# Full path to the LEGO Universe client CLIENT_PATH=./client # Updates NET_VERSION in CMakeVariables.txt NET_VERSION=171022 # make sure this is a long random string # generate a "SHA 256-bit Key" from here: https://gchq.github.io/CyberChef/#recipe=Pseudo-Random_Number_Generator(256,'Hex') ACCOUNT_MANAGER_SECRET= # Should be the externally facing IP of your server host EXTERNAL_IP=localhost # The database type that will be used. # Acceptable values are `sqlite`, `mysql`, `mariadb`, `maria`. # Case insensitive. DATABASE_TYPE=mariadb SQLITE_DATABASE_PATH=resServer/dlu.sqlite # Database values # Be careful with special characters here. It is more safe to use normal characters and/or numbers. MARIADB_USER=darkflame MARIADB_PASSWORD= MARIADB_DATABASE=darkflame SKIP_ACCOUNT_CREATION=1