#include "GMZeroCommands.h" // Classes #include "Amf3.h" #include "BinaryPathFinder.h" #include "ChatPackets.h" #include "dServer.h" #include "dZoneManager.h" #include "Mail.h" #include "PlayerManager.h" #include "SlashCommandHandler.h" #include "VanityUtilities.h" #include "WorldPackets.h" #include "ZoneInstanceManager.h" // Components #include "BuffComponent.h" #include "CharacterComponent.h" #include "DestroyableComponent.h" #include "ScriptedActivityComponent.h" #include "SkillComponent.h" // Emuns #include "eGameMasterLevel.h" namespace GMZeroCommands { void Pvp(Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr, const std::string args) { auto* character = entity->GetComponent(); if (character == nullptr) { LOG("Failed to find character component!"); return; } character->SetPvpEnabled(!character->GetPvpEnabled()); Game::entityManager->SerializeEntity(entity); std::stringstream message; message << character->GetName() << " changed their PVP flag to " << std::to_string(character->GetPvpEnabled()) << "!"; ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(UNASSIGNED_SYSTEM_ADDRESS, GeneralUtils::UTF8ToUTF16(message.str()), true); } void Who(Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr, const std::string args) { ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage( sysAddr, u"Players in this instance: (" + GeneralUtils::to_u16string(PlayerManager::GetAllPlayers().size()) + u")" ); for (auto* player : PlayerManager::GetAllPlayers()) { const auto& name = player->GetCharacter()->GetName(); ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage( sysAddr, GeneralUtils::UTF8ToUTF16(player == entity ? name + " (you)" : name) ); } } void Ping(Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr, const std::string args) { if (!args.empty() && args.starts_with("-l")) { std::stringstream message; message << "Your latest ping: " << std::to_string(Game::server->GetLatestPing(sysAddr)) << "ms"; ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, GeneralUtils::ASCIIToUTF16(message.str())); } else { std::stringstream message; message << "Your average ping: " << std::to_string(Game::server->GetPing(sysAddr)) << "ms"; ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, GeneralUtils::ASCIIToUTF16(message.str())); } } void FixStats(Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr, const std::string args) { // Reset skill component and buff component auto* skillComponent = entity->GetComponent(); auto* buffComponent = entity->GetComponent(); auto* destroyableComponent = entity->GetComponent(); // If any of the components are nullptr, return if (skillComponent == nullptr || buffComponent == nullptr || destroyableComponent == nullptr) { return; } // Reset skill component skillComponent->Reset(); // Reset buff component buffComponent->Reset(); // Fix the destroyable component destroyableComponent->FixStats(); } void Credits(Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr, const std::string args) { const auto& customText = VanityUtilities::ParseMarkdown((BinaryPathFinder::GetBinaryDir() / "vanity/CREDITS.md").string()); { AMFArrayValue args; args.Insert("state", "Story"); GameMessages::SendUIMessageServerToSingleClient(entity, entity->GetSystemAddress(), "pushGameState", args); } entity->AddCallbackTimer(0.5f, [customText, entity]() { AMFArrayValue args; args.Insert("visible", true); args.Insert("text", customText); LOG("Sending %s", customText.c_str()); GameMessages::SendUIMessageServerToSingleClient(entity, entity->GetSystemAddress(), "ToggleStoryBox", args); }); } void Info(Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr, const std::string args) { const auto& customText = VanityUtilities::ParseMarkdown((BinaryPathFinder::GetBinaryDir() / "vanity/INFO.md").string()); { AMFArrayValue args; args.Insert("state", "Story"); GameMessages::SendUIMessageServerToSingleClient(entity, entity->GetSystemAddress(), "pushGameState", args); } entity->AddCallbackTimer(0.5f, [customText, entity]() { AMFArrayValue args; args.Insert("visible", true); args.Insert("text", customText); LOG("Sending %s", customText.c_str()); GameMessages::SendUIMessageServerToSingleClient(entity, entity->GetSystemAddress(), "ToggleStoryBox", args); }); } void LeaveZone(Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr, const std::string args) { const auto currentZone = Game::zoneManager->GetZone()->GetZoneID().GetMapID(); LWOMAPID newZone = 0; if (currentZone == 1001 || currentZone % 100 == 0) { ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"You are not in an instanced zone."); return; } else { newZone = (currentZone / 100) * 100; } // If new zone would be inaccessible, then default to Avant Gardens. if (!Game::zoneManager->CheckIfAccessibleZone(newZone)) newZone = 1100; ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Leaving zone..."); const auto objid = entity->GetObjectID(); ZoneInstanceManager::Instance()->RequestZoneTransfer(Game::server, newZone, 0, false, [objid](bool mythranShift, uint32_t zoneID, uint32_t zoneInstance, uint32_t zoneClone, std::string serverIP, uint16_t serverPort) { auto* entity = Game::entityManager->GetEntity(objid); if (entity == nullptr) { return; } const auto sysAddr = entity->GetSystemAddress(); LOG("Transferring %s to Zone %i (Instance %i | Clone %i | Mythran Shift: %s) with IP %s and Port %i", entity->GetCharacter()->GetName().c_str(), zoneID, zoneInstance, zoneClone, mythranShift == true ? "true" : "false", serverIP.c_str(), serverPort); if (entity->GetCharacter()) { entity->GetCharacter()->SetZoneID(zoneID); entity->GetCharacter()->SetZoneInstance(zoneInstance); entity->GetCharacter()->SetZoneClone(zoneClone); } entity->GetCharacter()->SaveXMLToDatabase(); WorldPackets::SendTransferToWorld(sysAddr, serverIP, serverPort, mythranShift); }); } void Join(Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr, const std::string args) { auto splitArgs = GeneralUtils::SplitString(args, ' '); if (splitArgs.empty()) return; ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Requesting private map..."); const auto& password = splitArgs[0]; ZoneInstanceManager::Instance()->RequestPrivateZone(Game::server, false, password, [=](bool mythranShift, uint32_t zoneID, uint32_t zoneInstance, uint32_t zoneClone, std::string serverIP, uint16_t serverPort) { LOG("Transferring %s to Zone %i (Instance %i | Clone %i | Mythran Shift: %s) with IP %s and Port %i", sysAddr.ToString(), zoneID, zoneInstance, zoneClone, mythranShift == true ? "true" : "false", serverIP.c_str(), serverPort); if (entity->GetCharacter()) { entity->GetCharacter()->SetZoneID(zoneID); entity->GetCharacter()->SetZoneInstance(zoneInstance); entity->GetCharacter()->SetZoneClone(zoneClone); } entity->GetCharacter()->SaveXMLToDatabase(); WorldPackets::SendTransferToWorld(sysAddr, serverIP, serverPort, mythranShift); }); } void Die(Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr, const std::string args) { entity->Smash(entity->GetObjectID()); } void Resurrect(Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr, const std::string args) { ScriptedActivityComponent* scriptedActivityComponent = Game::zoneManager->GetZoneControlObject()->GetComponent(); if (scriptedActivityComponent) { // check if user is in activity world and if so, they can't resurrect ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"You cannot resurrect in an activity world."); return; } GameMessages::SendResurrect(entity); } void RequestMailCount(Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr, const std::string args) { Mail::HandleNotificationRequest(entity->GetSystemAddress(), entity->GetObjectID()); } void InstanceInfo(Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr, const std::string args) { const auto zoneId = Game::zoneManager->GetZone()->GetZoneID(); ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Map: " + (GeneralUtils::to_u16string(zoneId.GetMapID())) + u"\nClone: " + (GeneralUtils::to_u16string(zoneId.GetCloneID())) + u"\nInstance: " + (GeneralUtils::to_u16string(zoneId.GetInstanceID()))); } // Display the server uptime void ServerUptime(Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr, const std::string args) { const auto time = Game::server->GetUptime(); const auto seconds = std::chrono::duration_cast(time).count(); ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Server has been up for " + GeneralUtils::to_u16string(seconds) + u" s"); } //For client side commands void ClientHandled(Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr, const std::string args) {} };