# Source Code for recast add_subdirectory(recastnavigation) # Turn off tinyxml2 testing set(tinyxml2_BUILD_TESTING OFF) # Source Code for tinyxml2 add_subdirectory(tinyxml2) # Source Code for libbcrypt. Uses a file glob instead to get around Windows build issues. file( GLOB SOURCES_LIBBCRYPT LIST_DIRECTORIES false RELATIVE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}" ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/libbcrypt/src/*.c ) add_library(bcrypt ${SOURCES_LIBBCRYPT}) # Because we are not using the libbcrypt CMakeLists.txt, we need to include these headers for the library to use. # fortunately they are only needed for building the libbcrypt directory and nothing else, so these are marked private. if(NOT WIN32) target_include_directories(bcrypt PRIVATE "libbcrypt/include/bcrypt") endif() # Need to define this on Clang and GNU for 'strdup' support if(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "Clang|GNU") target_compile_definitions(bcrypt PRIVATE "_POSIX_C_SOURCE=200809L") endif() target_include_directories(bcrypt INTERFACE "libbcrypt/include") target_include_directories(bcrypt PRIVATE "libbcrypt/src") # Source code for sqlite add_subdirectory(SQLite) # Source code for magic_enum add_subdirectory(magic_enum) # Create our third party library objects add_subdirectory(raknet) # Download Backtrace if configured if(UNIX AND NOT APPLE) include(FetchContent) if (${INCLUDE_BACKTRACE} AND ${COMPILE_BACKTRACE}) FetchContent_Declare( backtrace GIT_REPOSITORY https://github.com/ianlancetaylor/libbacktrace.git ) FetchContent_MakeAvailable(backtrace) if (NOT EXISTS ${backtrace_SOURCE_DIR}/.libs) set(backtrace_make_cmd "${backtrace_SOURCE_DIR}/configure --prefix=\"/usr\" --enable-shared --with-system-libunwind") execute_process( COMMAND bash -c "cd ${backtrace_SOURCE_DIR} && ${backtrace_make_cmd} && make && cd ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}" ) endif() link_directories(${backtrace_SOURCE_DIR}/.libs/) include_directories(${backtrace_SOURCE_DIR}) endif() endif() add_subdirectory(MD5) add_subdirectory(mongoose)