rarity.rarity; } else { break; } } bool rarityFound = false; std::vector possibleDrops; for (const LootTableEntry& loot : lootTable) { uint32_t rarity = m_ItemRarities[loot.itemID]; if (rarity == maxRarity) { possibleDrops.push_back(loot); rarityFound = true; } else if (rarity < maxRarity && !rarityFound) { possibleDrops.push_back(loot); maxRarity = rarity; } } if (possibleDrops.size() > 0) { LootTableEntry drop = possibleDrops[GeneralUtils::GenerateRandomNumber(0, possibleDrops.size() - 1)]; // filter out uneeded mission items if (drop.isMissionDrop && !missionComponent->RequiresItem(drop.itemID)) continue; // convert faction token proxy if (drop.itemID == 13763) { if (missionComponent->GetMissionState(545) == MissionState::MISSION_STATE_COMPLETE) drop.itemID = 8318; // "Assembly Token" else if (missionComponent->GetMissionState(556) == MissionState::MISSION_STATE_COMPLETE) drop.itemID = 8321; // "Venture League Token" else if (missionComponent->GetMissionState(567) == MissionState::MISSION_STATE_COMPLETE) drop.itemID = 8319; // "Sentinels Token" else if (missionComponent->GetMissionState(578) == MissionState::MISSION_STATE_COMPLETE) drop.itemID = 8320; // "Paradox Token" } if (drop.itemID == 13763) { continue; } // check if we aren't in faction if (drops.find(drop.itemID) == drops.end()) { drops.insert({drop.itemID, 1}); } else { ++drops[drop.itemID]; } } } } } return drops; } std::unordered_map LootGenerator::RollLootMatrix(uint32_t matrixIndex) { std::unordered_map drops; const LootMatrix& matrix = m_LootMatrices[matrixIndex]; for (const LootMatrixEntry& entry : matrix) { if (GeneralUtils::GenerateRandomNumber(0, 1) < entry.percent) { const LootTable& lootTable = m_LootTables[entry.lootTableIndex]; const RarityTable& rarityTable = m_RarityTables[entry.rarityTableIndex]; uint32_t dropCount = GeneralUtils::GenerateRandomNumber(entry.minDrop, entry.maxDrop); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < dropCount; ++i) { uint32_t maxRarity = 1; float rarityRoll = GeneralUtils::GenerateRandomNumber(0, 1); for (const RarityTableEntry& rarity : rarityTable) { if (rarity.randMax >= rarityRoll) { maxRarity = rarity.rarity; } else { break; } } bool rarityFound = false; std::vector possibleDrops; for (const LootTableEntry& loot : lootTable) { uint32_t rarity = m_ItemRarities[loot.itemID]; if (rarity == maxRarity) { possibleDrops.push_back(loot); rarityFound = true; } else if (rarity < maxRarity && !rarityFound) { possibleDrops.push_back(loot); maxRarity = rarity; } } if (possibleDrops.size() > 0) { const LootTableEntry& drop = possibleDrops[GeneralUtils::GenerateRandomNumber(0, possibleDrops.size() - 1)]; if (drops.find(drop.itemID) == drops.end()) { drops.insert({drop.itemID, 1}); } else { ++drops[drop.itemID]; } } } } } return drops; } void LootGenerator::GiveLoot(Entity* player, uint32_t matrixIndex) { player = player->GetOwner(); // If the owner is overwritten, we collect that here std::unordered_map result = RollLootMatrix(player, matrixIndex); GiveLoot(player, result); } void LootGenerator::GiveLoot(Entity* player, std::unordered_map& result) { player = player->GetOwner(); // if the owner is overwritten, we collect that here auto* inventoryComponent = player->GetComponent(); if (!inventoryComponent) return; for (const auto& pair : result) { inventoryComponent->AddItem(pair.first, pair.second); } } void LootGenerator::GiveActivityLoot(Entity* player, Entity* source, uint32_t activityID, int32_t rating) { CDActivityRewardsTable* activityRewardsTable = CDClientManager::Instance()->GetTable("ActivityRewards"); std::vector activityRewards = activityRewardsTable->Query([activityID](CDActivityRewards entry) { return (entry.objectTemplate == activityID); }); const CDActivityRewards* selectedReward = nullptr; for (const auto& activityReward : activityRewards) { if (activityReward.activityRating <= rating && (selectedReward == nullptr || activityReward.activityRating > selectedReward->activityRating)) { selectedReward = &activityReward; } } if (!selectedReward) return; uint32_t minCoins = 0; uint32_t maxCoins = 0; CDCurrencyTableTable* currencyTableTable = CDClientManager::Instance()->GetTable("CurrencyTable"); std::vector currencyTable = currencyTableTable->Query([selectedReward](CDCurrencyTable entry) { return (entry.currencyIndex == selectedReward->CurrencyIndex && entry.npcminlevel == 1); }); if (currencyTable.size() > 0) { minCoins = currencyTable[0].minvalue; maxCoins = currencyTable[0].maxvalue; } GiveLoot(player, selectedReward->LootMatrixIndex); uint32_t coins = (int)(minCoins + GeneralUtils::GenerateRandomNumber(0, 1) * (maxCoins - minCoins)); auto* character = player->GetCharacter(); character->SetCoins(character->GetCoins() + coins, LOOT_SOURCE_ACTIVITY); } void LootGenerator::DropLoot(Entity* player, Entity* killedObject, uint32_t matrixIndex, uint32_t minCoins, uint32_t maxCoins) { player = player->GetOwner(); // if the owner is overwritten, we collect that here auto* inventoryComponent = player->GetComponent(); if (!inventoryComponent) return; std::unordered_map result = RollLootMatrix(player, matrixIndex); DropLoot(player, killedObject, result, minCoins, maxCoins); } void LootGenerator::DropLoot(Entity* player, Entity* killedObject, std::unordered_map& result, uint32_t minCoins, uint32_t maxCoins) { player = player->GetOwner(); // if the owner is overwritten, we collect that here auto* inventoryComponent = player->GetComponent(); if (!inventoryComponent) return; const auto spawnPosition = killedObject->GetPosition(); const auto source = killedObject->GetObjectID(); for (const auto& pair : result) { for (int i = 0; i < pair.second; ++i) { GameMessages::SendDropClientLoot(player, source, pair.first, 0, spawnPosition, 1); } } uint32_t coins = (int)(minCoins + GeneralUtils::GenerateRandomNumber(0, 1) * (maxCoins - minCoins)); GameMessages::SendDropClientLoot(player, source, LOT_NULL, coins, spawnPosition); } void LootGenerator::DropActivityLoot(Entity* player, Entity* source, uint32_t activityID, int32_t rating) { CDActivityRewardsTable* activityRewardsTable = CDClientManager::Instance()->GetTable("ActivityRewards"); std::vector activityRewards = activityRewardsTable->Query([activityID](CDActivityRewards entry) { return (entry.objectTemplate == activityID); }); const CDActivityRewards* selectedReward = nullptr; for (const auto& activityReward : activityRewards) { if (activityReward.activityRating <= rating && (selectedReward == nullptr || activityReward.activityRating > selectedReward->activityRating)) { selectedReward = &activityReward; } } if (selectedReward == nullptr) { return; } uint32_t minCoins = 0; uint32_t maxCoins = 0; CDCurrencyTableTable* currencyTableTable = CDClientManager::Instance()->GetTable("CurrencyTable"); std::vector currencyTable = currencyTableTable->Query([selectedReward](CDCurrencyTable entry) { return (entry.currencyIndex == selectedReward->CurrencyIndex && entry.npcminlevel == 1); }); if (currencyTable.size() > 0) { minCoins = currencyTable[0].minvalue; maxCoins = currencyTable[0].maxvalue; } DropLoot(player, source, selectedReward->LootMatrixIndex, minCoins, maxCoins); }