- info
- |
- /info
- |
- Displays server info to the user, including where to find the server's source code.
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- credits
- |
- /credits
- |
- Displays the names of the people behind Darkflame Universe.
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- instanceinfo
- |
- /instanceinfo
- |
- Displays in the chat the current zone, clone, and instance id.
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- gmlevel
- |
- /gmlevel <level>
- |
- Within the authorized range of levels for the current account, changes the character's game master level to the specified value. This is required to use certain commands.
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- testmap
- |
- /testmap <zone> (clone-id)
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- Transfers you to the given zone by id and clone id.
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- ban
- |
- /ban <username>
- |
- Bans a user from the server.
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- gmadditem
- |
- /gmadditem <id> (count)
- |
- Adds the given item to your inventory by id.
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- spawn
- |
- /spawn <id>
- |
- Spawns an object at your location by id.
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- metrics
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- /metrics
- |
- Prints some information about the server's performance.
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