#ifndef SWITCHCOMPONENT_H #define SWITCHCOMPONENT_H #include "RakNetTypes.h" #include "Entity.h" #include "GameMessages.h" #include "EntityManager.h" #include "RebuildComponent.h" #include "BouncerComponent.h" #include #include "Component.h" #include "eReplicaComponentType.h" /** * A component for switches in game, including pet triggered switches. */ class SwitchComponent : public Component { public: inline static const eReplicaComponentType ComponentType = eReplicaComponentType::SWITCH; SwitchComponent(Entity* parent); ~SwitchComponent() override; void Update(float deltaTime) override; void OnUse(Entity* originator) override; Entity* GetParentEntity() const; void Serialize(RakNet::BitStream* outBitStream, bool bIsInitialUpdate) override; /** * Sets whether the switch is on or off. * @param active whether the switch is on or off. */ void SetActive(bool active); /** * Returns whether the switch is on or off. */ bool GetActive() const; /** * Sets the attached pet bouncer * @param value the attached pet bouncer */ void SetPetBouncer(BouncerComponent* value); /** * Returns the attached pet bouncer */ BouncerComponent* GetPetBouncer() const; /** * Invoked when a entity enters the trigger area. */ void EntityEnter(Entity* entity); /** * Invoked when a entity leaves the trigger area. */ void EntityLeave(Entity* entity); /** * Returns the closest switch from a given position * @param position the position to check * @return the closest switch from a given position */ static SwitchComponent* GetClosestSwitch(NiPoint3 position); private: /** * A list of all pet switches. */ static std::vector petSwitches; /** * Attached rebuild component. */ RebuildComponent* m_Rebuild; /** * If the switch is on or off. */ bool m_Active; /** * The amount of entities in the trigger area. */ int m_EntitiesOnSwitch = 0; /** * The switch reset time */ int m_ResetTime = INT_MAX; /** * Timer for resetting the switch */ float m_Timer = 0.0f; /** * Attached pet bouncer */ BouncerComponent* m_PetBouncer = nullptr; }; #endif // SWITCHCOMPONENT_H